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Dorothy Parsons (played by Juls) Topic Starter

"I can keep an eye on 'im," Dotty whispered. If Conner felt like it would be better to know what was going on vs just guessing, she trusted his instincts. But didn't trust her own ability to traverse the terrain quietly in the dark.

At least she wouldn't have to listen to Hank complain after Jack had clunked him.

"And the horses too," she added and went to put her gun belt back on to keep watch.
Sydney looked over his work one final time as Charlie asked where his question. It was a good question and one that he should answer. His skills were rather abundant for being a Marshal. He always figured that he would need a variety of skills during his lifetime. All he did was give a silent shake of his head. Sydney had seen battle before becoming a Marshal. It was part of the reason he was set on this path.

"Mostly around the ranch my father owned. People always getting hurt tending to the animals if they not careful. The skill came in use for the battle I was in. Joined the Marshals office instead of the war. Not sure if it was the right choice or not. However, I am good at this and this is where I belong."

Sydney sat back a moment to relax a little. He was feeling rather tense while he was stitching up Charlie. There was pressure on him to make sure he worked quickly yet made no mistakes. The tension was starting to fade but did not fully disappear. There was still the lingering threat of more danger out there in the wilderness. He looked between the two brothers with his brow scrunched up and furrowed.

"Think anyone heard that shot?"
The GM (played by Juls) Topic Starter

Charlie tried to look down at the freshly stitched wound, touching the tender flesh gingerly. "Son of gun hurts..." he complained a bit, giving his shoulder a small rotation that made him wince as the movement pulled at the stitches. But they held well.

"Your family's got a ranch?" Bones prodded further, slightly curious. "They still runnin' it?"

In contrast to Sydney's tension, Dave was starting to relax again as he convinced himself the second cat wasn't going to attack. Charlie took another large sip of the alcohol.

"Howdy folks!" a deep voice cut through the darkness from a respectful distance. The man wearing the animal skin hat remained unaware that Conner and Jack were tailing him as he paused his horse and hailed Sydney and the Goller brothers. "Ya'll alright there?" he asked, cupping a hand around his mouth to allow his voice to carry and be easily heard through the night. "Heard the shots and the cat screamin'! Can I come in ta your camp?"

Bones squinted into the dark, but was still unable to see the rider. "That ain't Flinch er Smitty..." he said lowly to Sydney, not recognizing the voice.

"Hand me a shootin' iron..." Charlie whispered, pointing to his pistol belt on the other side of the marshal. He didn't want to be unarmed if whoever this was turned out to be trouble. But both brothers deferred to Sydney to answer the stranger.
“I’ll go with ya then,” Jack announced to Connor. He wasn’t thrilled about disrupting his sleep, but if his companions found it important to tail the odd stranger, Jack wasn’t going to be the one to suggest otherwise. If they were lucky, the man would lead them to some fun or something worth stealing.

Before turning away from Dorothy to go with Connor, Jack had a look at Hank. He hadn’t gone out at the first punch, but he seemed pretty harmless at the moment. To be on the safer side, Jack took off his duster and passed it to Dorothy.

“Ya can shove this in his mouth if he becomes too chatty, darlin’ “ He suggested, and then gave her a brief kiss on the cheek before turning on his heel and following Connor into the darkness and in the direction of the stranger and the gunshot.
Connor Kenway (played anonymously)

"Howgh.." Connor whispered in agreement in his usual Kiowa way towards Dorothy and Jack. Hopefully by this point in their partnership, both of them knew that 'Howgh' was an affirmative expression.

Connor took the moment of Jack going back to check on the prisoner to trade weapons, this would require stealth and couldn't afford to lead with his six shooter, not when he could get multiple kills without the enemy ever noticing his presence. Thus, he tucked his revolver and his tomahawk and pulled out his warbow. He kept one hand free rather than draw an arrow and have it ready, preferring the option to adapt quickly on the fly to the situation.

As he prepared himself, he looked over his shoulder slightly and noticed that exchange of affection between Jack and Dorothy. A pang of jealousy running through his body, his chest feeling like it was tightening. He frowned and slowly looked back forwards.

Connor tired of this game.. a game that Jack was so much better at playing than him. Perhaps he had been foolish to try to pursue Dorothy when really he never had a chance.

But as much as Connor did not want to continue subjecting himself to this competition-- he also hated losing. Perhaps another opportunity would present itself. For the moment, all he could focus on was the task at hand.

