After years of running she stagged across a perimeter line for a camp, she saw a large white house. A tree branch caught her ankle and she went falling down, a blood-stained bandage was bleeding threw the poor makeshift bandage. "Damn hellhound..." She muttered, struggling to her feet she made it a few more feet before she fell again. The monsters went following her for some reason, but that hardly meant she was safe. She heard yelling and tried to get to her feet but her hands slick with her blood didn't have the strength to work. She felt hands grab her as she lost conciseness.
I peered at the confusing character again. I glanced over at 'The Boss' again. "I told you! I can't tell who she is unless she's awake!" I shook my head as if it was obvious. Seriously though. Who would expect me to tell an unconscious being what to do. I muttered incoherent words hoping they would wake up so that I would stop being interrogated. "Ugh" I would be glad to welcome them if only they would wake up for once. They had been asleep for a full 2 days. She seemed interesting enough.
I walk by what appeared to be a forest and hit against an invisible barrier. With a smack, I lose consciousness due to partial lack of food, severe dehydration and feeling absolutely lonely. The last thing I see was some shadowy figures running that way. Hoping that I had arrived where I should be as guided by some mysterious voice in my head I let the darkness take me as I hit the ground with no visible injuries. I groan slightly when I feel a presence near me but barely stayed in the realm of consciousness to know.
((hey guys I will apologize if my replies come slowly but please don't take me out of the loop. I have a different time zone compared to most people here with an Asian time... please bear with me. Thank you ^^))
I heard another slam of a door. I spun around quickly looking for who came in. It was another person who needed medical help. I sighed. I would probably get interrogated about this one too. Wait. Was this one awake? Maybe I could help 'the boss'. It looked exhausted. Unfortunately I was not qualified to help it with medical stuff. Maybe if it was still conscious I could see what was wrong? And I could actually answer the questions I was asked.
I groan ever so slightly and reach out for what appeared to be a jug of water or some form of liquid. Really needed it right now. I try to sit up slowly and dropped my hand as I nearly swept the jug on the side table off of it and to the ground. "Wa... Water" I manage to groan out to the blurry creature sitting nearby
((Chill it's fine!))
Elizabeth woke up in what seemed like a tent? Groaning she propped herself up onto an elbow, and looked around. She was in what reminded her of a World War 2 health care center, with bunks in a neat orderly line until they met a crisp white curtain at the end. She saw another person in a bunk 3 bunks away. Carefully she got to her feet, shaking slightly. Her bracelet refelting light and she sat back down on the bunk, and saw someone walk in.
Elizabeth woke up in what seemed like a tent? Groaning she propped herself up onto an elbow, and looked around. She was in what reminded her of a World War 2 health care center, with bunks in a neat orderly line until they met a crisp white curtain at the end. She saw another person in a bunk 3 bunks away. Carefully she got to her feet, shaking slightly. Her bracelet refelting light and she sat back down on the bunk, and saw someone walk in.
Surprised at both of them awakening at the same time, I quickly go to grab the first one water. I pour some water into a glass that is on the table in the middle of the room and hand it to her. Leaving her to drink it on her own, I rush to the other room. Too bad the boss just left or he would be happy that she has awaken."Helloooo~" I said in what I hoped was a cheerful tone. "How are you? I need to know your name, age and who you are. But first, I will try to help you. Do you need anything? Does anything hurt?" I could probably find out in other ways but I needed to be polite. After all she was new. I tried to listen to the other person on the other side of the curtain. I needed to know if I needed to rush in there too.
Water was all I needed. Downing the entire glass and then shakily walking back to the jug I pour the contents down my throat eagerly. Ah that was so much better. I walk over to where the exit of this tent was and looked around. The place looked interesting enough that was for sure. It seems like I was at a medic tent? How unusual. What was this place?
Hearing sounds from the other side, I politely turned to the first one and held up a finger. "One moment" I said with a cheery grin. I rush over to the other side "Whoa whoa whoa. What do you think you are doing? You need rest! And. um rest! In any case you can't leave until you are examined! Do you need anything? Does anything hurt?" I asked cautiously.
Um ... more water?" Looked at her hopefully sensing a body of water nearby "Can I have... more water?" My voice had a cold tone to it as I spoke and seemed calm even in my rather weakened state "I do not hurt... I need water to heal
I paused. I wasn't sure if that would contaminate the water. "Hmm. One. Moment." I quickly rushed out not wanting to be gone too long and grabbed four jugs on my way. They were very heavy. I ran to the lake and filled them up. I ran back trying not to spill any. I hoped I didn't. I found her where I had left her. "Here!" I said cheerily. "I hope this will work for now. If it doesn't... then I'll go get some more." I didn't want to do anything rash without the say-so. I quickly ran back to the first female and apologized. "Sorry! I'm back now. Does it hurt anywhere?'' I asked politely.
((I might have to go for lunch here pretty quickly.))
((I might have to go for lunch here pretty quickly.))
I gulp down all four jugs of water as the signs of dehydration simply vanished and my skin looked much better. I stretch out and nod happy with the result
She looked at her cup of water but didn't touch it, she watched the child? Run to the lake and return, "Um... Where am I?"
I gasped for breath. "I'm back..." I paused. "You are in camp hal-f blood. Welcome!" I paused regaining my breath once again. "What's your name, age, and just how are you?" I asked repeating protocol for new ones. I was happy someone new was here. It had been a while. I hoped my eyes portrayed kindness.
Camp what?" Walked over curiously and tilted my head to the side
Curiously I turned around a got a good look at her. "Camp Half-Blood." I Happily said. "It's a home to everyone. Do you know your abiltiies?" I paused and considered the water. "Posidein seems like a good starting point. Have you always had an affinity with water?" I walked over to my clip-board and started jotting down notes. "Oh! And what is your name may I ask?"
She looks at them, "No that was just dehydration." She shook her head, "What's your guy names?
Poseidon? Who is that? I am sorry I do not know. All I remember is my name. I am Ensho Uzumaki. You ask too many questions it is annoying." Cold manner and brushed by
(nuu i dun mean to be mean but that is what my character is)
(nuu i dun mean to be mean but that is what my character is)
She looked at them in surprise, "Poseidon is the Greek God of the sea, his Roman form is Neptune. I'm Liz.
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