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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Assassin's Creed: The Final Froniter ((Open))

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (played by Quipy_Cat)

"Well... at least we know the source of this... gathering." Stating the obvious in a sarcastic sense.

He wanted to ask more but his gaze fell to the Commandrooms window or that is what he thought it was. They were is space, yes, but the dots of the stars suddenly changed into thin lines, all of them.
The ship unexpectedly jolted throwing everyone off balance except the one sitting. At that moment they heard an ecstatic call of joy, confusing them all.
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

He did it, it was working. To jump back a few minutes, he wasn't paying attention to the Assasin's, he knew they had to get back to the council immediately, so he did what he planned on doing in the first place. He activated his invention and it worked. They were in a direct course that cuts the time by 3 1/2 hours. But... now he had other problems.

His "Yesss!" was quickly followed by hi jumping up and gather his equipment next the shelves behind his seat. He didn't even notice everyone fell. Once he had everything he needed he looked at the confused crowd.

"Hi, I am Fe'ra Jols, formalities will come later, for now, I must go." He swiftly made his way through the Assassin's, at the door on his way out he smirked at Shay and said aloud, "The deck is yours, Captain Shay!" and he runs off to the engine room. He needs to make sure nothing goes wrong now. That 68% of working was accompanied by a 9% chance of death and a 23% chance of not working... So if he wants this invention of his to be added to all the Brotherhoods ships he needs to increase the success rate and eliminate death.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Shay fell like the rest, but when he got up, all he heard was Fe'ra say 'Bye' and went to another room.

"Damn it... Damn you and your 'Warp Machine' or whatever you call it."Shay II went ahead to grab the controls.

"What's happening?", Jacob said.

"Simple. Fe'ra is preparing a warp, which will get back us back to home pretty quick. But his invention isn't always the best. It overloads the ship even to make a simple jump. So it's up to me not to crash the damn ship with once we enter orbit. Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Evie, help him with whatever he has overloaded. Arno, Edward, Bayek, Kassandra, and...Shay. You help me with the controls. You got all that."
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

He arrives in the engine room. He quickly gets to work setting up his devices checking everything. "My word, this might just... work." And then the alarms start going off... one by one.

Ezio, Connor, and Evie show up as if summoned. "Oo, great I need a few eyes." He gets to the pannel gesturing them to follow.
"Ezio, check this display if this thing goes beyond this point it will go red. Tell me and press this BLUE button. Not the red or yellow please, we want to live." He nods and takes Connor to the next station. "Okay Connor, right... well, these valves are all good now... keep an eye on them... if they reach above... 13 000 bars, pull this lever hold for 10 seconds and release. Understand, great Evie." He takes her to a consol where there are many bars digits and buttons. "Here you have to focus... This umm purple bar here. you can use these two knobs to keep it in the yellow area. Don't turn them too much they are very sensitive." He gave her a smile and rushes off to silence those alarms.

He knew Shay... ShayII will have the front, but he needs to stabilize the ship, keep the ship's core from overloading.

Now see here, he did work on this before the mission, and it seemed more stable now than before, not purrfect yet, but nearly there.
He activates the intercom of the ship and starts the countdown. "Get ready, warping in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... " And poof they went.

The first 5 mins were hectic, the ship was unstable and they were struggling to keep control, but then... like a good whiskey, the next 25 mins went down smooth.
The drop out as well, he planned on surprising his Brother ShayII... but that came later Fe'ra sent the 3 Assassin's back to him while he kept an eye on everything for that 25 mins.
Tyber Zann (played by Cactus_Jones)

Zann had reported his findings to his fellow Master Templars. Although he had lost the piece of Eden he did have a plan to regain especially with their technology the Templars had been developing and with the establishment of a Black Market on the Captial World Tyber had access to tech that many of those in their nation did not even know to exist. He sat in his quarters and sent a message to his fellow Templars close by, Master Corbin, Master Selenite, and Master Lorkan as he needed backup, influence, and that they were the closest to his current location in an asteroid field.

After sending out his message to those three, he had given out contract and bounty on the head of Shay Cormac the Second through the criminal underworld and now waited for his plan to come into fruition.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

"Edward,I need you to take the next seat and grab that lever. We need to get the ship into position and try to keep it straight." Edward nodded at sat in the Seat and grabbed the Lever.

"Bayek, Kassandra, and Arno, you see those three switches, you guys need to flip them one after another. Got that?"

"What if it doesn't work?"

