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Forums » Looking for RP » Fandom-Inspired RP [Mostly Fantasy] (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Most of the ideas listed in this ad are rough starting points. It is my hope that any interested party would be willing to discuss the exact details and work things out from there.

Whilst many of these ideas are 'inspired' by the fandoms listed, some of them I am open to actually doing as a full-on fan RP in the original setting (OCs are still vastly preferred over characters taken straight from the setting though).

More ideas may be added to the list at a later date.


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

Anime/Manga-based ideas


Medieval Earth has been conquered by technologically-advanced aliens! Whilst the planet now exists in a state of autonomous government, exploitative treaties allow aliens to come and go as they please with power that discriminates against the native human populace. Your character's country of residence was the focus point of the war of resistance, and thus now serves as Earth's sole spaceport and most influential nation. Your character must get by in this world where future and modern technology mixes with ancient culture and only the human nobility and alien visitors have any real wealth. But not all aliens see humans as lesser natives...

I am willing to use Kiro, Kys'Jarok, Riik or Xá'Taren for this setting.

I am only willing to do this RP in a new setting with themes based on the franchise (as I'd rather play it with fresh ideas). The easiest locations for me personally to set this in are Britain or Japan (the former because I live there, the latter because that is where Gintama is set, and I've watched the vast majority of the 367 episodes of that show). The RP doesn't necessarily have to be as comedy-centric as the show, and most certainly won't encroach on some of the more 'adult' humour displayed in it.

Tegami Bachi / Letter Bee

In a dangerous wasteland speckled by human cities and filled with magic and monsters, travel between inhabited areas is hazardous. Thus even the more mundane trips require the presence of individuals capable of self-defence. A young upstart seeks to become such a person. But in this place, travelling alone is dangerous. With a magical being at one's side, however, even an inexperienced traveller can find their purpose.

I am willing to use Riik or Seren for this setting.

I am willing to use the actual setting for this idea if that is preferred. However, I would prefer an original setting using it as an inspiration.

Western media-based ideas

Curse of Strahd

The land of Barovia is the domain of the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. Cut off from the world beyond by a chilling curse, the people are trapped here under their lord's iron thumb, living an endless cycle of misery. Occasionally, Strahd whisks adventurers away into his domain to fulfil his dark desires; often facing resistance from the visitors, only for them to fail in their endeavours. A new duo of adventurers now arrive in Barovia, stolen from their respective homes...

I am willing to use Ixon or (adult) Vildryn for this setting.

I will only do this idea in the actual setting, following the corresponding campaign book. Though this is based on a D&D campaign, D&D knowledge is not strictly required, though it is generally preferred.

The Edge Chronicles

In a world of skies dominated by airships, where civilisation is separated from the wild tribes by a great wasteland and all manner of strange humanoids live in various states of harmony and conflict, adventure is never far away. Sky pirates battle it out with merchant airship crews, tribes war with one-another and dangers lurk within the shadows.

I am willing to use Eltrinander (with 18+ aged partners only because of his swearing/violent tendencies when under a personality swing), Kiro or Riik for this setting.

I am indifferent as to whether to use the original setting or make up a new one. In the original setting, I am willing to play Kiro as a fourthling. I will also play Riik as his own original species in the original setting, and have him be some sort of unknown creature from the Nightwoods. Eltrinander is for new settings only.

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles

A land where fairy tales are real, dragons soar through the sky, magic runs throughout the land and everyone is expected to be proper and follow the ways of their forefathers. But it is a place not without its rebels. Occasionally, a princess might run away to live amongst dragons, or a giant might choose to go into consultancy. Even in a land of magic where anything is possible, there are moulds to be broken.

I am willing to use Tetsuji or Xá'Taren for this setting.

I am willing to use the actual setting for this idea if that is preferred. However, I would prefer an original setting using it as an inspiration.

Video game-based ideas

Hollow Knight

In a land inhabited by bugs, strange higher beings roam spawning up civilisation where there was none and fighting amongst each other for supremacy. In Hallownest, where the Void predates the arrival of newer deities, conflicts between the ancient Radiance and usurping Pale King have risen up and subsequently knocked down civilisation. In this place, where Soul energy provides for powerful spells and all manner of lurking dangers exist within the tribe lands beyond the city proper, an infection takes root. Whether it be prior to the infection, during it, after it or during a later re-colonisation of the land... or whether it be in a completely different location entirely... your character comes into contact with a vessel born of the Void. Child of the Pale King, this failed offspring seeks a purpose.

I am willing to use The Glaivesinger for this setting.

I am only willing to do this RP in the Hollow Knight world. However, the world beyond Hallownest has been left very open to interpretation, beyond the existence of other bug civilisations there. Time period is negotiable.

Klonoa franchise

Some individuals have the power to transcend dreams. To fall asleep only to awaken within a whole new world, with citizens and problems of its own. Usually, they are brought to such places out of destiny or a need for a world to be saved. When evil threatens such a place, a Dream Traveller is called forth. Here in this magical place, the rules or nature may be unique and vibrant... but that awe-inspiring beauty is under threat from darkness.

I am willing to use Riik or Tetsuji for this setting.

I am only willing to do this RP in a new setting with themes based on the franchise.

Ori duology

A land of magical forests overseen by colossal Spirit Trees is filled with a vibrant selection of creatures and wildlife. Corruption and darkness often threaten these places, however, and more than once has a Spirit Tree fallen to dark forces, its governed region falling to ruin. Will an adventurer find themselves in one such region? Or perhaps an inhabitant has a destiny ahead of them. Or maybe a child of one of the Spirit Trees is destined to head beyond their borders, maybe even to set foot in a place without a Spirit Tree of its own...

I am willing to use Seren for this setting.

Because of how open and left to the imagination the world beyond the regions featured in the Ori games are, this idea is set in a world where those regions exist, but do not necessarily have to be the focus of the setting. If it is preferred, the RP can take place within the domain of a Spirit Tree, but I do not wish to RP anywhere within either Nibel or Niwen (the featured regions from the games).
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance 20%
Romance isn't outright desired, but can happen if we decide the characters are perfect for each other. The romance won't be important to the overall plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

Riik Topic Starter

Added some more ideas to this one.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fandom-Inspired RP [Mostly Fantasy] (closed)

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