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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Camp Half-Blood

Clyde Loewner (played by MangoNekros)

Cyde would tilt his head back in boredom, waiting for something to happen
"Let me Taste your is a more old fashion form of transformation, using the blood as a base to maintain a humanoid form"
Chess (played by RedPandaF0x)

I felt my jaw drop. "My blood? I don't have any like-scabs or-wounds."
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

Are you saying im not good enough to be a merman?" Amused manner and poked Damien in the side laughing softly
"Just a small drop, can't you prick a finger or something"

(I have to leave for about an hour, can you please wait up for me to get back and all)
"Ensho, I love you more than I do myself, but you have the grace of a brick," Damien says bluntly before tracing his hand down her cheek gently. He tjen leans up and gives her a kiss.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

Pouted and stared at Damien with a fake hurt look "Are you saying sharks are NOT graceful?! How rude!" Pouted again "Fine I will be a sea dragon"
"Even better," Damien says getring down to his feet, and warping his height to stand eye level with her. "How are you feeling?" he asks her softly l, running a hand through herbhair gently.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

im fine"nodded "all things considered" Smiled a bit sadly and held Damien
Damien grows a little taller and pulls her closer to him. Resting his head protectively upon hers. "I will stand by your side, no matter what, Okay?" he whispers to her before kissing her head.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

You do realize I can shift forms too right?" Amused manner and still picked him up bridal style and carried Damien to Susano'o's house
"I was trying to be romantic," Damien says as he wraps hos arns around her neck and snuggles in her arms, turning himself smaller.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

Your romantic moments always include showing off Apollo's smile ... I mean I know I have the same Ability from my mother... but ... I really don't blind people with it... might be because she is of the rising sun" Laughed softly and kissed Damien's forehead
"Its not Apollo's smile anymore, it's mine," Damien points out before kissing under her chin. He then shrugs, "It's because you're more useful than the sun is, my world revolves around you"
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

"Technically a world does revolve around a Sun... we are both suns" Amused manner at your attempt at being sweet and carried you into the cabin/house
Damien mumbles something about ruining his fun, before sighing abd relaxing in her arms. He smiles as he looks around the house.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

Well ... Mother (Saru) said something about A Camp Half-Blood in Greece... I have a feeling we will stop by"
Damien licks his lips and nods at her. "That sounds like a good idea," he says before humming.
Ensho Uzumaki (played by Aaricia)

We can leave in the morning." Smiled a bit and petted Damien's hair as we rest
Elizabeth Daffron (played by ShadowFlame2022) Topic Starter

Liz felt something brush by her foot and looked down to see a letter in a bottle, she grabbed it and opened the letter. After she read it she sighed, "Really dad?" She walked back up to the camp and went over to the counselor's room, "Mr. Whistler? May we talk?"

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