"We'll crash."

Arno growled then grabbed the lever, as with the others

"Shay, Altair, and Jacob. I need you to look and make sure that the Ship systems are working right."

As the intercom turned on, and Fe'ra started counting down, Shay said one final and "Oh, and brace yourselves...the pressure gets more intense at the being."

And then the warp. It felt like to all the Assassin's that they couldn't move, and after that smooth sailing.

"I'm gonna kill him when he lands...."When they reach home, the Past Assassin was most likely in Shock, as they saw an ice planet

"Mate..."Edward started,"This is were the brotherhood is?"

"No,it's just where I lived. No one searches an Ice Wasteland unless it has something of value."Shay said as he set the ship to autopilot and turn on the Intercom,"Fe'ra, get the extra spacesuits...Time to see if they can handle different terrain."
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

Fe'ra jumps up and at the call. Chilling his nerves he asks out of frustration and hopelessness. "One for each of us right, if you say yes great, but I'll have to stay behind. You know these cold wasteland loves to waste our time getting this baby running again. Unless you want to stay here a while..."

As he talks he jogs to the storage room, might be a small ship, but this thing has space. He starts digging through the crates. "Nope. Empty, empty, useless, not the sun, not the desert, no... Do we even have... Wait, I know where they are." He groaned as he remembered one teeny tiny thing ShayII did before they left.

He gets to the Mass Storage unit. Misery defined him at the moment. 67 Crates of various sizes, all thrown into one area...unmakred. A grunt of disapproval left him, he gathered his strength and dived in. about 10 mins later he found the 2 crates, amongst those that were there before the 53 others were added in. He picked them up, heavy as they were and walked to the mess... that is the biggest place on the ship, so he was sure they'd be there.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Shay II would walk into the Storage Unit and said, "Get Jumpsuits that is meant for TropicalArea. Changed course toa moon Actual. Its Name is Guardian."

Shay would walk up to a crate, and opened it, and took out Several Hidden Blades, ones that were plasma in nature. He also took out two creates, which would trade their current gear for newer models"Think you can hand these to them? Their weapons wouldn't really work as well as that used. Granted we never know."
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

"Oof, you really want to give an upgrade yeah. I'll set everything up in the mess, set up 10 stations, and put each one's gear on there." He checked the crate not seeing all he needs, he adds in a few different weapons like the energy tomahawk and the light short blade his favorite.

he gets to the mess, readying to start setting the stations up. To his surprise, Evie walks in. She looks curiously at everything, walking to the crates she takes out a hidden blade. "'Whoa! Don't, don't grab it like that, Evie you are going to lose more than a finger like that." He was surprised and slightly worried about the idea of giving them the technology they have no experience with. He took the Hidden blade and placed it back in the crate.

"O um... Sorry I didn't know." She looks ever so slightly embarrassed "You seem like the man I need to ask to teach me of this weaponry. It doesn't look anything like my firearm but seems like it can hurt one's opponent more." She only looks down at the items in the crate, not touching anything again.

"Well, thanks..." he found it weird that she thinks he knows more than ShayII, sure he isn't in the Brotherhood longer than ShayII but he was more on the tech and research side of the story. Due to the recent breakthrough of tracking Pieces of Eden that are in the hands of Templars, made the Council decide to make him ShayII's partner of the time being. He had the skills to be an Assassin but compared to ShayII he is a piece of stone in the sole of a shoe.

"If you want to know a bit more, I can explain to you as you help me get everything set up for you guys." Giving a smile at this opportune moment to give her the knowledge she seeks.

"Sure, what can I do... umm Fe'ra is the name right?" taking a step to the side, waiting for his instructions.

"Yeah, the short version... any case lets start here..."

And so they jump in and get the mess set up; 11 stations one for each of the 10 old Assassin's and 1 for ShayII to explain each weapon. With a holographic test dummy to show how deadly these weapons can be.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Shay would land at Guardian, where he landed somewhere close to the White Towers."Alright...this should work. Everyone,get in the back of the ship."

"Why should we-", Bayek started saying, before Shay spoke before he could finish.

"So you can switch your gear. The gear you have now...isn't going to work really. Won't even put a dent-Wait, where's Altair?"

"He already went to the back...Though he doesn't talk much."

For course he doesn't talk. He's confused, as much as everyone is confused.
"Well,let's get to the back."
Once everyone got in the back, Shay said," Alright everyone, put on your new suits."

