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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Calling of the Stars

Oliver South (played by Tugboattom)

Oliver chuckled merrily as he looked at Jupiter's impersonation. It defiantly was close, but somehow he enjoyed seeing someone else walking like him. He wasn't sure, but for some reason he didn't think she had it quite right, then again maybe he just didn't want to think he looked like that." I do... what?" He asked as he lifted his calloused hands to his face. " Okay, shoot." Oliver told her before inhaling to keep from gasping aloud. She noticed! Would it be rude for him to say yes? Would it be worse to lie? But, if he said atleast then he wouldn't have to explain. Then again she had said he didn't have to explain, but he still thought she would end up asking. Did he even know why he flinched when she was too energetic? He finally sighed in defeat," Yeah."

Oliver blushed," Yeah, well..." He tried to come up with an excuse, or atleast some way to explain why he was soft. He found himself wanting in explanations so he huffed in defeat and rubbed the pommel of his sword to calm himself, after all it wasn't like Jupiter was going to tell everyone he was soft."I guess I could do that. I don't know, I've never really thought about 'at."

" Yeah...Usually, I mean depending on who's killed, who killed them, and why. Well, because if I let go, then what have the last four years been for? If I let go, I have wasted years o' me life on 'is, for nothing, and I'm not going to be doin' 'at anytime soon if I have anythin' to say 'bout it." Oliver said, and as he became more and more worked up his grammar slackened and he began to drop letters.
Jupiter Vega (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“Your hands! They just..” Clenching and unclenching her hands, she held them in front of her face, as if making sure that she was doing it correctly. Jupiter grinned when she thought she was. “Oh, I don’t know. I thought it was just a recognizable trait, y’know? Not that that’s a bad thing. It’s just something I saw.” She fell to silence, just.. watching. Her brows pinched together. The hesitance told her a certain answer, and it was confirmed by the one word Oliver said after the moment of neither speaking. She nodded. “Well, then! On your behalf, I’ll try to.. tone it down.” Jupiter chuckled. “My apologies for doing that. It’s not everyday you’re surrounded—or even get to be by—people, and it’s just so.. wow!

“Yeah! And it could sorta be like your.. Ah, what’s the word? Always so forgetful, aren’t you Jupiter?” She snapped her fingers a handful of times, gasping as her eyes lit up. It had finally clicked. “Oh! It could be your happy place. That’s the word!” It was one of the few things she had actually recalled the lessons she had been given as advice for the future.

Jupiter blinked. “Alright.. Well, if I can put in my word, I don’t think it would be wasting your life, really. I think it would just be.. building you up!” She looked around frantically, feeling as if that wasn’t enough. “Uhm.. O-One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go, y’know? Change is never easy.” Nervously, the Astraea sent a gander towards the male, wondering if her words had done anything besides upset him.
Oliver South (played by Tugboattom)

" So, I make fists often? Huh. That's ...interesting." Although the first word he thought was "wierd". " Guess I didn't really...notice. Don't know, maybe it is a recognizable trait." Oliver shrugged. He winced when he realized that he might have offended her,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just... not use to it." He tried to explain." You don't see people often?" He asked.

Insulting herself again... Hm, Oliver wasn't sure how he thought about his conscience insulting itself...herself... Something." My happy place? Hm... I guess, but why not make happy placees? That way even in your mind you could still travel."

" Nope, you're not allowed to voice your opinion." Oliver grinned, before a question rose to his mind: When was the last time he joked, to be funny? He wasn't sure." Okay...So, I leave the past." He said, very matter-of factly. He tried to keep his emotions in check, weighing in on both his" I -don't-want-to -let-go" side and the much more practical side of things. Somehow, even though he was trying not to let his emotions rule him he still felt like this would somehow be betraying himself, his heritage ( although that was by much), his everything." What then?" He finally asked.

