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Forums » General Roleplay » Strange Things Can Cause Bad Days.

Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Want to give one a try?" He suggested.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"That's why I'm asking~" she giggled.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arc smiled slightly."Let's go see what kind of board games I got" he said and stood up.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She stood and followed him eagerly, a warm smile on her face.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He went to closet that was on the far side of the living room, he opened its door, in the floor of it was about 8-12 boardgames, and or card games too.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"Oh, nice," she smiled and began looking through them, "Alright... Um, how about Battleship?"
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"I'm good with that" he said.He moved a few games out of the way, and got Battleship.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"Play at the table?" she asked.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Floor, or table, you pick.." he said.Some people played it at tables, other sat and played it on the floor.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She looked around then just plopped herself down on the floor and say cross-legged.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Floor it is" he said, and sat across from her, and began to set up the game.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She took her board and began to set up her ships and smiled over at Arc.
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He set his own up, he smiled back at her.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"Arc... Will you tell me about your parents?"
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He blinked.That question came out of thin air.
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"You don't have to... But, I'd like to know what they were like..."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He looked down."My dad was a kind man, with a pure heart.Everyday, I'd wait at the front door a few minutes before he got home, no matter what.I'd greet him with a hug, and after he put his work stuff away, he'd play in the yard with me if the weather was nice.If I accomplished something he always called me 'winner', or 'champ'." He paused a second.As if thinking."If a guy at work asked him to do something for them, he'd do it as long as it wouldn't kill him.If he did something for a coworker, he'd always call mom, and tell her to tell me he'd be a little late getting home, since he knew how I liked to wait.
I still remember the last words he said to me that meant something, "Your growing big, And not just in height and size.Your growing more in courage, hope, and bravery,""
"Now, my mom.She always had a habit of wearing a necklace that had a star, it had sapphires in it.Her favorite stone" he said, moving the collar of his tshirt to reveal he was wearing a necklace.The same necklace his mother always wore, he never took it off.Never. "She liked nature, and the stars in the sky.I have her eyes.Hers used to always change colors on a daily basis.She would do anything to protect her son, like most mothers would.Most always she smiled, she was a carefree person.And so much more.."
Natalia (played by EonRising)

She tried to imagine herself meeting them, that they liked her, that they approved of her love for Arc, but found that she couldn't. She was sure that if Arc was like his parents at all, that they wouldn't mind that she was an anthro, in fact she almost knew it, but all of her past experiences with humans... They had never been good, and as much as she wanted to, she could not picture them happy with her around. She didn't say anything about it though.
"I wish I knew my parents... I wish... I wish I could see them, an that maybe they'd actually love me..."
Arc Kai (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Arcs parents, would probably have approved of her, and not minded that she was an anthro.Besides Arc had said his father had a life heart, and his mother was nice."My mom once told me a story when I was little.She said if you close your eyes and try to imagine, you can see the people you wish to see, when you can't in real life.But, it was just a story, her mom had told her before, that she told me.." he looked at her."I believe your parents loved you, even if just a tiny bit.Why would they bring you here if they didn't love you after all?"
Natalia (played by EonRising)

"I got ever was brought anywhere..." she shook her head, "The first orphanage I was in, when I was really little, before they kicked me out... They told me that they found me in an alley because I was crying..." she said softly, "I've never seen my parents. I don't think they cared about me at all..."

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