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Forums » General Roleplay » By the light of the sun (two spots open)

Nomti (played by EonRising)

(PG-13 for language, violence and crude humor)

The setting is an Earth filled with both humans and Anthros a like. The world is modern, but evil ninjas are have taken over key areas of America, Europe, Japan and Russia. China is the home country of these evil ninjas. All the countries have joined together to eliminate the massive ninja army of the Empire of The Black Suns. Adults and teens alike are having weapons thrust into their hands.

Russia: The Bear cavalry has been brought back into commission, except they have robotic bears. The Spetznaz has greatly evolved into the largest army in the world. Stalingrad, Kursk, and Omsk have been taken over by the Empire.

America: Canada and Mexico are now part of America. America possess the largest amount of tanks and armored cavalry that the world has ever seen. The largest section of soldiers in the US Army is the Victory Eagles, with over 10000 soldiers and 100 tanks. the states of California, Washington, New Mexico, Nevada and Alaska are occupied.

Europe: The Royal army of England is slowly being destroyed by constant attacks by the Empire. Almost all of Eastern Europe is occupied and the only countries with armies large enough to fight are Italy, France, Spain and England. They have joined their armies to create ALE (Army for the Liberation of Europe)

Empire of the Black Suns (this is not supposed to be offensive, just part of the RP): The entire army is made up of modern ninjas who are just brain-washed citizens. They use guerrilla tactics but aren't afraid to strike in broad day light. They have soldiers in all fronts and use all the resources they can from captured cities, states and countries, then they destroy everything.

There are only four spots that are open other than myself (I will be playing as Nomti, obviously) and Dust-Motes, the other founder. You will be playing as a soldier for any of the three armies fighting against the Empire: Red Army/Bear cavalry, ALE or the Victory Eagles

1. Minato Lockhart (by Lance2011)
2. Flower Wolf Natura (anonymous)
Erin (played by Dust-Motes)

Bahaha I love this. BEAR CAVALRYYYYYY
<3 Applying as Erin! :D
I guess I'll be in ALE. :3
~DuMo as Erin
I'm at work but I'll post one up for Minato when I get home for the victory eagles.
Flower Wolf Nutara (played anonymously)

eh. I'll try to join in. here is my linky Flower Wolf Nutara

And I'll side with the victory Eagles.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

good, everyone, but what positions will everyone be playing as? I'll be playing as a sniper, so I need to know what you guys are going to be. There are some examples in the SU sheet. Other wise every one is in :) And dust-motes, which country was Erin originally from? Italy, England, France, Spain, etc.?

As for Minato, he's a human right? And the twin swords can be his melee weapon, but this is modern war, so he'll need a gun too. And Dust-Motes, what weapon will Erin have depending on her position in ALE?

I also started an OOC thread that way this thread doesn't get too disorganized
And here's Minato's stuff per example sheet above.

Name: Minato Lockhart
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Army: America Victory Eagles
Position: Soldier
Weapons: Twin Hook Swords (Melee), M16A2 Assault Rifle (Mid to Long), Twin Desert Eagles (Close), MK19 Fully Automatic Grenade Launcher (Vehicle Turret Mount)
Anthro Parts: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Medium Tan
Hair Color: Blonde (Dyed Black)
Weight: 135lbs
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Athletic
Likes: Fighting, Asain Cuisine, Asain Culture, Martial Arts
Dislikes: Guns, Dishonor, Arrogance
Attitude: Chill and Laid Back Mostly
Clothing: Jeans, T-Shirt, Biker Boots, Cowboy Hat
Extra: Tends to spend free time working out and is well versed in various forms of martial arts due to his since birth exposure to Asain culture. He considers use of guns as dishonorable form of combat as it's a 'cowards weapon' in his eyes and thus will more than likely use his swords. Even if he has to duck and dodge to get within striking range due to being under fire. His use of a gun is strictly a last resort and even then he's hesitant as the closest thing to a gun he'll fire without a second thought is a bow.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Ok, thanks. :) Form now on, I would like everyone to post in the OOC thread for SU's and such

Begin posting when Ready :D
He stood there silently, beads of sweat trickling down his form. In front of him sway a heavy bag finishing it's after math movement from Minatos martial arts assault on it's sand filled form. He then smirked silently as he turned and walked away from it and headed outside the gym and looked at the setting suns sky.

