Kohl ran his hand over the stubble along his jaw thoughtfully, "Suppose we're a peculiar type. I do wish the bulk of us were not so trigger happy." He smiled solemnly at a memory. "I have encountered far too many exceptions to creatures that are supposed to be considered evil."
"Tell me, my friend, what are your thoughts on the divine? Where, or in what, can it be found?"
"Tell me, my friend, what are your thoughts on the divine? Where, or in what, can it be found?"
"Oh, darling, I could tell tell you all about Him- though enlighten you with the truth, I only will," Flarus said, drawing into Kohl's personal bubble with the vilest of looks on his face. However, there was little flirt to be felt in his words; instead of the shit-eating smirk he normally put on when he happened to be in the vicinity of a good-looking adult sapient, his eyes spoke only of manic hatred. "God, the divine, the Allfather, whatever you choose to call Him.. it's all too fabulous a name for a crooked, wicked being indeed. Nothing in this universe says injustice and imbalance like the divine. Gifted with grand powers to shape entities and planes alike- yet so easily threatened by the power of His creations, that He'll taunt them with curses." In an awfully non-suggestive manner for the galaxy's greatest debauchee, Flarus lifted up his bedazzled shadow-fiber crop top to reveal deep purple bruises throbbing along his ribcage. Even for a fella in his line of work, they looked off. "Ah, but He's our creator, without Him there'd be nothing! Nonsense, I tell you- we don't congratulate our fathers for not leaving before their output's pregnancy tests came back positive, do we? We should be able to work with the rubbish that the Allfather has left us to build with, yet it appears that the Almighty creature feels ever challenged by those who threaten to surpass Him." He'd never been told when or how he'd die. It could be tomorrow for all He cared. That's why Flare never said no to any hits thrown his way anymore; if he was to die and turn into a Wither tonight, he'd better blow his money before noon. "A cowardly, disgraceful weakling, is what He is."
"Ah, but let us not stray from the merriness of this fine game, shall we?" Down went Flarus' shirt, and with it his hackles. He turned to the next person, replacing his fuming wrath with the familiar shit-eating smirk. Hm, home sweet home. "Tell me, darling, what is your opinion on.. ah, knowledge acquired through study versus what you dear youngsters call 'street smarts'? Which would you consider superior?" Easy talking for him, 'cause the Dead Planet had only had scholars in the latter. Having all your major cities and intellectual centers turned to ash by the Allfather's unprovoked armageddon had a tendency to do that to societies.
"Ah, but let us not stray from the merriness of this fine game, shall we?" Down went Flarus' shirt, and with it his hackles. He turned to the next person, replacing his fuming wrath with the familiar shit-eating smirk. Hm, home sweet home. "Tell me, darling, what is your opinion on.. ah, knowledge acquired through study versus what you dear youngsters call 'street smarts'? Which would you consider superior?" Easy talking for him, 'cause the Dead Planet had only had scholars in the latter. Having all your major cities and intellectual centers turned to ash by the Allfather's unprovoked armageddon had a tendency to do that to societies.
“It is quite simple, neither book smart or street smarts are superior than one another”, he replied to the question. “While book smarts get you nice jobs, street smarts deal with experience and survival”, he explained, “There are situations where book smart is helpful over street smart and the vice versa.”
“Now for my question, what is your definition of normal?”, he asked with a blank expression.
“Now for my question, what is your definition of normal?”, he asked with a blank expression.
"I don't think there is such a thing as normal. I suppose perhaps 'typical' is how I would define it. What is normal is what is typical for a given person, situation, response. Perhaps I will add 'healthy' to the mix."
"What is your opinion on eccentricity?"
"What is your opinion on eccentricity?"
"Arrren't we all a little eccentric? I mean, I guess there is some different between 'a little eccentric' and 'completely mad', but what actually is the threshold for that differrrence?" A sniff followed as he looked away in thought. "I mean, I guess if it doesn't hurrrt anyone, they can go nuts. Hells, they can believe it rains cheese in San d'Oria or use clotted cream for caulking. So long as that clotted cream stays within theirrr own house and, uh. Not mine, thank you."
For a moment, he considered this on a deeper level for a moment. Perhaps Bho was a little eccentric himself. . . not that he'd ever talk about it. Immediately, he's back to his old, painfully smug self.
"Ooh, so, do tell me. What is your opinion on conspirrracy theories, O' Next Person In Line?"

For a moment, he considered this on a deeper level for a moment. Perhaps Bho was a little eccentric himself. . . not that he'd ever talk about it. Immediately, he's back to his old, painfully smug self.
"Ooh, so, do tell me. What is your opinion on conspirrracy theories, O' Next Person In Line?"

Drago blinks and eyes the Person talking "ummm if you crazy enough to believe many of those theories then you should be locked up in a mental hospital for the remainder of your life"
He then smirks and thinks "what is your Opinion on Elf Stew?"
He then smirks and thinks "what is your Opinion on Elf Stew?"
" Eh never had it, sounds kinda gross though. " Amber said as she softly srugh her shoulders " Though knowing me and my eating habit I would probably try it. Is it a kind of alien chow? "
" What your opinion of old cartoon shows? Like Loony Toons, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, The Real Ghostbusters, and more? "
" What your opinion of old cartoon shows? Like Loony Toons, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, The Real Ghostbusters, and more? "
"Hmm... I don't think about them much, I guess, but they make me nostalgic. Makes me think of being a kid, getting up early and running downstairs to watch cartoons... that kind of thing. I don't think I'd get the same enjoyment from them today, but I'm still fond of them in a way."
"So, next person... what are your thoughts on introversion versus extroversion? And... do you identify with one of those? I definitely do."
"So, next person... what are your thoughts on introversion versus extroversion? And... do you identify with one of those? I definitely do."
“I really don’t have any opinion on one vs the other, but I suppose I’m an extrovert.”
“What is your opinion on the current state of the Earth?”
“What is your opinion on the current state of the Earth?”
" I can't stand it. We know what we need to do to protect it, but nothing is being done! Instead of saying it how about actually doing something! No literary California is about to deal with possible over 80 feet of snow and alot of flooding. Personally I rather being in the environment of that 9 film right now due to how bad earth's environment is. "
" What do you think about dark animation shows and movies? "
" What do you think about dark animation shows and movies? "
"While I am a fan of dark literature", Noros started, "I solemnly watch any TV so I have no experience watching these kind of movies or shows." Noros sighed again, "I probably will enjoy them or simply won't enjoy them."
"What is your opinion on the stars?", Noros asked.
"What is your opinion on the stars?", Noros asked.
"Stars?" The word echoed a curious mark of joviality. By the way Xailah's eyes ignited, it was pretty clear the topic was a fond one. "Such divine work from the celestials. How I envy their creations." A yearning gaze towards the sky spoke of something else: a wish. A wish to be alongside them- the stars, glimmering, celestial bodies; unattainable, untouchable, but distantly understood by even the simplest of creatures. Unapologetically free, and unburdened. It was a closely kept secret- her desire to be a literal star- to return to the first forms her kin had assumed, so many millenniums ago. Alas, her wish was but a child's dream, clung to out of desperation. But, a cryptid could only hope. "They are the only constant I have, with my given occupation. I can always count on them to be there, no matter what realm or world I walk," she recalled, finally, with immense fondness.
Clearing her throat, Xailah would take a moment to rack her brain for an interesting question. She trilled when she had one. "Just for fun; pray tell, what is your opinion on fortune telling? Do you believe in any of it?"
Clearing her throat, Xailah would take a moment to rack her brain for an interesting question. She trilled when she had one. "Just for fun; pray tell, what is your opinion on fortune telling? Do you believe in any of it?"
Ngao folded their hands contently in their lap, perked up at the question. They face Xailah, expressionless, but their body language spoke volumes. Their legs were uncrossed, feet tilted slightly in a relaxed position. It could be a peak of elegance. Even their tone is cheerful!
"Absolutely not!"
"It's a method for supposed psychics to con people out of their money. Simple as." They reclined in their seat, elbows resting on the back. "But let's say they did have some oddball ability to see into the future. They would probably go mad. No, actually- I can guarantee it. Who wants to see their own failures? They'd never want to attempt anything ever, and that's pathetic. Just like when people fear their own success and that it would alienate others."
Then, they leaned forward, now resting their arms on their knees as they looked up.
"Ugh, now I'm worked up. How about some entertainment? Answer me this; what is your opinion on sharks?"
"Absolutely not!"
"It's a method for supposed psychics to con people out of their money. Simple as." They reclined in their seat, elbows resting on the back. "But let's say they did have some oddball ability to see into the future. They would probably go mad. No, actually- I can guarantee it. Who wants to see their own failures? They'd never want to attempt anything ever, and that's pathetic. Just like when people fear their own success and that it would alienate others."
Then, they leaned forward, now resting their arms on their knees as they looked up.
"Ugh, now I'm worked up. How about some entertainment? Answer me this; what is your opinion on sharks?"
" Love/Hate relationship "
" What about online games I'm not talking about Minecraft. I'm talking about the good oldies like Club Penguin. "
" What about online games I'm not talking about Minecraft. I'm talking about the good oldies like Club Penguin. "
Gandrell quirks a rather impish smile, "I fear my answer might make me quite unpopular with the masses in this community but..." He paused to shake his head and contemplate as to whether he actually wanted to say this outloud in such a place. He took a breath for courage and let the words fall off his velvety tongue, "I have never played a video game, even though I recall when Atari first came out. I was alive for the birth of Nintendo, Sega, Game Boys, Play Station, X Box, Ever Quest and whatever else is around now."
"Yes, yes. I can feel your disdain for me. It's not the first, nor will it be the last time I am hated for my choices. But, there you have it."
"Black & White movies verses movies of today? Now, I know most will think CGI changed the way stories can be told on the silver screen. But was the new House On Haunted Hill really better than the original? C'mon...the original had Vincent Price. But "Black & White movies verses movies of today?" Go."
"Yes, yes. I can feel your disdain for me. It's not the first, nor will it be the last time I am hated for my choices. But, there you have it."
"Black & White movies verses movies of today? Now, I know most will think CGI changed the way stories can be told on the silver screen. But was the new House On Haunted Hill really better than the original? C'mon...the original had Vincent Price. But "Black & White movies verses movies of today?" Go."
"Er. . ."
The mermaid's cephalopod eyes squinted as they trained on the individual. She considered this question long and hard. Or rather, tried to ponder how to voice her answer in a coherent manner.
"Ah've ne'er actually seen a movie," she admitted slowly. "But Ah know whit one is!" She seemed rather proud of this fact. "Movies are where ye watch the, uh. . . movin' pictures 'n' sounds, nae? Humans seem tae complain a lot aboot 'movies these days aren't the same' or whit have ye. Seems a little pompous, ye know? Things are meant tae change over time. Someone born in one era is nae lesser because they aren't familiar with, ye know, things they weren't born with."
She leaned her head back, waving a webbed hand flamboyantly.
"Always this and tha' aboot 'things were better when King Neptune were around'. Well, Ah wasn't born then. How'm Ah supposed tae know? I only know whit's here now. No reason tae go back unless Ah wanted tae."
And frankly, she preferred not to.
"So, whit're yer thoughts on fae and spirits? Do ye respect them? Fear them? Not believe in them? How dae ye deal with them? Takin' notes fer a mate here."
The mermaid's cephalopod eyes squinted as they trained on the individual. She considered this question long and hard. Or rather, tried to ponder how to voice her answer in a coherent manner.
"Ah've ne'er actually seen a movie," she admitted slowly. "But Ah know whit one is!" She seemed rather proud of this fact. "Movies are where ye watch the, uh. . . movin' pictures 'n' sounds, nae? Humans seem tae complain a lot aboot 'movies these days aren't the same' or whit have ye. Seems a little pompous, ye know? Things are meant tae change over time. Someone born in one era is nae lesser because they aren't familiar with, ye know, things they weren't born with."
She leaned her head back, waving a webbed hand flamboyantly.
"Always this and tha' aboot 'things were better when King Neptune were around'. Well, Ah wasn't born then. How'm Ah supposed tae know? I only know whit's here now. No reason tae go back unless Ah wanted tae."
And frankly, she preferred not to.
"So, whit're yer thoughts on fae and spirits? Do ye respect them? Fear them? Not believe in them? How dae ye deal with them? Takin' notes fer a mate here."
"Ooh!" Avery claps her hands together excitedly. "I've read so many things on both fae and spirits! Fae are truly fascinating, and as a necromancer, I have a lot to say about the dead." She clears her throat and attempts to settle herself down. "I've not seen many fae myself - they keep to the ancient forests, and I haven't had much reason to travel to them. I imagine if you don't step on their flowers or cut their trees, they won't have much of a problem with you."
"But, spirits!" she continues eagerly. "I've watched my mentor summon them from across the Veil, use them to replay the memories of ancient battles and events so traumatic that they left a permanent mark in our world. The malevolent ones can be forces to be reckoned with, but most are harmless, and even helpful, at times."
The young woman pours herself a glass of wine and smirks. "I can already imagine what Nadi would have to say. Y'know, probably about how such powers are to be both respected and feared, and a wise man knows how to use them and when not to." She shrugs. "I guess I'd have to agree."
"Anyway, what do you think about necromancy? Shall you tie me to a stake and burn me just for saying the word?" She winks.
"But, spirits!" she continues eagerly. "I've watched my mentor summon them from across the Veil, use them to replay the memories of ancient battles and events so traumatic that they left a permanent mark in our world. The malevolent ones can be forces to be reckoned with, but most are harmless, and even helpful, at times."
The young woman pours herself a glass of wine and smirks. "I can already imagine what Nadi would have to say. Y'know, probably about how such powers are to be both respected and feared, and a wise man knows how to use them and when not to." She shrugs. "I guess I'd have to agree."
"Anyway, what do you think about necromancy? Shall you tie me to a stake and burn me just for saying the word?" She winks.
"I have seen with my own two eyes the benefits and detriments of bringing one back from the dead. Many times my own allies have been resurrected, as well as the enemies I fear most." Arcee gives a thoughtful scratch of the chin, shutting her eyes and pursing her metallic, pink lips. "I am unaware of the intricacies of bringing a human back to life, but I'm willing to bet that you can get a lot of good out of that! I believe that necromancy can't be defined as good or bad, it depends on the intent of the necromancer, the person being brought back, the condition that bodies are brought back in..." Huff. So many nuances, she could go into those for hours.
"Why, the more I think about it, I can't really settle on what I think! All the details feel like they're overloading my sensors!" She'd have to keep the question in mind, ponder it for a while.
"What is your opinion on... food? My species doesn't need to eat, but I'm aware that most species do. Are you ever bothered by your need to eat? What does it make you feel?" A fitting question for someone who was, effectively, an alien.
"Why, the more I think about it, I can't really settle on what I think! All the details feel like they're overloading my sensors!" She'd have to keep the question in mind, ponder it for a while.
"What is your opinion on... food? My species doesn't need to eat, but I'm aware that most species do. Are you ever bothered by your need to eat? What does it make you feel?" A fitting question for someone who was, effectively, an alien.
Opinion on food, huh? Well, there wasn't a better critter to overhear that question. There were a few things Schrödinger, of Haus Alptraum, was known for- but his most noteworthy attribute was most probably his appreciation for foods of all sorts. He was a avid connoisseur of consumables. Soft or crunchy? Sweet or savory? From the table or found on the floor? He didn't care, so long as eating whatever it was did him no harm.
It was a shame this metal creature looming before him did not eat. It was missing out on quite a bit. Schrödinger combed through his straight grey whiskers with an extended claw, while he tried to formulate an answer. Words were hard. All he could think about was food now. What is going to be served at dinner tonight, he pondered.
Eventually he would gurgle something. Or had that been his stomach? Either way, the question would get an answer. "Mmm. Scrummy." He gruffed, looking up to- what he could only imagine to be- the strange statue. "No, no. Not bothered." An ear quirked curiously. How did food make him feel? Full. Well, happy too, he supposed. The grey ball of fuzz wouldn't answer that, and would instead pat his plump tummy to express how he felt about delicious vittles.
"Have food?" Likely fruitless thing to ask a creature that did not eat, but it was worth a try.
When it was time to provide a question of his own, Schrödinger was fairly stumped. What sort of things did people have opinions on?
Too much, that was for certain.
Still, he had to come up with something. Was a weather question too boring? Oh well, it would have to do. "Opinion on... rain?"
It was a shame this metal creature looming before him did not eat. It was missing out on quite a bit. Schrödinger combed through his straight grey whiskers with an extended claw, while he tried to formulate an answer. Words were hard. All he could think about was food now. What is going to be served at dinner tonight, he pondered.
Eventually he would gurgle something. Or had that been his stomach? Either way, the question would get an answer. "Mmm. Scrummy." He gruffed, looking up to- what he could only imagine to be- the strange statue. "No, no. Not bothered." An ear quirked curiously. How did food make him feel? Full. Well, happy too, he supposed. The grey ball of fuzz wouldn't answer that, and would instead pat his plump tummy to express how he felt about delicious vittles.
"Have food?" Likely fruitless thing to ask a creature that did not eat, but it was worth a try.
When it was time to provide a question of his own, Schrödinger was fairly stumped. What sort of things did people have opinions on?
Too much, that was for certain.
Still, he had to come up with something. Was a weather question too boring? Oh well, it would have to do. "Opinion on... rain?"
Bljn knew better than to fawn over different races for appearance alone. She was immune to this behavior anyway. For example, Qiqirn, in all their scraggly rat-like glory, could be considered adorable to some. Even short Viera like herself garnered the occasional - and oftentimes offensive - leering and offering of carrots.
Though, Bljn being Bljn, she would never turn down free food. That was something she had in common with the little feline creature - though likely for very different reasons.
"Rain, you say?" The tailor considered the question rather casually. "Oh, it's quite nice, I think. It doesn't rain much in Rabanastre, being a desert city. However, when I am staying in a coastal city like Valnain, the storms can be pleasant. I like to sit on the porch to watch it, as I'd rather not go directly into it. Ruining my hair and my outfit besides, the humidity can be bad for the wood of my wheelchair. It makes it expand and it can form cracks, especially if it's in heat for too long. I think the same thing happens to wooden instruments?"
A hand with delicately manicured claws raised to scratch her neck. She didn't take very long to offer her own question.
"Speaking of, what is your opinion on operas? The kind where you sit in a seat in many rows and people in very nice clothes sing very elegantly for hours on end. I've convinced one of my mothers to take me to one in Ul'dah before, but she fell asleep even before intermission. . . she's no fun sometimes."
Though, Bljn being Bljn, she would never turn down free food. That was something she had in common with the little feline creature - though likely for very different reasons.

"Rain, you say?" The tailor considered the question rather casually. "Oh, it's quite nice, I think. It doesn't rain much in Rabanastre, being a desert city. However, when I am staying in a coastal city like Valnain, the storms can be pleasant. I like to sit on the porch to watch it, as I'd rather not go directly into it. Ruining my hair and my outfit besides, the humidity can be bad for the wood of my wheelchair. It makes it expand and it can form cracks, especially if it's in heat for too long. I think the same thing happens to wooden instruments?"
A hand with delicately manicured claws raised to scratch her neck. She didn't take very long to offer her own question.

"Speaking of, what is your opinion on operas? The kind where you sit in a seat in many rows and people in very nice clothes sing very elegantly for hours on end. I've convinced one of my mothers to take me to one in Ul'dah before, but she fell asleep even before intermission. . . she's no fun sometimes."
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