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Forums » Forum Games » (IC) What is your character's opinion on ..?

Sapphire (played by SillySpider)

Sapphire didn't have to think the question over long. She had seen so many forms of Opera during her space travels.
"I think its interesting, a small vocalist on stage singing while the stage sometimes moves to portray a story. I personally could never, standing in front of all those people and sing while the light is only on me, I respect those that can.

I'll stick to the seats though, admire from afair in the dark. I have to admit though just as much as it is a show, it's more of a contract tactic where I come from. Those that cannot keep composer during an Opera performance while being pressed about topics of business and planet domination often lose in the big game of business.

I know some races just have it as entertainment though."

Sapphire taps her chin with her fingers, "makes me wonder then, what's your thoughts on runway fashion, you know for those catwalk runways and abstract fashion outfit makers"?
Emmyth let out a derisive snort, waving his hand in an amused manner. "Runway fashion?" he scoffed, "More like 'run away as fast as you can'. The people who create those ghastly outfits wouldn't know fashion if it moved in and began paying the bills. Can you even consider a leather catsuit, adorned with wings made out of plastic bottles, fashion? Have you ever seen any of those hideous creations while out and about? I'm sure the answer is a resounding 'no'. It's a waste of perfectly good fabric. It can hardly even be called art. I'd certainly do it better."

"But true art, now that is a different story." he continued, running his fingers through his hair. "Prey tell, what are your thoughts on these museums that display so-called art?"
Oliver Hawkins (played by _Apollo_)

"Galleries, most of them, show pieces that appeal to the nature of man, the public, and whatever seems like an expression of professionalism and artistic understanding. But much of the art is hand picked by one or two people out of billions. What appeals to one does not mean the same to another. You can't gain understanding of one piece from an artist without all of the other pieces pinned up next to it. It is like looking through a pinhole in a piece of fabric. You see what is directly in front of you, but not the context around it. A painting of a guitar, no matter how detailed, is meaningless, until you see the woman weeping in the corner, the signed music sheets scattered on the floor, and the urn sitting on her dresser. Without those pieces, it is just a guitar, not a part of her late lover that she cherishes more than her own life. Galleries choose what is most popular or beautiful to the eye, instead of collecting every piece and creating a masterpiece of their own. It is like cutting off an inch of an artist's strand of hair and gluing it to your wall. You see that part of them, you know who it's from, but you slowly forget what the rest of them looks like, how they sound, and what they feel. Another thing to consider is what people consider a form of art.
To me, splattered paint doesn't ignite awe, but a watery painting of silhouettes through the eyes of a lost man give me something to think about. But everyone is different.
Museums and galleries should definitely try harder to display thoughtful and emotional art. These abstract pieces made from two colors in different shaped blocks that form no recognizable image are not the reason I pay to go walk through a building for hours."
Oliver took a deep breath, a little winded.

"What are your thoughts on books written in the modern day. More specifically, ones that mention modern-day technology and media? Do you enjoy seeing new book characters mention apps such as TikTok or Instagram?"
It would depend on the subject of the book. For Adult fiction it can be good, but I would have to be in the mood for it and have time to read.

What are your thoughts on FM Radio?
Martyr Daeva-Lazarus (played anonymously)

Martyr fingered at a hole in her shirt that had been growing increasingly in size during the last five minutes, the reason quite obvious. It was unclear if her fidgeting was a bad habit in need of breaking, or an act of defiance on par with the punk ensemble she donned. She seemed relatively unbothered regardless, as her claws found another spot of fabric, along the hem, to rip up.

Although she appeared very... engrossed, in whatever the hell it was she was doing, she evidently wasn't too far 'in the zone' to block out the sounds around her; apparent by a sharp click and low mumble. "Radio? Uhhhh, I think it's preeeetty neato."

The imp was quiet for a few minutes, allowing her brain to catch up with what she was saying. "Fun to listen to if you can't make up your mind and just want to be surprised, y'know?" She graveled.

"There's a buddy of mine that takes up radio gigs if she's in town. Sometimes..." Her voice wibbled away as she droned off- probably about something marginally related to the topic of radios. Then, in true Marty fashion, the subject was weaved into something else entirely. "Watcha think of spicy food? I'm talkin' the reaaal hot stuff- like, burn-your-booty spicy. You a masochist or nah?"
Alpin-Lynx Blackstone (played anonymously)

"Spicy food is the best. Fight me if you disagree."

