What's good, ya'll? Kenzo here 
I just discovered this site today by (a very happy) accident, and I'm looking forward to future adventures together!
I have been RPing in some format off and on since high school. I greatly enjoy RPs in alternate fantasy/cyber fantasy settings the most, though I have dabbled here and there in other genres. Sci fi/futuristic is probably my next favorite. In general, I am open to many things that don't involve horror, zombies, or extreme levels of gore.
I hope to find some long term RP partners on this site. It would be great if I could find a small group to go on adventures with, though I am equally fond of one-on-one collaborations as well.
My preferred RP platform is Second Life (SL). It provides an added visual element that really allows me to feel deeply immersed in the RP experience because I can change up the look of my character as well as my surroundings to fit any given story/scene, and I can visually see/interact with other players. I am open to other platforms, but my absolute dream would be to find someone equally interested in RPing in SL.
Anyway, I hope to be writing with some of you soon!

I just discovered this site today by (a very happy) accident, and I'm looking forward to future adventures together!
I have been RPing in some format off and on since high school. I greatly enjoy RPs in alternate fantasy/cyber fantasy settings the most, though I have dabbled here and there in other genres. Sci fi/futuristic is probably my next favorite. In general, I am open to many things that don't involve horror, zombies, or extreme levels of gore.
I hope to find some long term RP partners on this site. It would be great if I could find a small group to go on adventures with, though I am equally fond of one-on-one collaborations as well.
My preferred RP platform is Second Life (SL). It provides an added visual element that really allows me to feel deeply immersed in the RP experience because I can change up the look of my character as well as my surroundings to fit any given story/scene, and I can visually see/interact with other players. I am open to other platforms, but my absolute dream would be to find someone equally interested in RPing in SL.
Anyway, I hope to be writing with some of you soon!
Hey Kenzo! Welcome to the site and thanks so much for telling us about yourself and your RP likes!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There are SO MANY friendly people around willing to help out.
Cheers to making a ton of friends and having lots of fun writing!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There are SO MANY friendly people around willing to help out.
Cheers to making a ton of friends and having lots of fun writing!

Greetings back. Welcome to the new updated 2.0 RPRepository created by Kim. You'll make plenty of friends on here in no time.
Welcome kenzobenzo!
You will enjoy this place as most everyone is quite friendly!
I'll have to check out Second Life. Haven't heard of that one til now. I'm a curious sort...
You will enjoy this place as most everyone is quite friendly!
I'll have to check out Second Life. Haven't heard of that one til now. I'm a curious sort...
SL is a complicated one for RP, but a lot of people do it. I hope you enjoy your time here though!
SL is a complicated one for RP, but a lot of people do it. I hope you enjoy your time here though!
Ramika wrote:
SL is a complicated one for RP, but a lot of people do it. I hope you enjoy your time here though!
SL is a complicated one for RP, but a lot of people do it. I hope you enjoy your time here though!
It's definitely different and not for everyone! My request for it is more of a hopeful shot in the dark. I imagine most of my RP will take place over forum or a messenger of some sort.
Thanks for the welcome!
Shadow-Ranger wrote:
Welcome kenzobenzo!
You will enjoy this place as most everyone is quite friendly!
I'll have to check out Second Life. Haven't heard of that one til now. I'm a curious sort...
You will enjoy this place as most everyone is quite friendly!
I'll have to check out Second Life. Haven't heard of that one til now. I'm a curious sort...
Thank you for the welcome! Happy to answer any questions you have about SL. Feel free to PM me directly.
Hi Kenzo! Welcome to RPR. I hope you meet plenty of RP pals here x
Hi! I'm looking for someone to RP with due to me being bored as Heck. If you want to RP with me please let me know the topic, and I'll try to fit the plot for the both of us, Thanks!
hello and WELCOME TO RPR!!!!

Welcome to RPR! Glad you stumbled across it, as I have been very pleased with all the rp I have found since stumbling across the site myself. Good luck, and have fun!
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family!