"Another day come and gone. Shame we're in such a trying time otherwise I'd enjoy the sunset a bit more."

He then walked along the sidewalk, his swords in their normal place cross crossed across his back and his desert eagles at his side.

"My unit is supposed to head out here in a bit on a recon mission... Guess I better go to the armory and get my 'cowards weapon' and finalize things on my end. Geez...what a drag. Just bring me these dang ninjas. If they had any honor like the ninjas of old, then they'd be willing to face me in one on one combat...What a disgrace to their own heritage they are..."
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(OOC; I forgot myself, I will be fighting for the Victory eagles as well. Also, I will be giving up dates on the countries as things go)

Nomti curled his fingers around the trigger, his ears twitching as he scoped the commander of the hostile unit. He held his breath, aimed for the head, and pulled the trigger. His fur stood on end each time the loud, concussive bang of the rifle sounded, and this time was no different. Nomti scoped and shot another before the commander had even hit the ground, and just as that one did, a platoon of soldiers came out of the rocky out cropping and started laying down lead. Nomti's ears twitched and he whirled around, grabbing his cycles as he went. His spin turned into a downward slash and an Imperial soldier fell.
"I'm too young for this." Nomti said aloud as he picked up his sniper and started firing again.
A few hours later Minato stood in his place in formation. His rag tag group consisting mostly of those in just normal street clothes like himself as the war had caused a shortage of uniforms. This didn't stop the show of discipline they earned in their short term of last minute military training as they all stood firm and rigid as their commanding officer paced back and forth while briefing them.

"Also. We do have a sniper out there picking off what higher ranks he can to try and weaken the leadership structure. Your primary objective is to try and free him up some breathing room. Last report was that he was sniping as well as dealing with enemies managing to get right on top of his position. Close range like that is not a snipers speciality. Minato. Your squad itself will be in charge of setting up a perimeter around him when you arrive. You more specifically will be...basically his personal body guard since no one here has yet beaten you hand to hand. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." spoke Minato before muttering under his breath. "Good... Minimizes my using a cowards weapon..."

For a few minutes more the commanding officer continued briefing and issuing out squad member specific orders before yelling.

"That's all men. Dismissed. Fall out and mount up!"

As the formation broke, Minato turned about and jogged lightly towards a 7 Ton transport truck and climbed into the cab, and a moment later, popped out in the turret and began tinkering with his MK-19 to make sure things were good with it.

"Sweet sweet serenade de la muerte...May the band warm up."

