Matt walked into the cabin a smirk on his face... he finally made it and now he could begin his training “hello anyone here?”
He looked at Ensho, simply not following her, before agreeing with Janus. "Unless you want to run off, I'd advise putting you in a secluded room to ensure your not up to anything... unruly," he said, reaching out for her
((umm dude she is gone already??))
There are things that are far more important than that" Stared at them "Demigods these days are so impatient and are unwilling to listen" Frowned slightly and stared at Clyde. Water swirled around the three of us as we arrive at Clyde's cabin "As I said... something is happening and I need you to listen. There are innocent kids out there who could be in danger. Unlike some of the experienced campers... most here are abandoned kids and need someone to look up to or even, in this case, save them" Growled slightly
"So are you willing to listen to what I have to say? I have already said please" Stared at them and waited
"So are you willing to listen to what I have to say? I have already said please" Stared at them and waited
Janus was already suspicious as it from Ensho for not only obstructing his work but also letting the Fugitive and adolescent but he got this far from doing nothing. So he followed Ensho and hear her case. And if he doesn't like it... There will be hell to pay once he goes after them.
Well at least one of you is willing to listen I see" Looked at Janus and then waited on Clyde tapping my foot lightly "Look I will let it be known that I do not trust easily. I would try to solve this on my own but with innocent lives at risk, it is not something I am willing to do. I do not know if I can trust you yet what with you trying to toss out kids who have no home... BUT I am willing to put that aside till we settle this problem. How about you suck it up and try to do the same hm? Demigods"
He wouldn't leave until this lady chose to either leave or be temporarily put inside of an isolated room
((um can you please catch on? We are right now inside Clyde's office. Its me, Clyde and Janus... please stay with the RP line otherwise it will get confusing))
I look at the two "Well? What do you say? I really don't have ..." Groaned slightly and lifted my left arm rolling up the sleeve on it as a seal in black ink was starting to slowly turn purple "We don't have time... can you agree or not? I will even leave this stupid place if I have to after saving the kids here from..." The mark interrupted again showing the number three on it
Started to look panicked and looked out of the cabin seeing some children rushing past. I look at the two counsellors "Look someone poisoned the waters of the Camp Lake. It is affecting the campers who swam in it, stayed near it or drank it. Water can evaporate into the camp and it has started to spread. Thalia's tree that holds the barrier is coming down slowly and I don't have time to play games with two stubborn demigod jerks."
Snarled as my voice increased in anger and I start glowing a bit golden. The number on my arm turned to 8 as I rush out. "Chess, people trus... where is she?" Looked around angrily and sees no one there as I run to the lake. The waters were now a light purple and it looked bad. 4 kids struggled out of the water with some others pulling them out. "Where are healers when you need em"
I look at the two "Well? What do you say? I really don't have ..." Groaned slightly and lifted my left arm rolling up the sleeve on it as a seal in black ink was starting to slowly turn purple "We don't have time... can you agree or not? I will even leave this stupid place if I have to after saving the kids here from..." The mark interrupted again showing the number three on it
Started to look panicked and looked out of the cabin seeing some children rushing past. I look at the two counsellors "Look someone poisoned the waters of the Camp Lake. It is affecting the campers who swam in it, stayed near it or drank it. Water can evaporate into the camp and it has started to spread. Thalia's tree that holds the barrier is coming down slowly and I don't have time to play games with two stubborn demigod jerks."
Snarled as my voice increased in anger and I start glowing a bit golden. The number on my arm turned to 8 as I rush out. "Chess, people trus... where is she?" Looked around angrily and sees no one there as I run to the lake. The waters were now a light purple and it looked bad. 4 kids struggled out of the water with some others pulling them out. "Where are healers when you need em"
((alrighty guys here we go. The plot thickens. Lets see what we end up with eh? Come on then let's get creative))
((I'm back)) She was walking into the stable when she felt a commotion in the lake. She hopped upon one of the pegasuses and rode over to the lake, Careful My lord. Dark magic is at work here...
LIZA!" Called over from where I was running. "I need you to do me a big favour" My tone was serious yet keeping its calm so I can explain it to Liza better
Elizabeth Daffron wrote:
((I'm back)) She was walking into the stable when she felt a commotion in the lake. She hopped upon one of the pegasuses and rode over to the lake, Careful My lord. Dark magic is at work here...
He sighed. Last time he checked, no one was allowed in the lake without permission, and as far as he could tell, nobody gave them permission. He cracked his knuckles as made his way to the lake to evacuate everyone
"What's going on?" Her pegasus was pawing the ground.
Someone is trying to commit a mass poisoning. I need you to head to Thalia's tree. She is suffering. Use your control of water and pull the poison from the tree. If you are not strong enough to manage the full tree I want you to isolate it in one spot. But I know you are strong and can do it. Burn it with some Hell Fire (as in hade's flame?) if you can harness a fire form. It will probably drain you but we cannot let the barrier go down" Putting my trust in Liz I start running again to the lake teleporting there in a splash of water.
Good, it seems that Clyde had followed me. "Can you get everyone away from here? My control over water can stop this." I nod and hope that this works "Tamaki... I could use some help right now please"
Good, it seems that Clyde had followed me. "Can you get everyone away from here? My control over water can stop this." I nod and hope that this works "Tamaki... I could use some help right now please"
Tamaki's ears perk up, putting his Kiseru away as he moves with immense speed, rushing to the loacation of ensho as he soon stood next to her "you called" he says as his nine tails and ears were exposed for once
We have a problem" Explained it to him and started performing some stretches. I watch Clyde from the side of my eye hoping he would start evacuating the kids soon. The poisoned ones were already showing rapid effects with purple patches. "I can't find some people. I hope Shadow can protect our new friends while you and I take care of this" Nodded to Tamaki and explained my plan to him hoping there was something we can come up with
Flint went to the lake and he took one knew to get a better view and have a better understanding of the poison and how it worked and who might have done it.
She nodded, "On it." She rode up to the tree and dismounted. Placing her hand on the tree she started removing the poison burning it as it left the tree. The poison was taking longer than she hoped and some over it got into her system, "Bloody Great" After awhile the poison was out of the tree, unfortunately, most of it went into her instead. Her eyesight became fuzzy at the edges as she sat down next to the barrier. "Hurry up Ensho" she muttered.
"are you sure Ensho, is that really the plan cause if I do that........The surrounding area will be engulfed as well" he says as despite being engulfed everything will be purified
He watched them, walking off. They seemed to have it under control
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