(( sorry, phone died last night))
Jupiter Vega (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“Well, yeah,” Jupiter blinked as if she were realizing something as well. “It might not be as ‘recognizable’ as I make it out to be, really. I mean, when I’m not talking, I have to at least do something helpful, such taking in small habits!” She grinned. “It’s fine! Promise! I get it. Not a lot of people are used to a invisible stranger with bubbly nature to pop out of nowhere and start poking them around.” After chuckling lightheartedly, she thought about her next response before actually speaking. “Uhm.. Not really. I mean, sure, there are some other Astraea that I don’t mind speaking to sometimes, but.. Pfft— That doesn’t make any sense. To answer your question, I do see some people, but not on a.. daily basis, I suppose.”

“Woah. Hold your- Hang on. Oh! Hold your horses,” Jupiter held out her hand, almost like she was actually telling him to stop. Though, she wasn’t meaning to do so, so she drew her hand back in and clapped once. Ah, calm down! You just made a pledge, didn’t you? Jupiter took a small breath before continuing. “Anyways.. Look at you! Don’t tell me you're not creative when you just thought of that! I didn’t even think about it!” The Astraea smiled vastly, resisting the urge to spin. “Alright. Many happy places sounds like another step to me! A good one!”

Since her stare wasn’t lying on the male, she stiffened upon hearing his first words and nearly flinched. But, upon perceiving that he was only joking, Jupiter forced herself to laugh and nod. “You leave the past,” She repeated underneath her breath, somewhat surprised he might be going along with it so easily. “And.. we work on the future..?” She didn’t mean for it to end in a questioning tone, so she tried reaching out for something more to say. “Slowly, we’ll work on why you do what you do, and we’ll figure out how we’ll mend it!”

(( That's alright! ))
Oliver South (played by Tugboattom)

" Oh, okay" Oliver laughed nervously," I guess that makes sense, but...wouldnt thinkin' on what you're going to say next be helpful? I know I have to." He offered in explanation so as not to imply that she didn't think before she spoke. Oliver sighed in relief before letting out a slip of laughter," Well, to be fair, those are kind o' specific conditions that prolly aren't fulfilled all 'at often." The boy said,trying to make sure he hadn't insulted her even though she had just reassured him that he hadn't." Okay, so you see them, but...what doesn't make sense?" Oliver asked slowly, wondering if he had missed something." Ah, okay." Came his reply.

Oliver backed up a step, afraid he had done something wrong before realizing she was just being herself."How did you get yourself into this mess again? He asked himself before correcting his thoughts,"You didn't, not on purpose anyway.". The boy hesitated before speaking," Well, I was just takin' the logical steps." He said sheepishly as he moved his hands from his eight side to his left, as if showing her steps.

Oliver raised an eyebrow, slowly letting his anger burn away all his emotions. He closed his eyes and breathed in, which usually worked to calm him." How do ya work on the future, it's not here yet. Wouldn't that be like... like trying to fix a cart in the next country over? You'd have to get to that country first." He said, before realizing she had more to say and clamping his mouth shut to listen.He nodded, before remembering that he had just said that he wouldn't allow this to happen. He frowned, unsure what to say or do next. If he did as the Astraea asked, he would have been lying, which was one of the few things that he disliked doing, but if he didn't then he might well end up killing someone. What was he thinking? He killed people all the time.But somehow Oliver felt that this was different now that he had spoken with Jupiter, had pledged to be less negative, had continued to let her speak to him. He clenched and unclenched his fists, still not noticing it even if that particular habit had been pointed out to him.
Jupiter Vega (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“Oh. I guess so,” Jupiter blankly stated her agreement. Then, with a small shake of her head, she smiled and shrugged. “Who knows? There has to be a small shot, but I think you’re right. Maybe the chances are pretty slim..” She tapped her chin in concentration before giggling underneath her breath. “Oh, well! That just means I’m different, and I don’t think that’s generally a bad thing!” She put a small effervescence into her saunter before fully focusing on his next question. “Oh. Did.. it make sense? I thought it might’ve been a little confusing, but maybe that was just my thought process.”

