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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for long term partners (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello there!!!

I made this account to find some partners with who I could play certain type of roleplays, the ones who would like a multicharacter story with weird and normal elements mixed with psychological problems, extraordinary creatures or somekind of spaguetti story with a lot of things happening at the same time.. Not looking for sex or a heavy romance, mostly looking to experiment with unusual ideas in order to get the story.
I am mostly looking for female characters (of course since I think would be the most obvious) for this type of episodic roleplay and if you have Discord well it would be easier for me to roleplay there.

I have a big preference for human characters

I can smell your brain.
Imagine ... all those thoughts in your head that have a way to come to light that perhaps the character you want the most. You haven't wanted to talk to that character? Well ... now you can! Suddenly you see him walking down the street maybe scared, maybe confused. What happened?

Due to a strange anomaly people from popular shows now share in a certain way the same world but only some ... Why? Data about this have been said on television to the point that an organization to investigate these anomalies was created and some detectives investigate these forms.

WELCOME TO THE NEW FUTURE !!! It was after 2D, after video games, after VR. E New universe.

Looking for roleplayers who want to explore adventures or concepts in a mix between real characters like you or me and fictional characters (It is not necessary that they are Canon characters, OC's are good too.) HOWEVER without leaving aside the consequences and gray area that comes with this .... people who love fictional characters more than their own family and friends, the entertainment industry being affected and trying to change their way of working, discover how this type of anomaly occurred. (I have a theory but I'm not sure if it will be a big spoiler so ask me if you want or can we create one.)

How life will be affected, how the fictional characters will act when they know that their show was fake and who knows ... . Perhaps how they will act when they meet their creator.

It's confidential
A visit to a picnic is for cowards and ordinary people! REAL PERSONS go and have a picnic in the middle of a dangerous forest, with these words in mind we are going to find a new place for a picnic and we found one nevertheless close to a Bunker of WW2. Not just any bunker but one that had been abandoned with crucial and secret information.

Certain type of information that will leave certain types of persons uncomfortable, people who preferably do not want any of this to be known. With such an awkward feeling perhaps for ideals of wanting the truth to be known we did not send it to the police and an awkward journey begins where the FBI, the Russian Communists who had been hiding all this time under the yes of society and the Jewish companies who constitute 95% of the whole world are against you, only God knows how to get out of this maybe is better to decline and let this information be erased for or you would let the info be heard knowing how the FBI and The Jewish society can work and use the psychological risks against you.


Romantic story about a character A meeting a girl who hangs up with him because she loves him for real, a girl who loves all who he is specially his skin and body parts, such young body parts could be wanted and payed by a lot of old persons, everything can be bought after all, specially in a world where plastic surgery is so common there is a dark side where some type of persons remove body parts or skin from young persons to sell it to old and ugly persons who have enough to buy anyskin. Or well...not even human skins! Since some furries exist they can pay any skin and this boy of such a soft and cute skin has been spotted.

Mushroom Business
A situation is that we find an old place to use as an hideout! Why? Mostly students like us should not be learning advanced magic but we think we can learn for ourselves so nothing bad will happen of course hiding somekind of hideout, however this place was taken day we find strange plants or chemicals at the same time that some old ugly dudes appear...they are drugdealers and they planned to kill us but we surrender and now we must do their job all while they have their guns pointing at our heads...But the revenge will come soon...we do mess up with the ingredients to make a big mushroom appear and kill all the drugdealers but then it gets out of our control. With his way out the different chemicals around mix making a dust appear around. Apparently at last and by accident we made magic for real! Somekind of hallucinations thanks to the drugs who thanks to the chemicals made this hallucinations visible to anyone and not only that. They can interact with our world aswell.

Collapse of the Familiar Core
A story where our characters will represent a familiar maybe a dad and a daughter, a mom and a son or a mom and a daughter without really care about the age. The thing is that there are not familiar connections involved, we really treat each other likewise because we are trying to fill something maybe your family died or maybe you don't desire them. However...then your family finds out or well if your family is dead then the family of your partner finds out. What would you do now?

The Blood through my art
I have been interested in something inspired by the "Apocalypse Now" documentary. Our characters will be in a movie from a very very specific type of director, the type of hipster who hates the Hollywood movies and CGI so desires to make it as he wishes going really as far as putting us in situations where our life literally will be in danger just for the sake of doing "The most realistic movie in all history." without really use CGI even if it shouldn't be real....

Curiosity kills the child
Occultism with everything who has to do with it~ Someway we entered to this topic, pentagrams, blood, an edgy teenager type and visions about the next coming of the end of the world with the antichrist although we might be able to avoid it.

There's always time for more
Might be my softest idea but I am very interested about a Snobbish character learning that an useless character can also be nice. I don't mind which of both to choose since I have for both sides. My interest is for a reason who we can both specify this two type of characters end up lost in a forest with the Snobbish one hurting their legs and making it impossible to walk so still can do things but not as much as the Useless character who needs to depend on to get out of the forest while they get to know each other and feeling lonely for a lot of days....maybe create something together...something who might get lost once they return to the real world. Ouch...

(Working on more ideas.)

-I am not a native English speaker so I apologize if I commit some mistakes but yes...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I don't want to hear you crying after I am making this clear.
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 30%
Some romance is possible, but the overall plot is more important.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I might be intersed , to be honest I do have like only four OC that have powers and all of my OCs are mostly for different fandoms .
I would definitely be interested in pursuing this storyline
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

Breadroll wrote:
I would definitely be interested in pursuing this storyline

There's very little info about your chars, so....if you finish them, or you can tell me more about them in PM?
Hello, if you are still looking for a partner, I'm more than interested. What you wrote out feels similar to the kind of story that I've been looking for. My page has my character details, but being that they're a little bit confusing because it combines the two different versions I play them as, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

I'm very interested in this plot idea, but I'm not sure if anyone of my characters would work. I can always alter them for this roleplay!
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

IcedKoi wrote:
I'm very interested in this plot idea, but I'm not sure if anyone of my characters would work. I can always alter them for this roleplay!

I am not sure how you mean alter them . I guess alter them for the drug-addicts scene since everyone is a male who is attached to a crime.

Across everything wrote:
IcedKoi wrote:
I'm very interested in this plot idea, but I'm not sure if anyone of my characters would work. I can always alter them for this roleplay!

I am not sure how you mean alter them . I guess alter them for the drug-addicts scene since everyone is a male who is attached to a crime.

No, like I can change The Breather to make him not be a murderer.
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

IcedKoi wrote:
Across everything wrote:
IcedKoi wrote:
I'm very interested in this plot idea, but I'm not sure if anyone of my characters would work. I can always alter them for this roleplay!

I am not sure how you mean alter them . I guess alter them for the drug-addicts scene since everyone is a male who is attached to a crime.

No, like I can change The Breather to make him not be a murderer.

Well I am curious to see him so why not?


i dont think i fit in here soooo imma just go sksksksk
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

Still looking.
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

and bumping this again
I'm intrested

Purple banana fish milk makes rainbows disappear ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ sounds fun ^~^
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

Littlebear wrote:
Purple banana fish milk makes rainbows disappear ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Greetings, this certainly has my curiosity piqued. Though forgive me that I am new and currently have only two of my characters put up. However I am one who loves a good challenge and have a multitude of characters at my disposal.

So if anything of mine interests you, feel free to pm me.
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

Still looking for creative persons. I have a lot of other ideas who I make sure to be creative too
Across everything (played by NeonBragley) Topic Starter

And bump

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