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Forums » Looking for RP » The dungeon(hopefully a group rp) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Well I'll have to say this whole thing isn't completely my friend helped a lot with it, but since he's not on this site I can't really give a username...but I do have his permission to use it.

Well here's the idea: One character in the group plays the role of the dungeon core, an object in the dungeon that allows the dungeon to grow. Basically the dungeon core is the dungeon master: it's sentient and has control over the dungeon. Dungeon cores are also create high amounts of mana so even low level ones are worth a good deal of money, about 50 gold for a low level one and can reach prices of 1000+ gold for the higher level ones(Note: 1 gold = ~100 usd) however taking a dungeon core from a dungeon effectively kills the dungeon- The dungeon grows stagnant and can no longer gain any strength. Fully corrupted dungeon cores sell for a good deal less then the less corrupted ones...pure high level ones go for staggeringly high prices

Dungeon monsters also for some reason drop copper coins, the stronger dungeons silver or even gold, as well as several different items: this phenomenon is because the dungeon wants to draw in adventurers for two reasons: 1) if one of them dies in the dungeon, that's a good deal of exp/points it can use to grow itself...2) it can gain exp/points by slowly draining the excess energy caused when the adventurers fight, train, or use magic.

Dungeons are made in two ways: the natural condensation of mana growing sentient on its own is the most common one but in rare cases it's a rebirth of a person who died...either in the world of the dungeon or in another world(and the soul got transferred over). The cases of the rebirth lead to stronger dungeons that grow faster then the regular dungeons- these dungeons have a way to purify themselves of the corruption they get by drawing in energy they get from unpure places: earth, plants, animals

If I'm playing the dungeon that will be my only character, but if one of the other people does I'll play both a "navi" like character for the dungeon core and an adventurer

Pm or reply here to join...and say if you prefer forum or pms
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 30%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 20%
Romance isn't outright desired, but can happen if we decide the characters are perfect for each other. The romance won't be important to the overall plot.

Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played with a small group of players.


Interested! No preference for forum or pm
Sarlic Topic Starter

Oh a response! Heya!

Are you fine waiting until a couple more people respond to this?

Sure! That gives me some extra time to work on some of my characters
Sarlic Topic Starter

Well while we wait I'll ask: would you prefer to be a character, or the dungeon, or perhaps both..
Hoooboy does this sound awesome. I wouldn't mind either (Or both!) but I do have a question... what system does the EXP points use?
Sarlic Topic Starter

Hey laz!

Well that's a good question- I plan for it to be a more loose exp yes there will be levels you get from defeating monsters and that stuff...but you can gain new skills without having to level up, same with you can get stronger in a way that doesn't give you exp, and match someone of a higher level. For the long as you can explain how you know how to do that, if it's a skill gained from leveling up you don't really need an explanation, but the explanation can be simple...most of the time you won't be asked to explain unless it's a skill someone in the group thinks is weird to be had?

Does this make sense? I can try to explain it better if it doesn't...
It makes enough sense to me. However, since you brought up skills I should ask how many you are allowed at first. Sorry for so many questions, I'm just really interested since it's a cool concept!
Sarlic Topic Starter

I'm glad you're asking since I haven't fully flushed it I hadn't decided how many skills or anything like that. I mean I'm fine with a slightly unbalanced where one character is stronger then another, but that's only if everyone else is ok with it to

I would say it depends on the strength of the skills? like for example you could have 10 low tier, 6 mid tier or 1 high tier skill? but do you have any recommendations for how many skills people should start with? to make it kinda fair?...sorry to ask
ooooh I have a suggestion. Skills are ranked and physical ones are low or mid tier. Low would be stuff like lockpicking and mastery over one weapon, mid would be elemental powers and shapeshifting, high would be time manipulation and teleportation. At the start you would have a set amount of XP to spend on your powers and when you level up you can get more or upgrade those.

Another idea relating to that is skill trees. You would choose your main skill/class and, when you level up, you could choose a subcategory to go down. Think warrior, (fists or weapons), (tank/barbarian or gunslinger/swordsman), and on and on. And it's fine! I'm not the best at collaborating on ideas so...
Sarlic Topic Starter

That works...thanks for the help, but the thing is is that I don't want to make it use character sheets too terribly much as I'm aiming for a more freeform roleplay, but some starting point like that would probably be a good way to start.
Sylas Asmodaios (played by Momovix)

I could play a monster :D
Sarlic Topic Starter

So like one of the dungeons a boss monster...or like a monster that escaped from another dungeon...or even like a monster type character whose on the adventurers team...or do you have a different idea
I would like to make a character. I think it would be a dungeon kin, so like somehow it was suppose to be a dungeon but it messed up and made a humanoid . ( unless that goes against your ideas) he would be able to understand when a dungeon would send a monster and sometimes (add in dice roll with a high dc if you want) he can tell which way to go.
Sarlic Topic Starter

So you mean like a naturally generated dungeon core but it ended up becoming a human, so a creature made from the condensation of the mana that can potentially read the dungeon cores?
yes. that's right and like I said before, if this goes against anything you have feel more than free to tell me I'm an idiot ( believe me, i tell myself often enough that it's not a problem.)
Sarlic Topic Starter

Actually I find it a really neat idea...of course if you did it you would probably have to start out as a newly formed one...and you'd probably grow slower then the normal dungeons(unless you're a hunter...the way the dungeon work in my mind was if something dies in it it can take the energy from the body and use that to boost itself)

And I might make some monsters based on that idea if there is every any fights outside the dungeon, that is if you don't mind...

Of course if you do that then your character might not be able to enter cities because...of what they are

And I'm fine with it if everyone else in the group is fine with it
No I don't mind at all. go right ahead. and I'm ok with not going into cities, but can I still go into smaller villages and towns or is that also not ok? I'm also ok with growing slowly.
Sarlic Topic Starter

If the small town or village has a guild hall it would be risky....but not many of those do so you should be fine sending him into those and I'm actually designing a city that that guy can go into

And they will probably grow at about the rate of the other adventurers? does that sound right?
yeah I wanted him to be more of an adventurer then a dungeon, sounds good and thank you!

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