“Logic?” The Astraea raised a brow slightly. She, for one, wasn’t one to pick logic over creativity, but perhaps this was a minor detail about the male. She inhaled and held her breath, baffling herself. On the other hand, he might’ve been expressing his viewpoint, and it was just a word used to describe his own line of thinking. Exhaling, she made an ‘O’ shape with her mouth. “Oh! Right! Logic. Well, you had the right idea!”

Jupiter lowered her stare to the ground, biting her lip as she attempted to center her mind around the right words to say. Nothing too vague, but nothing too straightforward and pushy. “The present. We’ll work on the present and get to the destination,” Her lips set into a determined smile. “If we have to build something in order to travel to the country and fix that cart, then so be it. If it takes more time to collect everything needed to build said transportation, than so be it.” She looked up at the male. “Do.. you see my point?”
Oliver South (played by Tugboattom)

" Maybe not generally," Oliver said with a grin, "Oh." He replied," I thought you had thought something and that thought was confusing." Oliver explained as he moved his hands back and forth trying to help explain. Then he frowned," That's a lot of thoughts." He stated as he mouthed his sentence and counted off every time he said the word " thought" on his fingers.He frowned again, slightly disappointed and held up three fingers to Jupiter," Just three." He shrugged," Anyway, I thought it was something you hadn't said that had confused you." Oliver said as he tried to remember their conversation.

Oliver raised an eyebrow," Ookaay... Thanks? I think?" He said, unsure of the correct response to her statement. Thanks or thank you worked, but not well, on the other hand, well, what did he have for other words to say? Your welcome? No. Yep? That sounds lame, like he didn't care. Hm...he guessed he would stay with thanks," Yeah, thanks."

"Yeah...I guess. So, if we're working on the present, then what're we working on?" He asked, after all, he was a man of results, not promises. He wasn't sure how he liked the idea of "walking the path of good" but if he had to do it, then so be it. And, if he was going to do it, then he was going to do it to his utmost ability, as he did everything in life.
Jupiter Vega (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

She smiled in return of the comment. “It’s all confusing, really,” Jupiter rubbed the back of her neck as she exhaled. “But I'm sure there’s a simple way for all of this, and I just have too many thoughts at once. There’s a word for that, isn’t there?” Then, after nodding to herself as if she knew there was, she watched him count for a moment in bewilderment. She did grin nonetheless, though.

Jupiter chuckled at the hesitation and nodded slowly and awkwardly. “No problemo. Wait. Do people still say that? Problem with an 'o' at the end?” She gasped. “Is that saying even a thing to say in this area, or do I just sound crazy?”

“Well.. I’m not so sure yet,” The Astraea admitted with a sheepish smile. “What are you off to do right now? I have no idea if it’s convenient to the conversation, but it might help us move forward, at least!” She beamed.
Oliver South (played by Tugboattom)

" Probably is, not that I know it. Then again, there seems to be a word for everything. Like the fear of long words. Or, when your stomach grumbles." Oliver explained, enjoying that atleast he knew something. He grinned softly to himself, it seemed that making a fool of himself had done the trick, she wasn't paying attention to his lack of vocabulary, but in fact his goofiness, or atleast that's what he thought. For all he knew she could still be thinking on the fact that he didn't know any other words for thought, and wasn't showing it. He nearly shrugged, it didn't matter all that much anyway.

Oliver rolled his eyes at her chuckling and thought briefly about atoxking his tongue out at her, just so that she would forget their talk about his murder and whatnot, but he still didn't want to be thought of as a goof, or as an immature child, so he didn't stick out his tongue.Instead he answered carefully," Not that I've heard,but then again most of the people i speak with are more professional so..." He shrugged as if that finished his sentence for him.

Oliver smiled as warmly as he knew how, which wasn't very, in response to her admittance before having to fight the instinct to recoil. He had originally though he was going to find sokmeone else that might know something, but he didn't know where he would go about finding them. Oliver shrugged," I suppose I don't know."

((So sorry!!! I wasn't home, and didn't have my phone on me because I was at camp. Sorry!!!))

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