This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Good evening! I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a little roleplay with my orphan child. I came up with a few roleplay idea’s so if they sound interesting enough then please let me know.
Idea 1: The roleplay starts off in a normal orphanage and we can do a normal cute slice of life roleplay with some touch of drama in it to make it more interesting.
Idea 2: zombie apocalypse roleplay. Sort of Lee and a clementine mix. You meet or save her somewhere. Another slice of life with more drama since it’s the apocalypse.
Idea 3: It can be in an old fashion era with a crisis. Like with a war or something like the Great Depression.
Anyways! I hope you are interested in any of the ideas, if you wanna offer me another idea then go for it. Please be expected for cute orphan moments and more drama and a thrilling backstory from my character, I hope your character will have a nice backstory as well~
P.S please write more then 4 sentences when we roleplay. :,3
Idea 1: The roleplay starts off in a normal orphanage and we can do a normal cute slice of life roleplay with some touch of drama in it to make it more interesting.
Idea 2: zombie apocalypse roleplay. Sort of Lee and a clementine mix. You meet or save her somewhere. Another slice of life with more drama since it’s the apocalypse.
Idea 3: It can be in an old fashion era with a crisis. Like with a war or something like the Great Depression.
Anyways! I hope you are interested in any of the ideas, if you wanna offer me another idea then go for it. Please be expected for cute orphan moments and more drama and a thrilling backstory from my character, I hope your character will have a nice backstory as well~
P.S please write more then 4 sentences when we roleplay. :,3
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Some romance is possible, but the overall plot is more important.
I would like to say that Idea 2 fits what I wish to do. If you are interested in doing so I will happily join you in this story. Can't wait to hear from you!
I have her who could work well with 3. She a warrior assassin who saves the child.
I'd love to do #2. Sounds like a couple of my characters could work excellently, especially Crowley. Broken down people in a broken down society. Though, any others of your preference could do nicely as well.
Mirai wrote:
I have her who could work well with 3. She a warrior assassin who saves the child.
Would you like me to make a public roleplay and send you the link? :>
Pen_Tsunami wrote:
Mirai wrote:
I have her who could work well with 3. She a warrior assassin who saves the child.
Would you like me to make a public roleplay and send you the link? :>
I’d like to do a simple idea 1, start simple then a bit more complicated
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