This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
A slightly futuristic world with mixed fantasy.
Check out genre info.
Key Terms: Morra, Nwa Anj,
The country of Morra had existed for centuries upon centuries, but the last world war left it in shambles. Only a small fraction of the size it used to be. Now Morra is just one giant city. So large it’s split into four quarters.
During the war the government of Morra went through human scientific testing. Creating abilities that humans could now possess through heritage.
Because of their failure on the war Morra’s government was destroyed leaving the people to fend for themselves. Test subjects returned to somewhat normal lives.
These people would fall in love. Their children gaining abilities that could be used for either good or evil.
Presently a new government has risen. One that’s giving the common people hope and courage. Yet, what is a country without is share of rebels? Against the new Hero based government is a underground rebellion referred to the public as villains.
Civil war is present. Villains have control of the South East quadrant and heroes have the north west. Anywhere in between is a war zone.
Only 25% of the population has powers, and no all of them are incredibly useful. It’s barely 1% that have multiple abilities, and even rarer have more than one powerful ability. Although, it’s not unheard of.
Which side are you on? Hero, villain, or civilian? Are the heroes and villains all they are said to be by the media? Or do both sides have their goods and bada?
Hola it ur least favorite person. Probably.
I’m not usually one for group roleplays, but I did something like this with my friends a long while back and it was a ton of fun. I rlly wanna do it again. If I can get people to join I’ll leave a link to a group chat or page or whatever.
You can have up to 4 characters, but only one may have powers. For that one character I’ll have you roll come certain dice to see what kind of abilities they’d get and if they receive multiple.
In order to obtain another boi with powers you need to make another 3 characters first, and even then get permission.
1. No bullying.
2. No smut, fade to black is alright. I guess..
3. Hate the character not the player.
4. Pretty please let’s get some DRAMAAAA
5. Bro just don’t be a butt. No OP crap, and try to be semi literate. Decent grammar and punctuation is also required.
Tis all for now. Because I am considering mahself as DM or Workd Master I’ll be usin a butt ton of NOC characters. Also I made a world based off of this rp so there is hidden lore and stuff. If you even care about that kind of thing.
Group Link:
Check out genre info.
Key Terms: Morra, Nwa Anj,
The country of Morra had existed for centuries upon centuries, but the last world war left it in shambles. Only a small fraction of the size it used to be. Now Morra is just one giant city. So large it’s split into four quarters.
During the war the government of Morra went through human scientific testing. Creating abilities that humans could now possess through heritage.
Because of their failure on the war Morra’s government was destroyed leaving the people to fend for themselves. Test subjects returned to somewhat normal lives.
These people would fall in love. Their children gaining abilities that could be used for either good or evil.
Presently a new government has risen. One that’s giving the common people hope and courage. Yet, what is a country without is share of rebels? Against the new Hero based government is a underground rebellion referred to the public as villains.
Civil war is present. Villains have control of the South East quadrant and heroes have the north west. Anywhere in between is a war zone.
Only 25% of the population has powers, and no all of them are incredibly useful. It’s barely 1% that have multiple abilities, and even rarer have more than one powerful ability. Although, it’s not unheard of.
Which side are you on? Hero, villain, or civilian? Are the heroes and villains all they are said to be by the media? Or do both sides have their goods and bada?
Hola it ur least favorite person. Probably.
I’m not usually one for group roleplays, but I did something like this with my friends a long while back and it was a ton of fun. I rlly wanna do it again. If I can get people to join I’ll leave a link to a group chat or page or whatever.
You can have up to 4 characters, but only one may have powers. For that one character I’ll have you roll come certain dice to see what kind of abilities they’d get and if they receive multiple.
In order to obtain another boi with powers you need to make another 3 characters first, and even then get permission.
1. No bullying.
2. No smut, fade to black is alright. I guess..
3. Hate the character not the player.
4. Pretty please let’s get some DRAMAAAA
5. Bro just don’t be a butt. No OP crap, and try to be semi literate. Decent grammar and punctuation is also required.
Tis all for now. Because I am considering mahself as DM or Workd Master I’ll be usin a butt ton of NOC characters. Also I made a world based off of this rp so there is hidden lore and stuff. If you even care about that kind of thing.
Group Link:
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Near future, perhaps cloning and genetic manipulation
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.
Romance is desired but not required, and will balance evenly with other plot.
Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played with a small group of players.
hello hello I'd be interested in this but would my character Jack Flynt work for this RP if not they I'll use Elliot Dewitt.
I think I did something like this a while ago. I'd love to join in!
Hah i would love to join except im shitty with dice rolls and always end up with really bad numbers lol o.o so perhaps I will give it a try and if goes bad it goes bad
Panzerdivsn wrote:
hello hello I'd be interested in this but would my character Jack Flynt work for this RP if not they I'll use Elliot Dewitt.
You can use both if you want. Each of ur characters you listed looks good, I must ask though. Would that teleporting bit be Jack’s power?
While technology has advanced quite a bit teleportation is not a scientifically discovered thing yet. While there is muscle enhancements they’re expensive. (One of the NPC heroes has them and is rlly strong but otherwise is powerless)
Darkmier wrote:
I think I did something like this a while ago. I'd love to join in!
Sure! What character(s) will you be using and which one (or none) would have an ability?
Aaricia wrote:
Hah i would love to join except im shitty with dice rolls and always end up with really bad numbers lol o.o so perhaps I will give it a try and if goes bad it goes bad
Don’t worry. I’ll just tell u what to roll and what you got. The only other time dice will be used it during combat to solve hits and stuff if ppl r being OP or arguing about it
FitherCwen wrote:
Panzerdivsn wrote:
hello hello I'd be interested in this but would my character Jack Flynt work for this RP if not they I'll use Elliot Dewitt.
You can use both if you want. Each of ur characters you listed looks good, I must ask though. Would that teleporting bit be Jack’s power?
While technology has advanced quite a bit teleportation is not a scientifically discovered thing yet. While there is muscle enhancements they’re expensive. (One of the NPC heroes has them and is rlly strong but otherwise is powerless)
Panzerdivsn wrote:
FitherCwen wrote:
Panzerdivsn wrote:
hello hello I'd be interested in this but would my character Jack Flynt work for this RP if not they I'll use Elliot Dewitt.
You can use both if you want. Each of ur characters you listed looks good, I must ask though. Would that teleporting bit be Jack’s power?
While technology has advanced quite a bit teleportation is not a scientifically discovered thing yet. While there is muscle enhancements they’re expensive. (One of the NPC heroes has them and is rlly strong but otherwise is powerless)
Goooooooot it
FitherCwen wrote:
Darkmier wrote:
I think I did something like this a while ago. I'd love to join in!
Sure! What character(s) will you be using and which one (or none) would have an ability?
For the one with a power, I was thinking Aeron or Alexander or maybe Elias
Without a power I was thinking either Damien or Zenia.
Darkmier wrote:
FitherCwen wrote:
Darkmier wrote:
I think I did something like this a while ago. I'd love to join in!
Sure! What character(s) will you be using and which one (or none) would have an ability?
For the one with a power, I was thinking Aeron or Alexander or maybe Elias
Without a power I was thinking either Damien or Zenia.
Alright. Well I’m doing a bunch of stuff rn so I won’t be able to choose for you. Soz, but lemme know when u got it. I’m making the IC and OOC group now.
The group site is complete. I shall add the link.
Alrighty, I'll be using Alexander and Zenia BTW.
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