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Forums » Introductions » Please allow me to introduce myself.

To whomever it may concern,

My actual player name is Baron, but I am probably better known for my character and pen name, Goagog the Divine, an alter-ego GM operated NPC lorec deity I created for my own entertainment. Thank you for allowing me to join the most friendly writing community on the web. I enjoy the whole space nation Sci-Fi aspect of literature, as well as the Medieval and Fantasy genres as well. I am a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, and a fan of the occult. I also enjoy the study of human history, European folklore and mythology.

To be honest, I'm not sure yet what I hope or expect to find here. I try not to set my standards too high nowadays, though I'm hoping to find a higher caliber of RPG writers with at least more talent and passion, and -- above all else -- respect, than the other RPG web forum I just recently visited (and whose site I won't even give the privilege of mentioning, as that would just give them publicity and free advertising). I guess I am looking to find passionate RPG writers to interact with who are kind and fair, who play by the rules with honor, and enjoy writing good stories for their widespread audience. I am also looking for a place to start building ideas, conducting experiments and creating new RPG adventures. I look forward to working on some of my projects with you. Thank you all again for allowing me to join your RPG community.

Your new friend,


Hello and welcome to RPR, this is a really great community so I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here!
Hi Baron! Welcome to the site and thanks for telling us so much about yourself.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask as there are a ton of friendly people around willing to help out.

Cheers to making new friends and being a part of a lot of fun RPs!

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.
Welcome to RPR! Having come from a rather... unpleasant situation myself, I can say this has been by far the most welcoming group of people I've run into on a site.
Welcome Goagog_the_Divine!

There are a lot of different RP styles represented here, but I suspect you'll be able to find some great partners and groups that fit what you're looking for!

Good luck and happy RPing! :)

Welcome to RPR Baron. What I love best is the vast variety of rp styles that can be found here! Good luck finding some that suit you best and have fun!!
Hi there!! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lot of fun here! I'm sorry your other site went so badly!
Welcome to RPR!
A pleasant reply,

To Gorgon, welcome to Role Play Repository. This site is filled to the brim with imaginative and explorative writers, seeking to find writing companions. Perhaps you are interested in world-building, considering that you are a grandmaster? Well, you may try making your own roleplay forum and send it into the "Looking for Rp's" forum. If you are trying to feel your way through the website there are already premade stories at your disposal to interact with.

The best of wishes for your travel's,

Pheobe Closethouse
Auberon Moderator

Hello and welcome to the RPR! :)

If you have any questions about the site, myself and the other site moderators are always available to help!
Goagog_the_Divine wrote:
To whomever it may concern,

My actual player name is Baron, but I am probably better known for my character and pen name, Goagog the Divine, an alter-ego GM operated NPC lorec deity I created for my own entertainment. Thank you for allowing me to join the most friendly writing community on the web. I enjoy the whole space nation Sci-Fi aspect of literature, as well as the Medieval and Fantasy genres as well. I am a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, and a fan of the occult. I also enjoy the study of human history, European folklore and mythology.

Welcome to the site, Goagog.

I like the time you invested into your introduction. Given the genres you like to GM and write, I imagine you'll have plenty of success finding similar interests here. Humanities is an interesting topic, as is sociology. If you ever want to chat about those topics, feel free to DM me.

There is an incredible amount of respect you'll receive from this community, though I can only speak on my own experiences. I have encountered all types of writers here; so much so, that you can feel a sense of style between each post, and each individual despite similar prompts. All of that aside, I do hope you find what you're looking for here.

Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to RPR

Also Baron is a wicked cool name my name is just a common crappy name. You’re lucky tho :,|

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