As Jack joined him in the darkness, the Kiowa Brave whispered to him. "Ten Feet apart. No sound. Upper body low." This had just turned into a Kiowa night raid and Connor began treating Jack as he would a fellow Brave. The Kiowa moved as silently as a cloud moving across the sky-- the power of wearing moccasins. He wondered if Jack would be able to keep up with those lumbering cowboy boots of his.
Sydney was about to answer the question concerning his parent's ranch when the voice broke through the darkness. He tensed and fell silent. HIs eyes darted out into the darkness to locate the voice. Looking between the brothers he kept quiet and still. Slowly he would reach for the gun situated near him to hand to the brother. While Sydney was a fairly trusting guy trouble could come from anywhere. Taking a moment he considered the options. It was not long before he was answering the voice in the darkness.

"Just a little mishap, nothing serious. The cat ran off. I'm Marshal Sydney Richards. These two men are helping me pursue an escaped criminal. Who are you?"

Sydney was a little reluctant to grant permission to enter their camp. He wanted the man to identify himself first and foremost before granting permission. If he was willing to give his name then he would be free to enter the camp. However, if he chose not to give his name then Sydney would still allow him to come into the camp. He would just keep a better eye on the man. This was a gamble they needed to take. Being in the light of the fire would make that easier on all of them. The marshal at least wanted to know what the man was there for besides having heard the commotion.

"What were you doing out this late, stranger?"
The GM (played by Juls) Topic Starter

Dotty took the offered bandana. Maybe she'd gag Hank while he was out to keep him from groaning when he woke up. "Be careful..." she whispered back to Jack, unaware that Conner had witnessed the brief kiss.

((Jack and Conner can come close enough to hear the exchange without being noticed themselves since the man's voice is raised to be easily heard.))

"Name's Lance O'Boyle," said the man loudly. "Heard the shots. Hold on, I'm coming closer. Would 'ppreciate it iffn ya don't shoot me."

He dismounted from his horse and led it toward the campsite on foot, pausing at the edge of their campfire light so they could see him, knowing full well that barging uninvited into a campsite was a good way to get shot. He had a rifle in his left hand, but it was held loosely and pointed at the ground. Still, it seemed natural and comfortable in his grip, leaving little doubt he was fully capable of utilizing it.

He was of average height and dressed in leathers and a fur hat. Several animal hides are bundled and tied behind his saddle. Even with the short distance between them, Sydney, Bones, & Charlie catch a faint whiff of skunk aroma and body odor coming from the man. Bones wrinkles up his nose slightly... as if he smelled so wonderful himself since it had been nearly a week since his last bath in a creek.


"Marshal, huh!? By the great horn spoon, that ain't something a fella finds out in the woods too offen." Lance's eyes traveled to the dead mountain lion and he let out a low, appreciative whistle.

"Would ya look'it that!? Looks like you already got yourself a criminal there," he said, gesturing at the cat. "There's a 50 dollar bounty on it. There's a pair of 'em. Been causin' all kinds a grief ta the homesteader's round South Fork."

"50 dollars!?" Bones blurted out. "Sounds like we're gonna be celebratin' in South Fork, Char."
“Got it,” Jack said, confirming that he’d heard and understood Connor’s orders. No need to argue with someone who knew what he was doing.

For any outside observer, it would be clear that Connor had way more experience with sneaking in the darkness. His moccasins certainly gave him an advantage, and made the sound of his steps less of a worry. But Jack had experience with sneaking as well. From ages five to seven, he and a girl from the orphanage, Maggie, had run a little cooperation of their own. She’d use her smart head, round cheeks and red curls to distract wealthy ladies in the streets, while Jack snuck valuables from them.

Later, after he’d left the orphanage for good, he’d robbed stagecoaches and wagons that travelled at night, and that was when he’d learned to muffle the sound of riding boots. While he did manage to keep up with Connor, he was a step or two behind the Brave. As they approached the voices, he made even more effort to not be heard, or accidentally miss any part of the conversation.

‘ Marshal, huh!? By the great horn spoon, that ain't something a fella finds out in the woods too offen.’

Shit... Jack though to himself, almost whispering it out loud. Wasn’t it just his luck, he and Dorothy would run upon a lawman while working under a guise? He instinctively reached for the duster around his neck to pull it up, only to be met by the collar of his shirt... He’d given his only way of making his face to Dorothy, and now he was sneaking up on a lawman.