Almost as though his words were an order loud, hard rock music began playing from each of the vehicles officially announcing their moving out as the convoy set into motion.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Nomti's ears twitched as loud rock filled them. One of his superiors had said that some support was coming over the radio, and it seemed to have arrived. Nomti pulled the trigger again and the final hostile C.O. fell to the ground. The light of muzzle flash filled the air like lightning and the Imperial army went back a couple of yards, re-grouped and then surged forwards in a straight on assault. The large transport trucks came closer and machine gun fire started opening up from the turrets. Wave after wave of the ninjas fell, only to be replaced by more. It seemed almost endless, although from his view point, Nomti could see the end of the hostile forces, slowly shrinking. The rocky out cropping near the border of Texas and New Mexico made for good cover and a loud rumble came within ear shot as an enemy tank, escorted by four armored cavalry, made it's way towards the battle. Three M1-A2 Abrams tanks made their way from the rocky crevice and started firing upon the enemies. Nomti picked off the gunners in all the enemy vehicles and then sat back to watch the chaos unfold as one of the armored cars swerved into the advancing enemies due to the drivers distraction of the dead body falling on top of him. It swerved, running over quite a few ninjas, and the flipped, skidded into one of the other armored cars and exploded. A tire sailed over Nomtis' head and one of the large turrets landed right behind him, startling him so much, that he accidentally lost grip of his M39 and he spun around, to a cloud of dust. the gun was aiming right at Nomti, and he walked around it. An arm was inside, mangled around a small control panel. Nomti turned around, disgusted, picked up his sniper, and sat down to watch the fire works as the three Abrams tanks unleashed their punishment.
Minato pulled himself out of the turret and onto the roof of the truck as it came to a stop near Nomti and everyone else climbed out. He then hopped down to the hood and from there to the ground. He looked towards the enemy troops as the show continued. A moment later he caught his rifle as it was tossed to him by one of his squad mates and tilted the muzzle to the ground holding it by it's hand grip and instinctively patted the desert eagles at his side before yelling to the men getting out of the truck.

"Alright guys. You heard what the CO said before we rolled out. Set up a perimeter. Lance. Take the MK19. Most of the enemy is to the west so you focus to the east to keep em from blind siding us."

He then turned and walked to Nomti and set his rifle down on a rock and drew one of his swords and began twisting his wrist as though loopening it up.

"Alright. Now it's a party. How many higher ranks have you taken out and what's the estimate on how many is left? Also are you ok so far?"

As he spoke a few of the squad dashed by them and went a bot down the hill they were posted up on and hit the ground lying in the prone position muzzles facing down range.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Well," Nomti started, a bit startled by the other boy's sudden approach, "I've taken out all the CO's, and there might be a lieutenant in there some where, but other than that, I think I got all of 'em. The Abrams are taking care of everything else." Nomti said and picked off a few other hostiles. The enemy lines were shrinking and they began to fall back to their base camp. An on-board flame thrower started firing from one of the M1A2's as the three tanks charged the retreating enemies. "What's your name?" Nomti asked as he pulled out his canteen. He looked at the other boy and took a drink. He didn't seem to much older than him, maybe only a year. "Wait, don't move." Nomti aimed his sniper right past his head, pulled the trigger three times and three thuds sounded as the ninjas hit the dirt. "Talk about biting the dust." He said when he noticed ones mouth open, laying face down. He went over to the turret of the armored car and sat on it, waiting for his answer.
He stared unblinking as the shots went past his head. As sign he's seen combat before and wasn't new to the scene. He gave his sword another quick twirl and he turned his head at the three fallen ninjas and frowned.

"They were better when they lived by their code of honor...Now even ninjas use guns. What a shame..."

He then went and leaned beside the same car Nomti sat on.

"Lockhart. Minato. Corporal and squad leader for Charlie unit 3rd plattoon 5th squad CQC specialists. We were assigned to protect you with me being your 'personal body guard' per say. Therefore for the duration of this mission I ask you go no where without at least notifying me first so I am aware unless you stay within visual contact. These were the orders givin directly to me by my CO."
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The shots didn't even seem to phase the other boy, as they did to Nomti himself. "True. A sword is much more honorable of a weapon. I use guns for two reasons though; first, I don't realy care, and second, I don't like feeling the death." Nomti nodded his head in agreement with the other boys comment. "I've always wondered what ti's like to be someone important enough to have a body guard, and now I must admit, I don't feel too much different." Nomti got up and went back over to the cliff side. "Well, looks like they've initiated a full retreat. Now, since it seems we're giving chase, I'm gonna go on ahead, mom." Nomti's ears twitched with his sarcasm, and he pulled out a picture of him and his girlfriend, looked at it for a moment, climbed over the small shelter of rocks and began climbing down. "Hurry up, Minato!" Nomti called as he touched the ground and and then he sprinted after the dust trail of the transport trucks and tanks.
He watched him with a small smirk.

