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Forums » General Roleplay » Strange Things Can Cause Bad Days.

Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"It varies." He said."Some tickets have better chances, and you pay more, other have low chances, and you pay less."
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"Well, how much does one with better chances cost?"
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"$2-5 maybe" he said.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"We could afford that," she shrugged, "I doubt five dollars will make that big of a difference in the long run."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(I wasent sure how much lottery tickets were, so that was my cover up excuse)

"You never know" he said."Should we, buy it today, or tommorrow."
Natalia (played by EonRising)

(Lol, I know :P)

She shrugged, "It's up to you. What do you want for dinner?"
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Anything" he answered in response to dinner.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"Okay..." she opened the fridge and pulled out a premised lasagna that just need to be baked. She turned the oven on and went back to Arc, "We should watch a movie tonight," she said.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Another movie? he thought.He nodded a slight okay, even if she had fallen asleep during the last movie."Would you like to choose today's movie, since I chose the last one?" He asked, just in case she wanted to.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"I guess," she nodded, "What do you have? I've never actually looked."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Rather then naming a billion movies, he just named 5.(which I'm mind blank on movies at the moment..)
Natalia (played by EonRising)

(lol, as am I)

She picked one and watched as he put it into the player then sat on the couch and cuddled into his side, "I love you, Arc," she said and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He looked at her and smiled."I love you too" he said.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She lightly rested her cheek on his Shoulder and held her arms around his waist, a content smile lit upon her fce as they began to work.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He smiled looking at her then looking away.Looking at the TV, watching the movie.At one point, maybe 5-10 minutes into the movie, Arc lightly rested the side of his head on top of hers.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She blushed a little but and smiled as his head pinned her ears down.
She watched the movie all the way through then finally wood and stretched as the credits began to roll, "I'm tired~" she yawned.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He wafched a few credits, "that was a nice movie" he said.He moved his head away when she began to stretch.He looked at her "I see that" he said.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"It was good," she agreed and rubbed her eyes cutely, "Let's go to bed."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He found it a little cute, a little.He nodded an okay."okay.." he said.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She walked into his room and changed into pajamas in front of him without a thought. She was too tired to really be embarassed anyways. After she was done, she climbed into the bed and waited for Arc to join her.

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