“Bounty hunters,” he whispered to Connor, which seemed true in the case of at least one of the men in the camp.
The man had only answered one of his questions. At least, he had given his name before coming into the camp. Sydney kept an eye on the man as he drew closer and closer. Hearing there was a bounty on the two large felines was no surprise. There was good money in being able to deal with dangers that threatened the lives of people. He glanced towards the dead feline as Bones grew excited about hearing about the reward money. They would be able to celebrate once they caught up to Dorothy and the men she was traveling with. Sydney looked back towards the man. The smell was a little overwhelming but he pushed aside his discomfort.

"The cats are not what I was hunting. However, that money will help out. Have you seen anyone besides us in the area?"

Sydney was fishing for more information from Lance. He wanted to know if he happened upon his quarry. The Marshal was still certain they were hot on her trail. It was just hard for him to know how close they were for certain. What Lance told him could help with morale. Knowing there would be some time to celebrate helped out considerably. This could inspire the brothers to finish the job quickly if Dorothy was close at hand. Sydney did not really care about the reward money. He would most likely give it to the brothers for the services they provided him.

"Another question, Lance. Is South Fork far from here?"
Connor Kenway (played anonymously)

Jack had kept up better than anticipated. Good. Connor could not afford to bring a clumsy cowboy on this stealth mission. He would always prefer his partners to wear moccasins, but if Jack was somehow making it work for him he had no reason to complain.

It would be impossible to tell in the darkness, but Connor pursed his lips as he heard Jack mention they were bounty hunters. 'And poachers' Connor added in his mind, though he knew Jack wouldn't really care about these men hunting indiscriminately.

Just as well, they truly had more important things to worry about. If someone had gotten the notion to put a price on their heads and these men were now hunting for them, this would be the perfect opportunity to be rid of them.

"Get ready." Connor whispered to Jack as he notched an arrow. He was just going to wait for any of these men to say something incriminating to put an arrow between their eyes.
The GM (played by Juls) Topic Starter

“Seen a few folks recently,” Lance answered Sydney, still paused at the edge of their camp site. “Didn’t think none of ‘em were among the willows, though,” he said with an amused chuckle as he scratched his throat under his thick beard. “Not that I make it my business to ask about a feller’s past, mind you. But I guess ya never can tell, huh? What’s the scoundrel you’re after look like? He dan'gris?”

“Three of ‘em,” Dave cut in, completely unaware of the potential arrow he was inviting. Lance’s eyebrows raised momentarily, as if he thought he might know who they were talking about. “Two Johnny Rebs and their blonde sozzle,” Dave added and the quick look of potential recognition faded from Lance’s face as fast as it had come.

“I sure hain’t seen no wimmen folk out here,” Lance said with a disappointed shake of his head. “I’d remember that for sure. South Fork ain’t too far though. Bout 3 and a half, mebbe 4 miles that-a-way," he gestured generally in the direction of Conner, Jack, & Dorothy's campsite. "I can take ya in the morning, show ya where ta collect the bounty on your cat there? You think that’s where the crim'nals are headed?” he asked, as if this were the most excitement he’d had in awhile, besides his obvious run-in with a skunk.

Slang terms:
  • Among the willows - on the run from the law
  • sozzle - a lazy, untidy, or sluttish woman
Sydney rubbed a hand against his chin. He thought for sure that they had come this way. Although, just because Lance had not seen them did not mean they were not still out there. They could still be further ahead on the trial. Or even in this South Fork for all he knew. He thought over the offer for a guide to the city. It would make matters easier come tomorrow if they all went together. A larger group was more likely to avoid any unscrupulous activities.

"I will talk to my partner's about your offer," Sydney said to Lance. "It seems likely that is where the three of them were headed. I am not sure about the men but the woman is considered dangerous. You should be careful approaching them if you find them without anyone else around."

Sydney turned his attention towards Charlie and Dave. They had as much of a say in the matter as he did. While he was calling the shots he considered the two brothers to be his equals at the moment. Both of them had been earning his favor and some of his trust while they traveled together. His eyes went from one brother to the other.