"For a young un he sure is anxious."

He then hopped over the rock outcropping himself as he drew his other sword as well and dashed down hill and leaned forward a bit as he took what seemed like hopsratherthan stepsand quicklycaught up to Nomti. He then soon pulled ahead and slowly pulled away. After a couple of moments, he was wherethe battle had just occurred before theenemies retreat and stopped as he began looking around.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Nomti stopped when he saw Minato stop. "Whacha doin?" he asked and looked around. There were bodies every where, most of them imperial. His Jackal instincts to be a scavenger almost took over for a second, but those thoughts were quickly pushed out of his now trained mind. Nomti kept a straight face and then started sprinting after the now fading cloud of dust as the soldiers advanced on the enemy. The hostile base camp was not too far up ahead. Nomti's legs propelled him just past the tanks, which were moving a convoy speed, and then he jumped onto it, looked back to see Minato, a black figure in the distance. Nomti was thrown off the M1A2 when the tank next to him exploded. Shrapnel from the tank flew in every direction and a hot piece of metal scraped Nomti's arm. The two transport trucks skidded to a stop and the tanks took aim at where the missile had come from. Soldier lined up behind the flaming wreckage of the abrams and Nomti stood by them, looking down his sights. A ninja with a rocket launcher who was now taking aim, caught his eye. "Get down!" he yelled and one of the trucks exploded. Nomti took up his position again and scoped the ninja. He pulled the trigger and the hostiles head jerked back. As if on que, three platoons of hostiles came over the hill, followed by a few tanks. Both sides opened fire.
He stood there silently as a small smile crossed his face.

"Honestly...maybe I shoulda warned the kid to not follow...takes a ninja to avoid being ambushed by a ninja."

He then dashed forward again as the enemy troops advanced with his swords out to his sides and leaning forward to minimize his wind resistance. He then suddenly plowed right in through the side of the enemy ranks as he begun spinning about in circles hacking and slashing any his blades would touch, on occasion using the hooked end of his swords to pull a enemies gun from his hands or to the ground.

"Now this is combat..."

A moment later though he felt a sharp kick hit his back and made him stumble forward a bit. Despite some of their comrades having been hacked down the enemy kept moving forward as Minato turned to see one of the enemy just standing there looking at him. Apparently this ninja believed in the honor code as his gun was across his back and he instead had a sword drawn as well.
"My..." spoke Minato. "A worthy opponent."
Flower Wolf Nutara (played anonymously)

She had been one of the last to arrive on the field of battle. She was not truthfully aligned with any side at the outset of the war, but has now decided to join with the victory eagles.

As she runs towards the front lines she comes upon a ninja and another person, both with swords in their hands. She doesn't think as she shouts "Move it!" as she draws her revolver and fires a quick shot at the ninja, shooting him through the foot with the wild shot. she fires again right after, missing entirely this time.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Nomti picked off the ninjas, one by one. He noticed Minato having a duel with a ninja. A wolf was over with them, she didn't seem to have that good of a shot though, and her primary weapon seemed to be a pistol. Nomti looked around to see that the soldiers that were previously surrounding him had moved to the cover of one of the still intact tanks and he saw why: another ninja with an RPG was taking aim. Nomti got down behind the wreckage and felt the full impact of the rocket as it hit the side of the already decimated vehicle. Nomti got up and quick scoped the ninja. He watched as the Ninjas pulled out their melee weapons and ran at the now pinned down soldiers. Nomti slung the sniper over his back and pulled out his cycles. He took a defensive stance and waited; a few ninjas ran at him, swinging swords and bayonets at him. He ducked out of the way of a katana and cut a leg off of one while slicing into anothers shoulder. He made quick work of the rest and pulled out his pistol and killed the wounded ones. Nomti ran over to the soldiers who were now pinned against the side of a tank and he started shooting them from the side, making his way to the soldiers.

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