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Forums » Introductions » Hello nerds of all kinds!

This is my first intro and general come all / hello!

So.. Hello!

I'm new here, first off, obviously..πŸ˜…
Thanks for coming to see if im interesting! Its tough to pick and tough to write intros so I hope I hooked a few of you and don't disappoint.

To the point.

As far as rp i have two ready made transformer OCs, and a Warhammer character from rogue trader.
I am experienced at playing several transformer characters from canon such as Whirl, Bumblebee, Rodimus, RedAlert and Swerve.

I love Skids but haven't played him, but i love that dork.

Im not all transformers though, or even Warhammer.. and don't get me wrong i love Warhammer it just takes a lot to build characters and so i don't have as many. I've only listed the one here.

I also have been playing DND for many years and enjoy fantasy in general.

I watch cartoons such as ROTTMNT, Haikyuu, and lots of other anime honestly.. but like Kekkai sensen, samurai champloo, etc... Idk, lets chat about our fav shows!

Im subject to mood but I'm usually down for anything.
I work but right now its not much. I had medical leave and hours are low.
Im in CST.

I am 26 so Im only really comfortable playing with adults, no offense meant by it.

While it isn't the reason, I am also open to erp.. Although I hesitate to do that with someone I dont already know a bit better and you must be 20+ for me to consider.
But please don't be upset if it just doesn't seem to me like it'll be fun for us or I'm not interested.
Sometimes things just don't line up or click.
It isn't any judgement on you personally! Feel free to ask, I will respect in kind your feelings.
If you want to be upfront about it one way or the other, even better.

No pressure.

All that said, feel free to peruse my current characters or send me a message! We can hash preliminary details then. πŸ˜ŽπŸ™

Good to meet you all and great to join a new community of roleplayers!!

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.
BeaWeird Topic Starter

Thank you! πŸ₯°
Welcome to RPR, BeaWeird!

If you haven't already, definitely check out the Looking for RP forum to start scouting for some RPs. The Find RP is handy too. That'll allow you to apply some search criteria to the posts in the LFRP forum and includes active groups in the search results.

Best of luck and I hope you enjoy your time here! :)
Welcome to RPR, I am Salazar and it's lovely to meet you! This is a great site, everyone is very friendly and helpful here, so don't be afraid to ask for help or advice at any point, we've got a wonderful community of people who would be more than happy to help. But here's a few tips on getting started:

- If you're looking to post a looking for roleplay post: go here. We also have a looking for adult roleplays forum, but you will need to go into your settings to be able to view that if you are 18+.
- Always make sure you address what kind of roleplay themes and writer styles you are looking for when making a LF RPs post. This prevents any misunderstandings.
- Don't be afraid to tell people if you can't respond or don't want to respond to a roleplay any more. Whether it's due to problems IRL or just a lack of motivation, we'd prefer to be told you'd like to stop the RP rather than being ghosted.

That's all from me for now, but I do hope you'll start some amazing RPs and make some awesome friends on this site!

Hello and welcome to RPR!!

I hope you're settling in okay. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and ask as there are a TON of friendly people around willing to help out.

Cheers to meeting a lot of new friends and having a ton of fun RPs to be in! :D


Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you are ready to find all sorts of interesting writing styles and potential writing partners...and maybe even a few friends! This is a great role play community, and there is so much here to use for resources, for suggestions, or for tips to improve your own writing! I wish you the best of luck!

Once you have your character(s) build, and are ready to get them out for interest, don’t forget to check out the Looking for Roleplay forum, here.

That being said, remember to have fun, and best of luck!
Hi! Welcome to RPR! If you have any questions or would just like to chat, feel free to PM me.
Hey there! Welcome to RPR. :) I hope you'll have a great time here!

It's a wonderful forum, and you can find things for various sorts of interests in the forums, threads, groups, and even during events! There's a Help section in the dropdown menu, too, and a Find RP guide, and also a Getting Started guide. :) It's really fun! You can make lots of new characters if you want, and there's a shop, and there are places to chat, and there's art, and games and dice and jokes, and a lot of very fun people... So I hope you'll have a dandy time here! Just try not to break any rules. :P If you see someone being bullied or someone is pestering you, please report to a mod! You also have the option to block people if you want to.
But mostly I find it very nice around here! :) And you can also message me if you like. Being subject to mood is okay, by the way. :) ;) :D ;D It's nice of you to say so as a warning or whatever. Disclaimer. Hahaha. I love anime! :) And also animals and nature and stuff, but on the subject of anime, I've seen part of Samurai Champloo but I haven't finished it yet! And the same for Haikyuu. I've watched Free! and Yuri!!! On Ice, and a lot of SAO, and Cowboy Bebop, and some Naruto. I like what I've seen of some idol anime, and I enjoy slice-of-life and sci-fi. I also like romance, drama, and comedy, though! I read manga and comics as well. And books. Wahahahaha. :P :) :D
So, uh, yeah! There we go! Welcome, once, again, to RPR! Maybe I'll see you around. It's a nice spot for all sorts of creativity.

That's about all from me! Have a great time, be good, don't pester people too much but don't be too shy, there's a balance there I think? hahaha, uhhhh have fun! Be creative! Make some friends if you want! Bye-bye-bye! :P :) :D :P :) <3 🌹 <3 🌸 <3 🌷 <3 🌺 <3 🌼 <3 🌼 <3 🌺 <3 🌷 <3 🌸 <3 🌹
Heya, welcome to RPR. You'll find lots of awesome people, places, things, verbs, adjectives, nouns.... you name it! Here are a few things that may help you to get started, some stated by others, some not. :D

Find RP: is a great way to look for ads other players have put up looking for other players to join in and collab in a game that already has some seed of a plot.

LFRP: Is much the same as Find RP, but you can put up your own ad that can be seen by anyone in the applicable filters.

In both cases you can use filters to find exactly what you are looking for for your optimal RP experience. Also, don't forget about GROUPS, where you can find whole worlds to RP in with other people.

Happy gaming!! See ya around! <3
Hey there, welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!!


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