"Want to take him up on the offer? We could cover more ground in the morning with a guide to help. Maybe catch up to our quarry."
Despite not wanting any contact with anyone remotely related to the law, Jack got ready at Connor’s prompt. He tightened the grip around the hunting dagger, and kept his six-shooter ready in the other. He wouldn’t need the pistol until very last minute due to how loud it was, but if all went to hell in a hand basket, it could save his life.

Up until then, the party by the fire hadn’t given Connor any reason to attack them, or question the true nature of his own to travelling companions. They’d mentioned two men and a woman, which fit their description, but they could just as well be after Hank for his bounty, and just not want to tip off the stranger.

Or so Jack thought, until the Marshall spoke again:

‘I am not sure about the men but the woman is considered dangerous’

Was it Dotty, they were after? All the way from Texas? Must have been some important toes, she’d stepped on on her way to Wyoming.

The Marshal’s words put Jack in an uncomfortable situation, where he couldn’t just brush off the other travelers as harmless. They were after them, and he weren’t sure they’d be for long, if it were up to Connor.

“We best get back to the camp,” he whispered to Connor. “If they’s our here lookin’ for us, we should stay on the move. A dead lawman ain’t gonna do ya no good, and with Dotty alone in the camp, we can’t afford them startin’ to shoot and alerting all types of characters hidin’ out here...”
Connor Kenway (played anonymously)

Honestly, Connor really couldn't care less about being in a wanted poster. He was a wanted man the moment he was born, just because he had Kiowa blood in him. Couldn't enter bars without being looked at, couldn't enter towns without being looked at, heck, he had to go through some serious hoops in order to get his job at the mine with Easton-- a job he was only really interested in getting for Easton's benefit so his whole company didn't end up wiped out by angry Kiowa.

Might as well kill a few Pale Faces and actually have a reason for being wanted.

But ultimately, Connor wasn't evil, he wouldn't succumb to his anger and bitterness and kill someone for the fun of it, or because he felt justified. He needed an actual reason and Jack was right.. if he got everyone in trouble, Dorothy was going to be the one the most affected.

For her sake, and only for her sake, he would spare these men.

"Very well." He lowered his bow and set the arrow back in his quiver, moving back towards camp.
The GM (played by Juls) Topic Starter

Dave was still convinced Dorothy was with Flinch and Smitty, so rolled his eyes behind Sydney’s back as he put emphasis on Dotty over the two, in his opinion, larger threats. “If ya see ‘em, we’d sure make it worth yer while to come tell us,” Dave offered without asking Sydney’s permission to do so.

Lance nodded agreeably.

"Sounds good to me," Bones said to answer Sydney’s question. "Catch ‘em in South Fork and we'll be celebratin' by this time tomorrow."

“I dunno,” Charlie said, much quieter, less trusting of random strangers that seemed overly eager to be helpful without asking for anything in return. "Seems fishy that he just showed up."

Seemed like the final decision would come down to Sydney as the tie breaker.

Lance’s horse suddenly raised its head and pointed its attention in the direction of Conner and Jack. It was too dark for the humans to see what had caught the horse's attention in the shadows of the trees, but it had certainly seen, heard, or smelled something.

“Did ya catch a whiff of that other cat?” Lance said to the horse, scanning the darkness as he readjusted the grip on his rifle, just in case. “That devil might be layin’ in wait. They’re slick as ghosts.”
Sydney was also suspicious of the man named Lance. It seemed rather odd that he was this far out from the town this late at night. However, he had provided good information to them. While he was hoping that he had seen their quarry at least he was willing to tell them if he saw them. Sydney did not care that Dave said what he did. He was going to offer the same thing so this saved him a little time and energy. The marshal looked between the brothers one more time before rendering his own verdict on the matter.

"It is strange he showed when he did. However, he has been forthcoming with information. I say we trust him for now."

Sydney glanced in the direction that the horse was. His eyes were not as keen in the dark. Nor were his senses as heightened. However, he fell silent to listen for any noise within the surrounding area. At first, there was nothing. Nothing was out there moving from what he could tell. There was an uneasy feeling hanging in the air. Sydney glanced towards Dave and then towards Charlie. All he did was give them both a silent nod of his head while gesturing in the direction the horse indicated. He did not want them to open fire quite yet but he did want them to be prepared for something to occur.

"Who's out there?" Sydney called loudly. He waited a brief moment before speaking again to give anyone willing the chance to say something or reveal themselves. "Show yourself."
While still attempting to keep up with Connor, Jack was careful to not be too loud. There were four armed men in the camp, and when it turned dark, people were more likely to fire first and ask questions later. Being gunned down in the middle of nowhere in the dead of the night was not a way, Jack wanted to go out.