Hi!! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!! I'm glad you've found the site!
I totally double posted... but welcome all the same.
Welcome, kenzobenzo! Hope you'll like RPR. I think you will.
We have lots and lots and lots of groups here, as well as casual and intense forums of the role-play and non-role-play sort.
Your cup of tea is probably around here somewhere. Roleplaywise. I mean, I don't know if you've left any tea around. Guys? Have you seen the new gal's tea???
Heeheehee. Anyway. I think you'll probably make some cool acquaintances here, and maybe find the RP you're looking for- even right around the corner! Who knows, it's a big place.
So, welcome, we are super glad to have you here, and if you need any help or just wanna chat or anything like that, don't hesitate to message someone if you wanna!
That includes me, of course. I'm basically always down to chat. B)
So, just follow the rules, be yourself (or go anonymously leaping around as your character, whichever), and have fun, and you'll totally have a good time!
Byebyee! ❤🌻

Heeheehee. Anyway. I think you'll probably make some cool acquaintances here, and maybe find the RP you're looking for- even right around the corner! Who knows, it's a big place.

So, welcome, we are super glad to have you here, and if you need any help or just wanna chat or anything like that, don't hesitate to message someone if you wanna!

So, just follow the rules, be yourself (or go anonymously leaping around as your character, whichever), and have fun, and you'll totally have a good time!
Byebyee! ❤🌻

Welcome to RP Repository! I may be a newbie, but I'm more than happy to help you out! My friends showed me how to use this site!
Welcome Kenzo! I used to SL. But I quit for a time. When I was last there, roleplaying seemed to have faded away. Now I can't get in because the Linden's locked my account and claim I own them thousands of dollars. Not sure how that's possible in a platform that's pay as you go.
Anyway, welcome to RPR! The folks here are lovely and you just might find some SL buddies!
Anyway, welcome to RPR! The folks here are lovely and you just might find some SL buddies!
kenzobenzo wrote:
What's good, ya'll? Kenzo here 
I just discovered this site today by (a very happy) accident, and I'm looking forward to future adventures together!
I have been RPing in some format off and on since high school. I greatly enjoy RPs in alternate fantasy/cyber fantasy settings the most, though I have dabbled here and there in other genres. Sci fi/futuristic is probably my next favorite. In general, I am open to many things that don't involve horror, zombies, or extreme levels of gore.
I hope to find some long term RP partners on this site. It would be great if I could find a small group to go on adventures with, though I am equally fond of one-on-one collaborations as well.
My preferred RP platform is Second Life (SL). It provides an added visual element that really allows me to feel deeply immersed in the RP experience because I can change up the look of my character as well as my surroundings to fit any given story/scene, and I can visually see/interact with other players. I am open to other platforms, but my absolute dream would be to find someone equally interested in RPing in SL.
Anyway, I hope to be writing with some of you soon!

I just discovered this site today by (a very happy) accident, and I'm looking forward to future adventures together!
I have been RPing in some format off and on since high school. I greatly enjoy RPs in alternate fantasy/cyber fantasy settings the most, though I have dabbled here and there in other genres. Sci fi/futuristic is probably my next favorite. In general, I am open to many things that don't involve horror, zombies, or extreme levels of gore.
I hope to find some long term RP partners on this site. It would be great if I could find a small group to go on adventures with, though I am equally fond of one-on-one collaborations as well.
My preferred RP platform is Second Life (SL). It provides an added visual element that really allows me to feel deeply immersed in the RP experience because I can change up the look of my character as well as my surroundings to fit any given story/scene, and I can visually see/interact with other players. I am open to other platforms, but my absolute dream would be to find someone equally interested in RPing in SL.
Anyway, I hope to be writing with some of you soon!
InkWren wrote:
Welcome Kenzo! I used to SL. But I quit for a time. When I was last there, roleplaying seemed to have faded away.
Yeah most RP sims these days are still pretty dead or focused on things that I don't really care too much for. It's been that way for a few years now I guess

InkWren wrote:
Now I can't get in because the Linden's locked my account and claim I own them thousands of dollars. Not sure how that's possible in a platform that's pay as you go.
That sounds just... heinous. I wouldn't even begin to know how to recover from something like that.
InkWren wrote:
Anyway, welcome to RPR! The folks here are lovely and you just might find some SL buddies!
Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome to RP Repository!!! You're gonna love it here~
You are on: Forums » Introductions » Greetings to all my fellow players~
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