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Forums » Looking for RP » MINECRAFT, WEIRD I KNOW M/M (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Yes, Hello, I know what I am asking for is weird, BUT HERE WE GO-


I'm Lir, It's nice to meet you! I may be a native English speaker but I drank dumb bitch juice since childhood so if I **** something up, please know it's not on purpose, I'm just a dumb ****. I'm also really relaxed person and I like to joke around and talk to you OOC and just, shit post about our characters or whatever. Like I'll draw them if my brain gives me enough of the feel good chemicals.

I love world building, I love the big and the small of making a plot and the world that it lives in. I will message you about things I thought of, of how I think things would work, cultur, Ect, you don't have to be the same but I would love it if you did!
Speaking of which I normally do High Fantasy/Low Fantasy, urban Fantasy or sometimes slice of life (with a twist depending on characters)

Here are some rules and things (Notes? warning?) before we get started.

Spoiler: Rules, Notes and warnings
1) I have a really weird tendancy (which I try my best not to do but it just happens) where I don't reply for months at a time. I am not ghosting you. I have figured out sometimes my brain is just a bitch, I'll see the notification, look at it, know I need to reply before getting distracted by something else. As I said, I am trying my best to not do this but it just happens. So if you can't do that, I suggest you don't message me. (It's for your own sanity not just mine)

2) I don't have enough angry in me to play a really horrible evil character for the whole role play, like if you are looking for something with an abusive character It's not me I don't even like being the one placying a character being attacked in those situations, so you won't find any storyline like that in my og story lines down below.
(Please note if something happened in your characters back story or my character saves your character form thing that's whatever to me, I don't mind)

3) Lines, okay so the more you give me the more I am likely to get inspired and write more. I require you to give me like 3 lines (a short paragraph) I personally can pump out 1-2 on average and go up into 4-5 when motovated or have plot to explain (even more if I really am into what's happening) but I understand sometimes your brain is just not all there, it's fine to take a breather man, I get it.

4) make the world the plot is taking place in feel alive, This means don't just role play our characters, role play other characters if the plot calls for it. (Such as a adventuring party, people in town when they go to shops, servants, nobles, whoever they run and talk into or that is plot relevent.)


I have a few characters I am coming up with/ drawing
I am looking for M/M
you can have any character as long as they are humanoid enough it's not like an animal (let's say, idk, creeper but more humanoid centaur like thing) though the more out there the more I am less likely to agree to go along with said character

Original species are different as long as they are not op

at the momment I have a half human and half villager farmer (Dustin) and his youngest brother Oakly the Lumberjack, at the momment I would rather play Dustin (will change witht he characters I may make)

World wise humans and villagers are about 50/50 population wise, depending on the area more than others, so on, but halfs are kind of on the unusual side, even more the further you go out, Dustin lives in a pretty small village (Lives being loose, big farm on just the edges of a small village out of the way of much trafic, his father being one of the few humans to venture out that far)

Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 20%
Iron age
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance 70%
Romance is required, but may take some time to develop. For example: slow burn RPs.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » MINECRAFT, WEIRD I KNOW M/M (closed)

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