"What is the point of these?",Jacob asked

"Oh...Help you breathe in space, maintain balance while in space, and has antigrav boots....and these are newer models really, so they're reliable. You're hidden blades, replaced with Plasma, a new power source cuts through metal easily and can short out near electronics."

"What about our weapons?" Kassandra asked.

"Your weapons also, will be traded for newer. In Arno, Evie and Jacob times, guns were commonly used, and they still are today. Think of it as a better bowRifles,/url],Pistols, Even bows, has been upgraded to handle both space and on ground situation. Any other questions?"

Arno asked,"Why do the suits look like what we usually wear?"

"I think Fe'ra chose those, so you still should be comfortable "
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

Fe'ra walked in with a casing containing 15 brooches, each a unique Brotherhood symbol. He walks by everyone placing it on their suits. "...before you all ask, this is a communication device. I made it easy to attach to your suits." He walks by ShayII pinning one on him as well. "But hard to remove." He presses a button, making the brooches 'melt' into the suits. It caused no damage but would stay no matter what.

Smirking at the reaction of the Assassin's he looks at ShayII waiting for a response, arm crossed. "So shall I tag along, or can you handle them by yourself, coming back alive I hope?" He really wants to show off what he has learned how he has improved his skills and ability to adapt. IF... Shay II sees then maybe, just maybe he can recommend to the Council to make him an Assassin. A front liner, not stay the tech boy he is now.

His suit is waiting for him, his weapons as well, but it all depends on Shay II. He is the leader of this mission, he decides who stays and who goes.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

"Actually I'll do you one better.",Shay II said as he pressed a button that opened the side door of the ship."I'll let you take charge. Do good enough, and I'll talk about the Council about getting you a Mentor."Shay said before he walked out of the ship, leaving the group, with Shay walking after him.

"Well, what should do, oh-Fear-less leader?"Jacob said, before he got smacked in the back by Edward.

"Give the Lad the chance to speak first."

"Well, what should we do, ηγέτης?" Kassandra asked.
Shay was confused. First, he was walking out the Palace of Versailles before something grabs him and he's in a ship in space, that was the least he got.

But from what, he's processing, he has a grandson. Probably Centuries year-long Grandson, but still a grandson.

"Why are you following me?"

Shay seemed to stop in his tracks as he tried to find his words," You're... not with the Templars."

"Our family is known for going back and forth between the Assassin's and Templars, with only about 13 of staying with the Assassins. Life's hardest choices are the ones that force you to question your own moral code."

Shay only chuckled, with Shay II saying, "You know it's weird. Had no family, Fe'ra is what I consider a brother. Make my own luck, as our mottos go."

"We have mottos?"

"All based on you.I was the one that took after you the most, really. Betrayed the Assassin's, killed fellow brother and sisters and left multiple Grandmasters Alive. But I betrayed the Templar and the Assassin's accepted me once again, for what I don't know."
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

Fe'ra chuckled at Jacob's remark. A great way to get his mind off the words of Shay II, he truly is a brother to him.
Bringing his mind back he looks at everyone dressed and ready to go. He wasn't so planning time. "Umm, well... give me a second to get my suit on then we can go..."

"Wait, wait, wait... if we are going in this... outfit. Aren't the Templars going to notice us?" Ezio asked worriedly.

"Yes, my brother I wonder the same." Connor finally spoke again, with both Shay's gone.

"Gentlemen and m'lady, we are in an area where Templars do not dare go, for there is no trace of any pieces of Eden or any Assassin's here, so they believe." He spoke demanding their attention. This was going to be a challenge. "Look, let me change then we can either discuss this in space or have some fun, acquainting you all to the new gear and gravity. Okay? Good."He ran off and got dressed, within a minute he returned, beaming with excitement and horror.

"Now then, firstly let me explain the controls or buttons one each item..." as quickly and as simplistic as he can explain. "You all seem to understand."

"I can't believe the Assassin's resorted to so many buttons, what happened to good old stab and run?" Edward was really not liking this, frankly, Jacob and Connor agreed.

Fe'ra shakes his head and smiles, what can he say. "Evolution, times darkened and now we stand here. Like my ancestor said do not fear the darkness but welcome its embrace. So let us get going then, Brothers." Spoken like a new leader. The Assassin's nod and follow his lead. But one of them is suspicious and decides to ensure what they think is true before jumping to conclusions.
They go out and start a basic parkour warm-up, next came reflexes, climbing, dodging, sneaking, and basically everything that a junior Assassin of this time must know and understand.

