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Forums » Looking for RP » Vessel of Void (Dark Fantasy or Hollow K (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Glaivesinger (played by Riik)

When higher beings collide with their selfish desires, the people of their kingdoms suffer. When god usurps nature, nature is prone to fighting back - in drastic and alarming ways. Discarded weapons of gods come in all shapes and sizes, but one being born of god and Void refuses to stay locked up, waiting to perish.

This character is a Hollow Knight OC. The majority of the scenarios listed below are Hollow Knight related. HOWEVER - non-Hollow Knight scenarios are also included for those interested in the character but not the franchise they are based on.


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me throughout. I will be using text straight from the campaign book with my own additional descriptions, scenarios, activity and story.

-- The following scenarios are available as RP options: --

Adventures in Hallownest

(A selection of Scenarios based in Hallownest beyond the plot of Hollow Knight itself - listed chronologically in their place in the timeline)

The First Outbreak
A strange infection is spreading, turning infected bugs hostile against those uninfected. The Pale King is working on a new project to halt it. And something has escaped from the Abyss...

With the candidate for Hollow Knight having been chosen and currently placed under tutorship by the King, the door to the Abyss has been locked to keep the failed Vessels within from getting out. But under desperate measures, it is not uncommon for beings to find a way to leave their prison. The first of the lucky few Vessels to find that fate have already started tricking out. Amongst them, a glaive-wielding individual responsible for producing eerie song in the more remote reaches of the Greenpath.

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

Escape from the Abyss
Born of Void and god - but rejected for their failure. Such is the fate of a Vessel. Here in the depths of the Abyss, the door is shut for the rejected candidates to await their demise. But a chance to escape arises. Has your character developed the will to seize this opportunity? Or are they hanging off the coat tails of the Glaivesinger's strong independent mind? Regardless, the opportunity has come - to leave this place behind and explore the world beyond.

(Requirements: Vessel character, OCs or the Knight only)

Amongst the Ruins
Hallownest has fallen. The Infection runs rampant. And explorers from the outside come into Hallownest seeking glory and riches. What they do not expect to find is a companion in these now long-spoilt lands. Rumours from past explorers tell of a small being wielding a glaive-like nail, singing a wordless and haunting tune. Your character happens to come across them...

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

New Hallownest
Resettlement of Hallownest has begun. A large group of colonists has arrived from a neighbouring civilisation to repopulate this now Infection-free land filled with riches and abandoned infrastructure. But even with the Infection gone, the wilderness that has encroached upon the land remains strong. And many of those already living amongst these ruins refuse to bow to a new administration. Is your character a colonist? An existing resident of Hallownest? Perhaps even a citizen of the re-expanding Dirtmouth? Regardless, their will is better served with the companionship of an able warrior. What better choice than one with the power of both the Void and Hallownest's former god inside them?

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

Unrest in the Depths
New Hallownest is thriving. But the independent people of the deeper reaches stand steadfast. They remember life adjacent to the old Hallownest almost as well as they remember the independence that followed its fall. They will not make the same mistake twice. Deepnest still remains scarred by the abandoned tramway that sparked conflict. And the Mantis Tribe recalls the uneasy truce of the past. Now these two forces form a new truce, putting aside their differences to co-ordinate retaliations to the attempts to reclaim the lands bordering their territories. A war is coming. What side will your character find themselves on? or will they attempt to stop the war from reaching its height?

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

The Pale King's Return
Death of the body is not the end for a being of higher existence. It is inevitable that when such a being lays claim to a land and its people as their worshippers, they will one day return to reclaim it. But the King's subjects - the uplifted bugs of Hallownest - are all but destroyed thanks to the Infection. A new kingdom of outsiders stands in their place. Outsiders who do not depend on the Pale King for their sapience. The usurper has been usurped. And like the Radiance before him, he too brings vengeance. Strange beings are rising up from the depths of Hallownest. And a new cult has surfaced within the new civilisation that exists in the old kingdom's place. And amongst it all, a potential key to turning the tide of events lies dormant. The Glaivesinger awakens. Will your character lead them back to the embrace of their father, or turn them against the light that sought to manipulate the Void?

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

Hollow Knight

(A selection of Scenarios based on Hollow Knight that run alongside or replace the plot of the game - listed alphabetically)

An Alternative Hero
Many universes, many possibilities. In this one, the Glaivesinger takes the place of the Knight in the eventual quest to defeat the Hollow Knight. But they do not do so alone. An ally awaits them in their quest.

(Requirements: Bug or Vessel character, OCs only)

In the Knight's Wake
The Knight's quest has succeeded. The Infection has been defeated. And the dead lay to rest. It is under these conditions that your character meets the Glaivesinger. Hallownest is still not without its dangers. Even uninfected, the wild beasts protect their territories. Does your character set about making a home here? Or is exploration their goal? A little extra muscle can go a long way in such hostile lands...

(Requirements: Bug character, OCs only)

Into the Game
Video games. Fiction at your fingertips, that you manipulate from the outside - or so you thought. A storm strikes your character's home, and when they wake up, they are inside the game they had just been playing - Hollow Knight. How will they react to their surroundings?

(Requirements: Originally-human character, can have become bug, Vessel or the Knight themselves, or can have remained human, OCs only)

Many universes, many possibilities. In this one, the Knight is not alone. Upon receiving the instinctual call to return to Hallownest, they encounter one of their brethren. Alongside the Glaivesinger, they set out on their quest.

(Requirements: The Knight only)

Beyond Hallownest

(Adventures taking place beyond the borders of Hallownest, in other bug-inhabited civilisations - listed alphabetically)

A Joint Venture
It takes more than one to weave a world. Now upon leaving Hallownest, the Glaivesinger comes across a land conceived of more than a single mind. Just what will they find in this new place? ((Set in a place where world-building comes from both players.))

(Requirements: Bug, Vessel, Mollusc or similar species of character, OCs only)

In Another Place
There is a big world out there beyond Hallownest. With plenty within it to explore. Whilst the Glaivesinger is a new arrival to such a place, they only serve as ally to the subject of this story. There is another to take leading role in this tale. ((Set in a place where world-building is primarily done by me.))

(Requirements: Bug, Vessel, Mollusc or similar species of character, OCs only)

Secrets of the Void
There are many unique aspects to Hallownest. But it turns out the Void permeates far beyond its borders. There is more to this power than what lies within the Abyss. The Glaivesinger arrives in a land where the Void holds a strong position. Will they embrace the Void? or be forced to fight against the very substance that fills their shell?

(Requirements: Bug, Vessel, Voidkin, Mollusc or similar species of character, OCs only)

Through Another's Gates
The Glaivesinger arrives in another land, preparing to start a new adventure. Whatever awaits them in such a place, it is beyond their expectations. ((Set in a place where you will do the world building.))

(Requirements: Bug, Vessel, Mollusc or similar species of character, OCs only)

Wastes Between Lands
The wasteland that surrounds Hallownest is a desolate place. But it is not one without adventures. On these sands, there is still plenty for bugs to call their home. The Glaivesinger has left their old home, memories fading as is wont to happen to those of the Pale King's creation. Just who will they meet out in this wilds?

(Requirements: Bug, Vessel, Mollusc or similar species of character, OCs only)

Worlds within Worlds

(Scenarios within which the world Hallownest exists in is itself a smaller world within a larger universe - listed alphabetically)

First of Their Kind
Within a land of multiple sapient beings, a new species may be interesting and fascinating, but it is neither of shock nor of uniqueness. Somewhere where these beings do not tread, however, lies an entire cluster of civilisations of species they have yet to encounter. And for the first time, something has emerged from those remote parts. A small being of Void within shell, the Glaivesinger is as perplexing as they are diminutive in stature. But even here, where the stakes are different, they are a formidable warrior. Who will guide them on a new path in these lands? And to what ends?