At first, he’d been afraid that he wouldn’t be able to keep Connor from approaching the men. He didn’t have any distrust in the Brave’s ability to fight, but they weren’t exactly buddies yet, and if Connor found out about Jack’s true colours, he wasn’t sure if they’d ever be.

Jack was about to climb over a fallen tree, when he heard an authoritative voice yell into the darkness:

“Who’s out there? Show yourself!”

Jack slid down on the other side in the trunk, an crouched down in hope that none at the camp could see him, and that the tree would block the faint evening breeze from carrying his scent to the horses. Without proper attire like Connor, he didn’t have many chances, and every movement had to be when their opponents weren’t looking.

He looked in direction of Connor, and mouthed to him, hoping he could make out his words in the dark:

“Go ahead, I’ll catch up.”
Connor Kenway (played anonymously)

Connor froze as well when he heard a voice coming from the camp. One of the horses must have alerted them of their presences, either that or Jack had somehow messed up, the Brave had more than enough confidence in his prowling skills to know that no man would be able to discern his presence in the darkness-- certainly not any of these settlers.

The Brave maintained a crouched position and slowly turned his head to look behind himself. He held his breath to not even let the sound of his breathing be a sign that there was someone there in the darkness. Connor thought about drawing an arrow now, they were still somewhat unaware of their presence after all, and if Connor forced the fight now they would still maintain some kind of advantage.

But as he saw Jack mouth to him to move on ahead while he stayed behind-- a voice spoke inside in Connor's mind. An evil voice.

If he moved back to camp, and Jack somehow died here... he'd no longer have a rival for Dorothy's heart.

The Brave's intense blue eyes narrowed as he looked at Jack, and though it was unlikely that Jack would be able to tell in the darkness of the night, it was not a friendly look.

Thus, he slowly turned, still crouched and moved away towards the camp. His wolf pelt covering most of his body, making it look like he was just an animal moving through the wilderness if he was somehow spotted.
The GM (played by Juls) Topic Starter

Bones smirked as Sydney agreed with him, a small stroke to his already inflated ego. With the help of a local, the odds were tipped in their favor and they’d have the remnants of the Baker’s Hounds in hand soon enough. Charlie looked uncertain, but nodded reasonably. He’d been out voted and would simply live with that.

When it seemed Sydney thought they had more company, both brothers turned toward the direction the marshal yelled. Even their short time riding with Baker had conditioned them what to do in a potential gunfight. Bones pulled his second revolver so that he held one in each hand, then trained them in the general direction of the threat as he moved left to spread out.

Charlie was slower, both because of the wounds he’d already sustained tonight and because of the alcohol he’d consumed while Sydney was stitching him up. He could only manage one gun right now. He moved right, then stopped to listen.


“I’ll check it out…” Bones said, letting the excitement of the moment overrule caution as he started forward.

For what it was worth, the other horses did not seem concerned. And even Lance’s horse relaxed again a moment later, whatever had caught its attention apparently not deemed a threat.
Sydney had kept watch of the shadows. However, nothing was jumping out nor answering him. Perhaps it was a part of his imagination. However, that would not explain why the horse gave a start. Something was off about the entire thing but at least the horses had settled down. Maybe it was another animal. Several different options went through his mind. He gave a silent nod towards Bones as he started to check the surrounding area. The marshal would keep an eye on him to make sure he did not get too far.

"Stay close," Sydney said directing his words to Lance.

He looked towards Charlie to see what he had planned on doing. Charlie had not voiced what he intended to do. Was he going to search the area as well or stick closer to camp. Someone may need to keep an eye on Lance during the entire ordeal. So far, there had been no signs of betrayal or being stabbed in the back. That was the one good thing out of this stressful situation. Sydney kept his focus on the other brother for a brief moment. At this point, Bones would have had some time to search the surrounding area. Sydney glanced back towards where Bones began his search.

"Don't go too far alone."

His words were directed at Bones. Sydney was not sure how far he planned on pursuing whatever was lurking in the darkness. If he went too far he was likely to get shot, lost, or killed. None of the options were appealing. Sydney waited with Lance and Charlie for any indications of a trap being sprung or the source of the disturbance being located.

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