"Hey, when can I test this plasma gun, I can clearly run with this suit feels weird helping me, I need to fight!" Evie said being cheered on by everyone.

"So, you want to test your weapons, huh? Well, let's go through the tutorial fist then you can practice." Fe'ra said as cocky as he can be.
He sets up holograms that can block, evade, strike and 'die'. Test dummies for them. After a long tutorial they all start. Altair doing surprisingly well, followed by Kassandra and Connor. The rest caught up and they all enjoyed it in the end. Jacob and Edward started to challenge another, seeing who can dodge the most, quick kill, etc.

Fe'ra stood aside, talking to those who wished to know more and do a bit more parkour.
Ezio stood on the side looking at Fe'ra very suspiciously. "Signore Ezio, what keeps you there leaning against the tree?"

Ezio comes fort, looking him dead in the eye. "I don't believe you are who you say you are, prove me wrong and I won't kill you."

Shocked was one word for it, guilty was another. "Why do you think I am not..."

"Because you said my words... do not fear the darkness but welcome its embrace, I said those words 3 weeks ago. How do you know it!?" He stood in front of Fe'ra threatening him.

Fe'ra sighed, not how he imagined the training would go, he was sure even Shay II could hear Ezio, actually not even he knew his full truth.
"Ezio, you... are a man with talento. You're right. I am Fe'ra Jols, but that is not my full name. My real name is Feliciano Marcello Auditore Jolanghi... I come from a line of assassin's some say. But I only remember parts of my ancestor's deeds and his... words." He stood there in aw as his brains put 1+1 together. Can it be???

The others did stop and stepped closer to see what was going on.

{{ Sorry for the long post}}
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Shay II sighed, as he heard footsteps behind, "What are yo-" Shay II said as he turned, only to see a sword swinging at him.How does he know-Of course he knows how to use a sword and dagger.

"Let's see if you the skill or just the Name."

Ok, he's not wrong. Most 'Cormacs' in both the Brotherhood and Order quickly think of themselves as Shay Comarc, yet Shay II is one of the few with the blood to prove it.

But if his grandfather wants him to prove it, who is he to say no. Shay II pulled out his sword and dagger, which lead his grandfather to smirk.

"On three. One-"

"Two, Three" Shay II rapidly said as swings. One thing was noticeable. Shay, who had more experience then Shay II, who was more adaptable to his surrounding.
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

So things got weird for Fe'ra. He thinks he found the ancestor he has been seeing in his dreams. But he couldn't really ponder on it now, the lessons... the, the training needed to be done.

"Umm.. okay so everyone we ne..."

"Siamo una famiglia Feliciano! Come here." Ezio shouts after considering everything he heard. He walks to Fe'ra arms spread open for a hug. He nearly squishes him, but out of joy, he acted.

Fe'ra couldn't do much about it so he just went with it. Finally after the hug and a few family words... Fe'ra could continue with the training.

"So... we are 1,2,3,6...10 in total great. Divide into 2 teams..." they instantly did it.
Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, and Jacob were on one side and was Evie, Kassandra, Bayek, and Arno was on the other side.
"Great, made my choice for me I'll be with the party of 4. Now, remember that button that makes all attacks non-lethal, press it, we are going to have a little capture the flag game."

He walks over to the party of 4 while he works on his arm gadget, suddenly all the group of men had an orange band around their arm, the others, including him, had a blue one. He also programmed the holograms to resemble 2 flags, one blue and orange, and to mark their game area.

"Now each team has to hide their flag, in the marked area, and go find the other team's flag. You may only use your non-lethal hidden blade. Once you are hit, you will have a red square on your armband. After 5 seconds you can move again. But once you have been killed 3 times you are out. Best out of 5 captures wins the game."

"But what the... why fight ourselves, our brothers?" Altair asked uncertain about his reasons.

"I think this is going to be fun! Hey, Evie, I'm coming for you, sis." Jacob said with the most exciting expression he can make.

"Do or die, brother, let's go!" Evie replied with fury in her stance, Kassandra giving her five and Bayek and Arno smirking in the background.

And then the game began...
Fe'ra did check everyone's hidden blade before they began and he added a program to deny them the option to change it till the game was done. Just for safety.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Meanwhile, Shay and ShayII were still having their play-fight. It's was just... really anything serious between the two of them. Both knew this, however, and were just doing it to past the time.