(Requirements: OCs only)

Interconnected Dreams
The Universe is a series of worlds interconnected via a Dreamscape. Few can travel this space. But there are many who skirt its edge. Where sleep is dipping one's toe in the waters, Hallownest is no stranger to wading. It is through dreams that the Infection took hold. And through dreams in which the Dream Nail harvests the essence of the dead and invades the minds of others. But there is more that can be done with this power that even the ancient moths have never forseen. The Dream Nail can unlock the space between worlds. This is where the Glaivesinger's journey takes them next. And not just one world awaits them, but many. Infinite possibilities amongst the Scape. It is through this exploration that an evil is found - one that will not settle for power regarding but a single puny world...

(Requirements: None)

Pocket-Sized Pal
A hidden world of insects, right under your character's house. It isn't until one crawls out that such a thing could be considered possible. Barely taller than five inches, the tiny creature is not exactly your average bug. But they're definitely sapient and eager to learn about your character's home...

(Requirements: Non-Bug character, OCs only)

The Last Survivor
The world of bugs is crumbling. Only the Glaivesinger has escaped. Luckily, your character is on hand to watch over this lone being. Now, the Glaivesinger leaves their broken world behind.

(Requirements: Non-Bug character, OCs only)

The World Beyond
Beyond the land inhabited by bugs, many species intermingle. And the Glaivesinger is not the first from the bug lands to call this place home. Out here, away from the darkness and the dingy caverns, where ways are vastly different to the somewhat disturbing nature of bugs, the Glaivesinger must adapt to survive. Thankfully, they have help...

(Requirements: OCs only)

We Are Not Alone
Your character's species has always thought themselves alone in the world when it comes to sapient intelligence. Even in the unlikely situation of an alien arrival, such a thing is vastly more probable than creatures spilling out from underground. And yet... against all the odds... one being rises from the lands below. A strange being perhaps more alien than many of the considered natures of actual aliens. Will your character harbour this being? Keep them a secret? Or explore the lands from whence they came?

(Requirements: Non-Bug character, OCs only)


(Adventures occuring in other worlds, either with the Glaivesinger being transported there or being from another world themselves and only resembling Vessels by coincidence - listed alphabetically)

Fiction Made Real
Hollow Knight. A fictional tale of bugs and greedy gods. Or so was thought. And perhaps even, so things were. The last thing your character expected was a story coming to life. Or at least... one aspect of it. And not one from the story's actual narrative, though certainly from the same world. After some sort of unnatural incident, the Glaivesinger turns up at your character's location. Will they be help, hindrance, or just company?

(Requirements: Non-Bug character, OCs only)

Life Formed from Shadow
Your character is a magic user, and they need a familiar, servant or bodyguard to do their bidding. Thankfully, they have become aware of a particular spell designed to summon forth a being of shadow. Whether expected or not, the being that comes forth is somewhat small and not very talkative. But they have their uses. And your character intends to harness them.

(Requirements: OCs only)

Through the Gateway
A gateway from another world has opened up. And the Glavesinger has stepped through it. What world awaits them? Your character is there to greet them. Did both get pulled from their respective realms, or is this your character's home plane? Regardless, adventure and discovery awaits for at least one of the pair.

(Requirements: None)

Wish Granted
Your character is lonely. They're also a fan of Hollow Knight. A moment of satisfaction comes across them as they place their drawing utensil down on the desk and look upon their work. Their very own Hollow Knight Vessel OC. Satisfied, they notice it's late. They head to bed, but cannot sleep right away. Their mind is filled with wishes that their creation was real. That the Glaivesinger would somehow come to life and be their friend. As they drift from consciousness, a strange lightning strikes their house. They wake up the next day to find a short white-skulled being overlooking them. It's the Glaivesinger - they've come to life!

(Requirements: Human character, OCs only)

Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 10%
Romantic themes are possible, but won't pan out. For example: unrequited love.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Vessel of Void (Dark Fantasy or Hollow K (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus