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Forums » General Roleplay » Strange Things Can Cause Bad Days.

Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He went inside,closing the door behind her once she came inside.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She tilted her head back against the seat cushion and stared at the ceiling for a while.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arc looked at her a moment,thoughtful,was their something on her mind,full of curiosity .
Natalia (played by EonRising)

He was mostly thinking of Arc. The poor girl was gradually becoming absolutely infatuated with him. He was all she could think about and anything she could do to make happy. He just seemed so hard to reach. He had praised her so many times for various things, but still she couldn't help but want to do more.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He looked away,unsure what to do.He was silent,he couldn't think of words,never the less things to do,that the very moment.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She sighed wistfully and closed her eyes. Rather suddenly she had a tingly sick feeling in her stomach and she let out a little groan.
"I-I don't feel too good," she mumbled.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arc looked back at her,and approached her,"how so..?" He asked wanting to help.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"I... My stomach feels weird," she mumbled And stood, "I-I think I'm going to go to bed early..."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(XD what if she drank the lake water)

He nodded an okay.But just before she left the room,he asked "Anything I can do to help?"
Natalia (played by EonRising)

(Guess who has taaaaape wooooorms noooooow? :P)

She shook her head. Having no idea why she was feeling like this, he had no idea what he could do to help. She had learned a little about modern medicine but didn't think any generic over the counter stuff would actually do anything.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter


Arc looked away,and nodded an okay,slightly upset that he couldn't do anything to help.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She quickly changed into a pair of pajama pants then crawled into bed and curled up. There was still a decent amount of light left in the sky and the sun was just beginning to disappear.
"Arc..." she whispered softly and closed her eyes.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arc didn't hear her whisper his names,seeing as though he was in a different room.
Arc looked out the window,as the sun went down,slowly,but steadily.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

Natalia wound up falling asleep and you probably guessed it, dreaming Of her friend. There were so many good dreams that night that when she woke up, she was smiling. Reality though was waiting right in front of her and when she opened her eyes she just felt defeated again as the more sad emotions rushed back to her.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(Would it be morning,or the middle of the night?)
Natalia (played by EonRising)

(morning, sorry :P)
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Morning was here,and the sun slowly peaked its way into the sky,Arc woke up,but just lay there on his stomach for a minute, wondering if Natalia felt any better now.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

Suddenly she felt like throwing up and she rushed to the bathroom, making quite a ruckus as she did, and got on her knees in front of the toilet but did little more than heave and spit.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arc glarred,and starred towards his bedroom doorway.Hearing all the ruckus,of her throwing up,I'll guess that means she's not feeling better he thought,it sounded like she was doing worse.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

Nothing actualy came out and she stood then wiped her lips of spit before walking out of the bathroom and plopping onto the sofa. She had no fever but she felt butterflies in her stomach and she felt like squirming.

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