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Forums » Epic Week 2020 » Official Contest: Epic Poems

Kim Site Admin

Epic Poems tell tales of daring, adventure, feats of bravery, great loves, sometimes even the histories of rulers and civilizations. Famously, some of them are long enough to fill entire chapter books -- but yours don't need to be that long!
  • Write a poem detailing the history of one of our Epic Week Adventures - check the news for recaps of past epic weeks, or write about this current one.
  • The rhyming scheme is up to you, but your poem must use a rhyming scheme.
  • The work must be entirely your own, although it is okay to get a friend to proofread your poem for errors for you.
  • Minimum 100 words -- no maximum! Here's a site that might help you:
  • Post your poem to this thread to enter it.

If we get a lot of entries, more prizes will be added! :D

Last Day to Enter
May 10th is your last day to post your entries
I would like to give this contest a try. Am I only allowed to submit 1 entry though? And can I submit mine as a photo instead of text or not? Thank you.

Edit: Submission is below <3
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

If you want to style your poem up somehow and submit it as an image, please also submit the text.

You can enter more than one if you've got the energy! :)
off wE go into the nether
time travel? well, there's nothing better!

as a group of ladies, gents, and others
a band of roleplay-loving, sword-wielding brothers
(with equal credit to our sisters, fathers, friends, and mothers) --

we find ourselves lost in space,
amidst a harrowing, albeit two-bunned-horse race,
to slay tyrants and return home;

yet, we continue to find things gone
a l l wrong

to fill batteries with friendship
would take us all --
our wily bunch is sure to never let
our beloved rprepository fall!

lost in the land of internet(ia)
in this diverse, outta' this world area
we find our group Privy to a mass
of monster-ridden hysteria

there Is a castle in our sky
that you can see if you look high --
(or find the mythical error 404)
(which in this world lands quite the score!)

and in this castle we can find
a plethora of Creatures we must mind
to complete our ultimate goal
of sending weapons back down below

there is an epic gate
for Whose repair we must wait
to travel week-by-week
which, mind you, is quite a feat

because, as you can see,
to return to our great 2.0 reverie
we must uncover a cornucopia of mystEry
mixed with a touch of rpr history

we fight some foes that we have seen
and some who, directly into, we careen
we even have the well-met aide
rpr mascots come to save the day

we are the keepers of the light
never to let rprEpository fall into night
we are sure to cleanse this blight
and soar, and soar to such new heights

and to the end
we go a g a i n;

the most epic weeKs,
(of all the weeks)
we come to the end of a grandoise feat
now once again we take our seats

for now, ta ta, goodbye, farewell
it's been lovely, fun, and oh-so swell
on this note i wish you well
do not forget your own story to tell

with love, and adventure


- xoxo 2020

(ps: let us see if you can find
the hidden message within this rhyme
and if you do i bid to you
the happiest, of happy bon adieus ~
A Shakespearean sonnet to RPR Epic Week Adventures Recap

Ravaging goblins from darkness emerged
Pillaging, poisoning, doing their worst
Raising to the quest our heroes surged
Even saving the beast that hurt them first

Patiently each guardian was thus awaken
Our Forum Forest was thus then saved
Space aliens were also left shaken
In wrecking the die star weapon they craved

Treasure was found buried under the sea
Once we defeated the goblin pirates
Right through the portal adventures we see
Yearning for dinos and aliens' secrets

Here we work with cyphers, arms galore,
Now collecting, fighting, sharing once more

(Note: exactly 100 words including the title - read the first letter of each sentence - and first word for the last 2 sentences - to read an encouraging message)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Just a reminder, just because Epic Week is over doesn't mean this contest is closed! :D May 10th is your last day to get your poems in :)
My poetry is kinda rusty, but I tried. YEY!

So here's my submission... :D

It is about 2016's Epic Week since I was a little more active during that time. I'd also like to present my poem as a concrete poetry. That's why I asked if I could also submit it as an image before. Hihi... Let's see if you can identify the figure that is being formed. :)

Anyway, if you can't read it through how it is presented, don't worry! The text version is included below! It is exactly 275 words.

Happy Birthday, RPR! <3 <3 <3


My Poem: EPIC WEEK 2016
Horrah! Horrah!
The heroes are free!
The war is over.
There’s finally peace…

Oh! Are you sure?
There was a sudden screech…
from the deepest part of Forum Forest
among the tall and dark trees…

They thought all was well.
They thought it was done,
but beware to all players,
characters, to everyone!

There are legs so long…
about four…NO! There’s eighth!
It also has six eyes.
That doesn’t sound great!

From the darkness, it emerged.
From the darkness, it grew…
Here it comes—Blightcilla!
It’s coming for me and you!

It’s time to unite again!
The warriors of RPR!
The questers, the heroes!
Let these beasts know who we are!

We are the strong. We are the mighty…
We are one of the best!
We are RRR—a family!
Together, we will face any test…

With our rapiers, our guns,
our axes, and grenades…
here we go again on this epic quest
to conquer and to save…

Beasts were lashed and some defeated.
Warriors were injured and some were blighted…
Riddles were answered and guardians awakened.
We thought it was over. We were mistaken...

As all things were thought to be lost,
and there was no way of winning…
there was a powerful and tremendous ROAR!
which made some enemies go running!

Here it is! Here comes an old friend…
just when we thought we were goners.
With the help of the many headed cyborg dragon,
we have at last become the winners!

After days of fighting, brainstorming,
and even countlessly dying…
Forum Forest has been saved!
So, let’s continue celebrating!

Happy Happy Birthday,
dear RPRepository!
You are and always will be
a super awesome community!
Epic Week 2020 Adventures and Teamwork

The site was whispering in soft susurration
all expecting the arrival of the greatest feast
despite all the joy, there was tense trepidation
that such a large cake would lure out a monstruous beast

When the creatures arrived with a very loud screech
all our warriors united and took up arms
those that did not have any within easy reach
to Epic Armory they went and filled up their arms

The vanguard was grouped and ready to hit with force
Discord brought accord to hit the strongest ones first
others supplied us through the coarsest Doubbutt course
together as one, those foes, we punched, shot, axed, pierced

When we thought we had won, we were so very wrong
the Imperial Xenobeast made a shocking return
mounted in its new dino it became far too strong
luckily cyborg dragon also took its turn

By the end of the week and with the portal repaired
the batteries charged since we fulfilled all those quests
the monsters were gone, either were dead or had fled
we celebrated with all our friends and guests

We were victorious by working in unity
and our profiles now we have a new accolade
Happy 10th Birthday RPR community
Let's share the contests' RPR swag that we made
2020 Epic Week Quests, Adventures and Contest

It's here, it's coming,
just like a loud thunder
it's growling, it's roaring,
the king of the jungle

it has finally arrived
it has reared its head
the t-rex has showed up
filling us with great dread

our mighty warriors
fought with courage and charms
rallying more roleplayers
to join and take up arms

with the foes defeated
we all celebrated
when Xeno retreated
newer fights awaited

With a draconic force
victory was assured
parties went on, of course,
with cake, all pain was cured

everywhere happiness
every day brought new joy
roll with snappiness
for the tombola's toy

use creativity
for the quarantine quest
use inclusivity
for the cooking contest

and for the mascot art
if you want to partake
use artistry and be smart
it's all a give and take

for the epic poems
sit down and write away
don't worry about MOEMS*
poetry is just child's play

(for those who are unaware MOEMS are Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools -- math isn't my strongest subject though)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm prodding judges to finish up today! Thank you everyone for your patience. We should have results on contests really soon! :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh, prodding on this one yielded nearly instant posting of final scoring. Yay!!!

In first place, Fire, for their extremely Epic ballad detailing the entire plotline of 2020, complete with a hidden message.
In second place, HibariHaru013 for their stirring poem that was also a beautiful piece of word art
And in third place, Tusitala's Epic Week 2020 Adventures and Teamwork -- the emphasis on team work really made this one feel extra-fitting for the occasion! :D

Sending a PM to the winners so they can select prizes. :)
Thank you, Kim! <3

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus