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Forums » Looking for RP » Fluff/Comfort RP (Closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Marina (played anonymously)

I'm in the mood to do a really casual, brief, short-term RP of just two characters meeting, and one comforting the other who is having a hard time in some way. Could be a breakup, could be a war, could be a mental health issue...but whatever it is, my character comforts your character, or vice versa. Not everyone likes these, but I know some people do! Let me know if you're interested. :)


MC meets YC at a bus stop and sees that they are in distress having a paranoid delusion or anxiety, and my character tries to calm them down.


MC and YC are in battle together and have just been hit hard by the enemy, causing losses to our unit. After falling back and taking cover in a fox hole MC breaks down and YC comforts them (or vice versa).


MC is walking down the street to get some fresh air and hears yelling and commotion from a parked car nearby. YC and the driver of the car are in the middle of an angry breakup and the driver abruptly peels out and leaves YC behind, alone, in the middle of downtown. MC comes over to see what the heck is going on and finds YC in distress, and calms them down, then gives them a ride to somewhere safe.


YC is interviewing MC for a job when MC gets a phone call, in which their spouse says they are leaving them. MC struggles to get through the rest of the interview while trying not to show the feelings, but YC can tell something is wrong and intervenes to probe, ask questions and then console or physically comfort MC. (Haha...don't try this in real life or you might be getting a call from HR! But it makes a cute plot.)

So, you get the idea. Just brief encounters between characters, cute and sweet comfort RPs. I imagine the RP lasting like 3 or 4 days one with short replies once to a few times a day. So, like, one to three paragraphs. One-liners? Well...I'd like at least a few sentences at least. But if that's what you do then that would be okay. Let me know if you're interested! Either reply here or PM the character.

PS. I don't mind playing either role in any of the scenarios and I can play either a female or a male character in the scenario. F/F, M/F, M/M -- any of the above works for this. Also don't hesitate to instead suggest a scenario that is based on your characters background, if you like.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts,

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fluff/Comfort RP (Closed)

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