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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Wonderland? No, no, this is Hiddenland.


This is an Alice and Wonderland based roleplay. I'm terrible at coming up with names, so I just pick Hiddenland. My characters will be selected as characters from Wonderland. "Alice" can be any gender, and of course doesn't need to have the name Alice. When I say any gender, I mean any gender, transgender, female, male, non-binary, and ect. Or if your character doesn't want a gender, they don't need one. If you think you have a character(s) that would work with the original Wonderland characters, then be sure to speak up, you can use your character(s) in one or more of the roles. If you don't have a character for the role of "Alice", then you can pick a different role, and I can pick a character for "Alice" or you can suggest one of mine. I can also suggest if there is two or more people who would like to have the rolle as "Alice", we can have more than one. For example, the two characters could be fighting/arguing and not looking where they were going and both fell. I imagine they would have fallen into a mirror, there are different types of Alice and Wonderland movies and stories. For this one, I imagine they would fall through a mirror. This is if anyone wants to do a group Alice and Wonderland.
I have a cat OC
KingdomOdd1 Topic Starter

Would we be allowed to bring in actual characters from previous Wonderland media? Because, frankly, Andrew Lee Potts's Hatter from SyFy's Alice is the sexiest Hatter there ever was, lol. I would love to play him in a rp!
KingdomOdd1 Topic Starter

Of course you can, as if I'm gonna let him not be in the roleplay, I have lost that much sanity yet.
KingdomOdd1 wrote:
Of course you can, as if I'm gonna let him not be in the roleplay, I have lost that much sanity yet.

Haha! Fantastic! I wasn't sure if you wanted strictly OCs or not. Or if you'd seen SyFy's Alice. You'd be surprised how many people haven't seen it!
KingdomOdd1 Topic Starter

akruser13 wrote:
KingdomOdd1 wrote:
Of course you can, as if I'm gonna let him not be in the roleplay, I have lost that much sanity yet.

Haha! Fantastic! I wasn't sure if you wanted strictly OCs or not. Or if you'd seen SyFy's Alice. You'd be surprised how many people haven't seen it!

I hope they see it soon, it's one of my favorite movies.
Me too!

Okay, I cranked out my Hatter character sheet real quick so he's ready to go whenever the game is ready!
KingdomOdd1 Topic Starter

Mkay, but about the details, would you like me to send a message to everyone and do it on there, or make another forum?
Oh Idk, lol. It's your game, do it however you want! I'm still fairly new to RPR so I have no real preferences yet ;)
KingdomOdd1 Topic Starter

Mkay, I'll send a message to eveyone.

Hi! I'm interested in this, can I join in still? I'm not sure how old this post is. I can make any character but I'd prefer if they were at least humanoid. I could be Alice, and i'm guessing not the Cheshire Cat or the Mad Hatter as I see those are already taken. I could also be the white rabbit. Like I said I would prefer to be humanoid and if there isn't an opening that's fine too! Get back to me when you can!

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Wonderland? No, no, this is Hiddenland.

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