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Forums » Looking for RP » Greek Mythology RP? (1x1) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98)

I've been thinking about doing once since I created this character, Luell. I'd like for it to perhaps be a romance/adventure with a male character, female is fine of course too. I have a few ideas but I would like to discuss it amongst us. :3
I have I giant, robotic Spartan if you're interested C: Or I can make a new character since I have one slot open, if you're interested in another RP with me ^_^
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

Oh absolutely! I would love to ^^. I'm interested in the Spartan. What sort of character would you make? Just curious. C:
Other characters (played by EonRising)

< Spartan is here C:

As for a character I would make... I could make and play as pretty any kind of creature, from a mild mannered Minotaur to a very angry and aggressive *put name of a generally docile mythological creature here*
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

Oh your Spartan is amazing! :O I love any character!!!
Other characters (played by EonRising)

If you were looking for something more romantic, he probably isn't the character you want though :P
What kind of RP are you looking for?
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

Well I was hoping to do an adventure sort of RP, romance is optional of course. Luell has very little combat abilities, more magic. than anything. I was hoping we could brainstorm together.
Alright :) sounds like a plan .
What did you have in mind exactly, and based oon that I'll create a new character if needed.
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

Well If you read my Luell's bio then I'm sure you'll notice she is rather shy, and unknown to the rest of the world. I was thinking we could start out with them meeting, perhaps your character could act in a way as a guardian and show her around. Something along those lines. Perhaps we could even add in some stuff dhaving to with the Greek gods.
So the Rp would take place in modern times?
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

I was thinking more 400 B.C- 700 B.C but modern might be fun too.
Okay, earlier the better IMO... So, a friendly, amiable character to show her around... Well, I could use Nomti if you wanted to mix mythologies, or Eshe.
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

That would be fun! I love Greek and Egyptian mythology so it could be a fun mix.
Alright, well, which one would you like? :3 they're essentially the same species, (anubite) but each has different attributes due to their roles in mythology and such :3
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

I think I'd like to RP with Nomti. Sounds very cool!
Okay :) I'm ready to start when you are.
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

Alright I'll send you a link when it's ready
I look forwards to it :D
Luell (played by Chibidoitsu98) Topic Starter

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Greek Mythology RP? (1x1) (closed)

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