The portal opened and revealed an archaic structure situated on a great hill. Of course, Fear knew enough of Earth history to realize that he had travelled into the Medieval period of Earth, a time of magic and darkness. Perfect. As the portal closed, he could already feel the sheer mass of terror and sufferring in the masses. Not that much different from other time periods, considering this is Earth. He continued walking down the barren, dirt road that lead to a small village. "It's time to start the harvest."
A young boy sat on the ground, his lip and nose a bloody mess from the fight he had just been in. Instead of crying, he just sat there and watched the other boy walk away. The boy finally got up once the sun started setting, he knew bad things came out at dark, and went over to the well beside the tavern. Washing his face off, he saw a figure coming down the dirt road to their village. Stifling a yell, he ran towards his small house. It was the very first house in the village.
Ceilibell had been performing in the town square, unaware that a boy was being beat in a fight at the same time. She smiled at the pouch of money she had gained with her flute play and started walking to the tavern where she was staying. This would definitely be enough for it. She reserved a room and took a hot bath before relaxing in her room. The window was open when she heard the yell and she peaked her head out to see what was going on. Still-damp red hair obstructed her vision for a moment until she pulled it behind her ear. The figure she saw made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, but she couldn't bring herself to move. She could only stare as the figure continued down the road.
Coming to a small village, Fear made no attempt to conceal himself completely, instead disguising himself as a friendly villager, complete with voice, and action. Along the way, before he changed, he noticed a red-headed girl watching him in fear. "Delicious fear," Fear thought. "But minuscule compared to the grand stockpile of suffering in this wretched society." Noticing a boy that just recently had a fight, he decided this was going to be his first visit.
Ceilibell shook herself. The man looked normal enough, she was just over-reacting. She sent one more glance his way before closing her shutters with a shiver down her spine. Try as she might to convince herself otherwise, something about the figure rang off warning bells in her head. Hopefully he'd just be breezing through and leave town soon.
Opening the small wooden door of the young boy's house, he felt something. Something new, and extremely dangerous. Trying to ignore it, Fear went ahead, and stepped in.
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keichi fujimori wrote:
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A black portal opened near the house of the boy and a figure clad in armor walked out. The portals dark fire wrapping around him, judgement looked around the town. "Such a small town, and I don't sense any worthy swordsman to battle. I'm so disappointed." Judgement walked down the street until he sensed the presence of another being with magic. Although this magic was familiar to him, like a long lost memory. As he looked up at a hotel, judgement found himself with only one thing on his mind. To find the source.
"Magic" That was what Fear sensed when he felt an entity appear near him. "Powerful magic, but I'm going to eat first, before finding this entity." Going to the boy, he prepared his feast.
The boy stared at the shadowy figure that had appeared I front of him suddenly. "W-what do you w-want?" He stampered, ready to run. He also had a knife hidden behind his leg where no sane man would check.
Devouring the boy's fear, he started to frighten him some more.
I am the Devil, young one. I've come to take your soul. You have been s sinful one, haven't you?
Fear smiled maliciously.
I am the Devil, young one. I've come to take your soul. You have been s sinful one, haven't you?
Fear smiled maliciously.
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