Shay II kept going at the quick swings, all the while, Shay kept his defenses up. However, the two kept a smile. However, time passes, and Shay decides to end the fight by disarming his grandson with the Dagger, slicing both hands."What's wrong with you?"

"You wouldn't stop."

"Could have asked."

"And where would be the fun in that?"

None,really.Shay would walk up to him, and reached out his hand, where Shay II grabbed and lifted himself up."Shall we check up on the others?"

"Yeah...Hope Fe'ra didn't do anything to stressing."However, when both of them walked on the ship. The first thing Shay had to do was duck to avoid a bullet.

From what Shay II saw....They were having a blast playing Capture the Flag...even Altair was grinning, and he normally wasn't the one to smile, from what he read.

"I want Shay on my team!"Arno and Jacob yelled, which resulted in another yelling feud.

"Let's sit this one out."Shay II said as he and Shay walked to the benches, proceeding to watch the game progress.
Tyber Zann (played by Cactus_Jones)

Meanwhile, 2 Eden Prode-Trackers had entered the system. Made by the genius Doc Morton had made it it easier for information to travel. One of the probes had spotted a ship that made it internal circuits flicker for new orders. Its processor had decided to take a closer looker and used its incredibly long-range camera to zoom in on its target. It had spotted the large playing around and had seen damp but familiar energy coming from the ship.

The probe cloaked itself and went to the tropical planet of Guardian and began its descent slowly. The Gravity made go faster down buts its trusted had it from burning up and slowing its descent to the ground. It took a good ten minutes but was now in the sky with two towers in its sights. It began to head there when it spotted unknown entities. Still invisible it recorded the Assassin, who didn't know of its existence and sent to the other Probe near the edge of the system.

The other Probe had received the message and then turned to the direction where it originally came from and sent a signal and report of its investigations to whoever sent them.
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

The game finally came to an end a 2:3. Fe’ra’s team won thanks to a killer move by Kassandra and Bayek, Arno, Evie and Fe’ra kept them busy as a distraction.

“And that is the game! Whoa, now come let’s all go and join the... umm the Shay’s.”

“I will never join the Templars” Connor sneered from the side.

“None of us will and they won’t either, please, Brother, I know you have a hate for both now... but we out number them 1 to 5 so... if something were to happen we can end it quickly.” Fe’ra grips Connor on the shoulder to reassure him. He responds with a nod and smile joining the rest.

Not like we would have to fight our brothers. I would never fight Shay II

“Seems like it runs in the family.” Ezio says stepping closer. “ We state the fact but know the truth. “ Ezio smiles and grips his shoulder he was impressed.

“Come then Signore, shall we join the others?” Fe’ra smiles and gestures to those standing some distance away. They start the walk and they chat the whole time, throwing a few laughs in as well.

When they reach the others Fe’ra walks to Shay II sitting next to him beaming of joy. “ You two missed a great game of capture the flag... what were you to up to?”
Fe’ra double checks his device to make everyone’s weapons are lethal again and he commands the little hologram bots to return to the ship, waiting for an answer.
Shay II (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

"Just on a practice run. Nothing more or less."Shay said with a grin."I see the rest of you had fun as well."

"You kidding me It was a blast!",Jacob said loudly,

"It was a valid attempt for the Rogue Ones," Altair said,which lead to Shay II to roll his eyes.

Right, he's always tense but for what reason?

"None the less...We need food. I hope you don't eat some weird...whatever it is you eat?"Shay said.

"Fe'ra,we still got something left to eat? Been a while since we had to restock."
Fe'ra Jols (played by Quipy_Cat)

"Umm...Well," Fe'ra scratches the back of his head... Thinking did they have anything at all that is editable.

"Well, we will have in let's say 15 minutes if you guys want something." he doesn't really wait for a response. He runs in to get his hoverbike, the one he has been hiding in his room, and garbs some money the Council gave them. Going out the side exit, he gets his bike running and goes to the nearest town.

Arriving there it was hectic in the village, a lot of locals looking at him as if he was there to steal their daughters.
Not the fanciest food but decent was what he could find. He gets 13 Hamburgers 13 different drinks and a lot of serviettes. He gets back on his bike and drives on back. Sadly it cost him all the money he had on him... he liked the idea off the hamburgers more than the weird-looking pie they had.

He stopped right where they were... He couldn't sneak that through and make them think he made it. So the direct approach was the best choice. He will hear Shay II's long scolding later for bringing his bike along.

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