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Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The Pilot was about to retort before pausing. The droids looked far less sturdy than what she was used to, but on her own there too many to fight, and with Green out of commission she didn't have the giant robot cat and it's energy shield backing her up. "You don't need to cuff me." She hissed, obviously not happy about the situation. The droid's cuffed her regardless. The Pilot followed the tactical drown, scowling and glaring daggers at it as she was led to the interrogation room.

Jackie reluctantly complied. Walking was going to be interesting. Thanks to the changes to her anatomy, walking as Webslinger without her arms made her rather clumsy. Even with the smaller cuffs, they were difficult to attach to Albedo. Even the smallest of the known sentient races in the galaxy were larger than him.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

Struggling to find a reasonable way to contain Albedo with cuffs a sealable glass specimen tube was brought out. Being a foot tall and half a foot wide he could be put in it. This was opened and once Albedo hopped in was sealed as they were all escorted to holding cells. Everyone placed in a separate one on the block, their cuffs removed but Albedo left contained. Red ray shields coming down to lock them in as they were left with a total of four Battle Droids to guard them.

Meanwhile the Paladin was brought along to an interrogation room. A small room with a basic grey bench and stools in it. Her cuffs were connected by a cord of plasma to table and she was sat down as the Tactical Droid took up the opposite side. Sitting down it looks her over.
"State you name, affiliation and purpose for being here." The Droid says as four Battle Droids stood inside. One in each corner.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Albedo was clearly not happy about being put in a specimen container. "Can't believe I've been reduced to *this*." He grumbled. "Well, hopefully we'll be out of here soon." Kat spoke up. "Y'know I kinda wish we didn't run into that big green cat." Jackie said, picking her nose with one of her upper arms.

"Jenny Corren, I'm with the Paladins of Voltron, I guess you could technically call that the Voltron Coalition, and I don't even know where here is. I was in a battle with the Galra with the rest of my team, we got hit by a powerful weapon that knocked me out, and I woke up here." Jenny explained. "What's a Galra?" One of the Battle droids quietly asked the on nearest to it.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"None of what you say carries merit. There is no 'Voltron Coalition' within my databanks. Does this group have affiliations with the Galactic Republic?" The Droids pushes along unsure by what Jenny says. Her name and information entered to a record. Another Droid shrugs as their superior hushes them. "Quiet."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"You've never heard of Voltron before?" Jenny questioned, skeptically raising a brow, before the droid asked about any affiliations with the Republic. "I've never heard of them before." Jenny replied. She glanced to the droids when she heard one ask about what the Galra were, before they were hushed.

Jackie sighed, sitting on the floor bored. "Any clue when we're gonna be let out?" Jackie questioned. "No, not really." Replied one of the droid guards.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"What sector are you from? Who is the manufacturer for your vessel?" The droid began to grow ever more confused by her replies. How could she not know of the Republic? She must have been lying he determined.

"So we were caught out by that thing. Our ship fell out of hyperspace cause of it in the way. We haven't seen it before. Do you really need to hold us like this?" Bento asks as he fidgets nervously.
"Then you can inform whoever interrogates you and should be fine." A Droid adds as a slender tactical droid with a slightly lighter voice and dark navy colour scheme enters.
"Bring the first to the interview room." The droid says.
"Which one?" A guard asks and the more feminine one points to Albedo.
"The small one." She says walking down the hall. The droids open Albedo's cell and bring him along.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Uh... sector?" Jenny questioned. "I dunno. I come from a planet called Earth and it's in what we call the Solar System. Even though ever one uses solar system to refer to planetary systems in general, ours is specifically called the solar system. And I was told Green was built by the Alteans, specifically being led by King Alfor." Jenny answered.

Albedo glanced to the droid as it picked up the container he was in. Given how he was, effectively, already in his own portable cell, they didn't bother with putting him in a regular cell. He didn't object. Not that objecting would do much given his current circumstances. "So what is it you want with us?" Albedo asked, irritably.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"What you say does not line up with any of hundreds of star maps in my databanks. You haven't provided us with any verifiable information. For this you will be detained for the time being." He goes over but before any response could be given the door to the side of the room whir open. Standing in the doorframe is the figure of General Grevious. "General. What is the concern?" The droid asks.
"You are failing to get anything of value. I will take over for now. Prepare a cell for this one." He says with a husky voice. The droid stands.
"As you wish. General." He says walking out. Grevious proceeds to look over to Jenny a primal ferocity behind the yellow eyes.

"Information. For starters what is your name and which system do you originate?" She says pulling out a small tablet and entering information. A single Droid stands guard with them.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jenny glanced to the Droid General, quickly noticing his eyes were organic. She assumed more of him that she couldn't see was organic. The ferocity behind his gaze was familiar. Most Galra she'd faced in a fight had a similar intensity.

"Albedo, and I come from the Galvan system, namely Galvan Prime." Albedo answered. "I am uncertain if you will have any databanks on my home world. I've begun to suspect I am not in the same Galaxy as my home world." Albedo added.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"Jenny Corren of the Paladins of Voltron?" He asks glaring at her from above his arms behind his back. "The information you have given us fails to match up with anything in our records. It would seem that you are either lying of are from somewhere unknown." A faint whir is heard as he continues to circle the table in a predatory manner. Like a beast circling it's prey.

"No that planet is not within our databanks. Could you provide us with adequate coordinates? We know of none with your species being indigenous." She takes note of the species and planet name. Cross referencing all possible materials
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Probably that last one. I don't know what galaxy I'm in, but I come from a galaxy called the Milky Way. Last time I looked at a map of the universe it was a really, really long ways away from where I was." Jenny said. "So, when exactly am I gonna be let go? I don't know if you guys have heard of them, but there's this big universe spanning empire called the Galra Empire, and as a Paladin of Voltron it's kinda my job to stop them. So the sooner I can figure out where I am and how to get back to the rest of the Paladins the better." Jenny said.

"As I said, I am uncertain if the coordinates for my home world are in this galaxy." Albedo said, before giving the droid the precise coordinates for his home planet.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

Grevious glared down and tapped several fingers onto the table. The sound metallic and clinging.
"Travel out of the Galaxy and anything to it has never been reported in much as a drone much less a supposed 'fleet' as you say." Grevious pulled back his hand and moved it behind himself again. Seeming to fidget with something. "I know not of this 'Galra Empire' but I can say for certain they wouldn't be in our space without us knowing about it." As he says this he pulls a cylindrical object from his waist and ignites a blue blade that moves in front of Jenny's face by merely two inches. It ignites with a warm hum. "Meaning you and them are either with the Republic or foreign interference. I shall give one more chance for you to speak the truth. Are you a Republic operative?" He demands holding the blade to her neck.

The data was taken back and searched.
"Your species is new to us. What does your people specialize in if anything?"
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jenny yelped, leaning back as far as she was able. "Dude I'm telling you the truth!" Jenny yelped. "I'm not osme operative iwth the Republic! I don't even know what that is!" She added.

In the hangar, several Droids guarded Green. "Wonder why they gave a ship legs and a tail?" Asked one of them. "Maybe it's supposed to be some kind of ship, walker hybrid?" Another offered. "These scanners must be glitching." Grumbled a droid as it exited Green's mouth, standing in the Lion's jaws. "Keeps saying there's another life sign on board, but there's no one inside." He said. Green's eyes suddenly lit up. Its jaws slammed shut, crushing the droid in its mouth as it rose to its feet. She sensed the danger Jenny was in, and let out a loud roar that echoed through the ship. One of the Vulture droids opened fire on Green, only to get crushed under the much larger machine's foot, as it let out another roar.

"It varies. Broadly scientific advancement, with specific specializations into many different sciences-" Albedo began, before Green's roar echoed through the ship. "What was that?" He asked.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

Before Grievous could continue the whole ship went on high alert. Alarms rang out and droid forces were mobilized. Grievous looked about confused. He looked back to Jenny.
"Put her in her cell. I want defenses on her doubled." Turning off his blade it fell with a hum as he turned and rushed out. Striding with purpose. Coming to a a set of seven Battle Droids rushing past he questions them. "What is happening?" He asks furious.
"The green animal ship has activated and it attacking the hanger General. That section of the ship has been locked down." Grievous turned to see Jenny being taken away by four Battle Droids. Escorted at gunpoint. He glares back at her and makes his way to the hanger.

Before Albedo could be questioned more the alarms rang. Sirens blared and Albedo was picked up.
"Place them in lockdown. Secure the prison deck and double security on this floor." The droid replies making her way out. Albedo was not answered as he asked what was happening and returning Bento was in a panic.
"What's happening are we under attack?" He asks.
"I don't know." The droid snappily replied. Meanwhile a pair of Super Battle Droids emerge from a doorway to stand between the cells containing Bento and co.

Down in the hanger the entire section of ship. Nearly twenty percent was put into full lockdown. Bulkhead doors slammed shut and droids entered from the top railings above Green. Blasters shooting down as rocket launchers were rushed to the upper levels. Dozens of droids fired and soon rockets began hitting the ship. Groups of around twenty B1's and six B2's were positioned above. Firing down. Amongst them around two rocket launchers each. They were spread around on four walkways.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Jenny's eyes widened when she heard Green's roar. She knew exactly what was happening. She didn't get a chance to try and explain what was happening before Grievous ordered for Jenny to be returned to her cell, and he left. The Droids lead her out of the interrogation room and were taking her back to her cell. She took a breath and tried to calm herself down, hoping Green would pick up on that. Last thing she needed now is for a giant angry mech to destroy the ship she was on.

Despite the amount of fire power being launched at Green, none of it seemed to do anything to deter the giant machine as she continued her rampage, crushing droids with her paws. Green's tail whipped into a walkway, destroying it and throwing the droids standing on it through the air. Green let out another loud roar, before pausing. After a few moments she sat down. Green felt her paladin was calming down and no longer in danger. A barrier immediately formed around it, slicing through anything caught in its path. The barrier stopped everything shot at it from getting to Green. Not long after Green stopped her rampage, Grievous arrived in the Hangar.

"What was that roaring?" Jackie asked. "We don't know." Answered one of the B1's. "Well can you ask? If there's like, a dinosaur or something running around here I don't wanna be stuck in a cell for it to come in and eat me." Jackie said. "What's a dinosaur?" Kat asked. "Extinct reptilian life forms from Jackie's hoemworld." Albedo answered as his container was placed on a table.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

Jenny was brought into the same prison hallway as the others. By now a pair B2's stood by her side and put her in a cell. Bento looked as she passed. He looked confused.
"That the women with the cat thing?" He said as she was placed in her cell. The alarms remained vibrant for another minute before ending. Several more minutes past before the interview droid returned.
"We are out of lockdown. Now we will continue with the interrogations. Though recent events have made more abrupt methods of extracting information necessary." As she said this an 2-1B-series medical droid wandered beside her. It was metallic and stood her height. It appeared to have a microphone like attachment on it's face as a mouth akin to a respirator. It's right arm contained a three digit claw and left containing three separate syringe tips each containing a cloudy green liquid. The B1 droids went to the cell containing Kat and opened it. Moving to place the cuffs on her and take her for her interrogation.

Within the hanger Grievous looked over the defensive lion. He took note of the destruction it rought and lack of damage it took. Several railings were knocked down and dozens of droids destroyed. Looking to the shield and back at his droids he thought.
"What is the status of the ships damage?" He asks as a droid soon answers.
"Only contained to the hanger. No exterior damage detected."
"And what made it attack?"
"We don't know Sir. We detected a lifeform inside but upon inspection nothing was within though the scanners keep sensing something."
"Scan it again and get inside to investigate. If need be I want destroyed."
"But what about the shield General?"
"Get through it." Grievous replied with a glare.
"Ugh. How?" Grumbling the droid is grabbed by its thin neck as Grievous tosses it into the shield. The droid yells and sparks out before exploding off it.
"Figure that out." Grievous says marching off with more questions on his mind. The Droids quickly got to work clearing debris and looking into the shield. Their scans now muffled.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"W-Whoa! The-the medical droid's not necessary!" Kat stuttered, before she was cuffed. As the tactical droid walked out of the cell, Kat stayed pressed against the wall. One of the B1's entered and dragged her out. "Get moving." The droid ordered. Jackie frowned when she heard the Droid, and Kat's over all reaction.

The Droids attempted to pass through the barrier surrounding Green. They physically couldn't pass the barrier, nor did anything they shot or tossed, regardless of speed. No cutting tools they had cut through it, and any Ion weapons they tried similarly failed to have a noticeable effect. The only movements Green made were keeping her eyes on the droids, watching them as they scrambled about the damaged hangar.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"MD-27H is here incase cooperation is not being made by you. Should you answer as we need you will not need the added incentive. Though I can confirm it is not painful. You will not be harmed by the droid." She says as Kat is escorted to the corresponding room. With two B1 guards and several long minutes the droid speaks.
"What is your name and what system do you originate?" She begins the same route as she used on Albedo. Shortly adding, "What do you know of the one known as Albedo on your crew?"
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"My name's Kat I was born on Ryloth." Kat said, clearly still nervous. She'd heard rumors of how CIS Interrogations could go. Kat shook her head. "No. He's weird, so is that weird Lurman looking alien. We picked them up on Loyse, we were delivering cargo, and they wanted off world for whatever reason." Kat explained.
Kwop Vis (played by Dreath)

"So your affiliation with those two is one of coincidence? You're transporting them off world? Where to?" The droid inquires taking note of all her details. Unlike Albedo all she said aligned with actual planets.

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