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Forums » RP Discussion » Character design, please help?

The Hanged Man (played by Muttster)

Hello! I'm currently redesigning this character for play on Furcadia (specifically in the dream The Golden Tether) - but I just want to make it clear that all comments are welcome, even if you don't RP there!

I've spent the last week or so stressing over The Hanged Man's design - fully human, fully anthro, something between? If anthro, what species? Etc, etc. It's really been doing my head in. :(

Right now, I'm leaning toward a 'best of both worlds' option: either keep him roughly humanoid, but with a certain degree of animal features, or go with an anthro, with a slightly humanlike face.
(Example: ears, tail, and digitigrade feet, possibly also a hybrid "beastman" face - not a full muzzle, but not fully human either.)
But honestly, open to all ideas.

So, the tldr of this would be: If you have the time, could you please give a quick look at Callum/The Hanged Man's profile, and then post here with any thoughts you have about his design? Species suggestions, specific features, anything that you think fits the character. It would be a huge help to me!

Many many thanks in advance! :)
Interesting sounding character. I'll brain storm some ideas As I gain some free time and toss em your way. In the mean time you can look at what's completed of my characters to see if they give you any ideas if you want.
So, are you wanting to go a human x anthro hybrid? Or neko..? Err, neko?
Why not go all the way with anthro? It also must be difficult roleplaying the character without their species decided upon.

I'd suggest going straight anthro, or straight human, or a cross between breeds of the same species... like a collie/german shepherd, sort of thing. That's my preference, I just think the human with animal ears/tail is a little overdone.

What sort of character is he? Sly? Could play a fox. I know that's a sort of stereotypical sort of suggestion.. but you could always pair up his skill set with a species. Fighter? Could be a large, strong bull, or a swift rabbit.. something like that. :P

A sly character could work as a Coyote too~ I don't see too many Coyotes.
The Hanged Man (played by Muttster) Topic Starter

Haha, well I'm definitely not interested in playing a neko, or anything else anime-inspired.. No offense to those who enjoy them, but imho, slapping ears on an otherwise normal person does not a 'furre' make. :s

TBH, I am unsure about full humans, too (I have very little experience RPing them, aside playing one full-time IRL :P)
Just thought a slightly human-ish species (maybe something without much of a muzzle, for example) would fit the character name/concept.
Not married to that, though! Full anthro is where I'm most comfortable. Even if I did do some kind of hybrid, it would not be the aforementioned neko type -- I'd prefer a proper anthro with slight human features (if any), rather than the other way around, you know?

As far as "sly = fox/coyote" stuff goes, hmm.. I love canines, but I play too many of them. Snake elements would be fantastic for symbolism, but not sure how to incorporate that without making a Naga. I'd prefer legs.

I dunno. *sigh* Thank you for the help thus far. I just wish there was an obvious 'stereotype' to use, but as you can see from this character's page, he's definitely no fighter, or anything special like that. The only thing that partially sums him up is that Tarot card (for healing, personality, etc.) but aside that, he's honestly pretty normal.
Ilmarinen Moderator

A sly character could work as a Coyote too~ I don't see too many Coyotes.

Or a crow! :)

If you want elements of both animal and human without going the anthro route, you could always make him a mythological creature like a satyr.

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