"Now, now, what's your opinion on...... dance fighting?"
Meph Norwish (played by Eros_Calls)

"To be a good fighter one needs good balance, flexibility, perseverance and concentration. The exact same skills needed to be a dancer. Therefore, dancing and fighting are definitely related."

What is your opinion on the quality of music between vinyl records and CDs?

"... meh."

The stout honey badger flicked her tail in a gesture that may have seemed impatient. "Listen, bud... CD? Venal records? That's 'em fancy stuff for 'em fancy folks. Gimme a nice jam on the radio, that'll do for me." She curled her nose, shrugging. "Easy peasy 'n I can listen to it wherever I go, y'know? Cause, it's all nice 'n fine to sit down and listen music in... whatever the hell your den's called", another impatient gesture, this time with her hand; the claws glinted, briefly capturing the light. "... but when you're always on the move, you gotta think smart."

Snickering, she ran a hand through the choppy platinum blonde locks that were her hairline and thought of what to ask the next person. Let's see...

"Ah alrighty, I got one for ya! What's your opinion on takin' orders from suckers higher up? You roll belly up or show your teeth?" Small beady eyes peered from behind the shades at the next person.
Nagisa (played by CrypticStardust)

Nagisa appeared thoughtful, considering. "I guess that would depend on what the orders were." She said after a moment. "If they were reasonable, I would have no problem doing as I was told. But if I'm unwilling to do it, no amount of status or power on the part of the one giving the orders could convince me."
Nagisa nodded once, as if confirming the answer with herself, then turned to ask of the next person, "Now, I want to know, what's your opinion on nature documentaries?"
Mighty Mad Madina (played by Garn)

"Bah, buncha rich folks' hogwash fer entertainin' cowards that can't be bothered to leave 'er humble homes," spat the dark-cloaked figure, her old voice lowered into a growl. Madina's disdain for the concept alone engraved more wrinkles into her old, sun-baked face, and as she crossed her arms over her chest, she continued: "Ya know what the problem is with slappin' everythin' yer eyes can see on a strip of film? Can do gods-yer-all with it once it's made into a DigiFlick. Can create any ol' tale ya wanna tell outta it, and none'o those simpletons'd be able to tell." Her thin lips stretched into a bitter grimace. Leaning forward towards Nagisa, it was almost as if she was accusing her of being that manipulative. "Sign'o the times that folks are gettin' too comfortable with bein' told what's what, even if it's darnest bullshit made real. Ya should know better than anyone-" In the shadow that her wide-brimmed hat cast onto her face, Mad Madina's burning green gaze seemed to glisten. A sharp glance shot between the mermaid's friendly face and outlandish spiked tail. "-that the real whims'a nature are only understood by those strong 'nuff to brave it. Let that not be a truth that the soft folk these days forget 'bout." That was a hill Madina would readily die on.

"Well now, with that outta the way.." As intense as her reaction'd been, a sense of casual calm suddenly returned to the bounty hunter's demeanor. She straightened her old back and looked around the void, scanning the black depths of cyberspace for whoever was up next. "You there. What'd yer opinion be about old-fashioned duelling? Should we be takin' our pride in continuing rightful, lawful battles like these, or is fightin' with honor a relic of the past already?" Mad Madina had seen more than enough guerilla warfare to know the pros and cons of each side.
Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

"If only wars could be decided by dueling leaders. It would save a lot of lives."

Nina sips her coffee while in thought about that.

"What is your opinion on electric cars?"
L.E.N (played anonymously)

"E-lectric.. Cars." The android spoke in a robotic voice. "Quite.. An interesting.. Topic." He spoke between unnatural pauses. "I think.. It would be.. A fun way.. To get around." He added, slowly nodding.

"What.. Is your opinion on.. The horror genre?"
Mimi (played by CrypticStardust)

"Horror? I LOVE it!" Mimi said emphatically, unknowing or uncaring that the one who had asked the question seemed to have been... erased from existence. "A lot of it's a load of crap- like, not realistic at all! But even then, it's still great entertainment! Blood, guts, gore, screams... scary villains with cold stares... abandoned buildings full of creepy-crawlies... whatever kind of horrors they got, I wanna see 'em!"
Mimi seemed like she could have gone on forever about the topic, but she cut herself off in order to not drag the game on forever. Someone else would be up soon, waiting for a question of their own, so mimi intended to do her part and ask away. "Now! You there, random hypothetical stranger who I can't see yet! Tell me... what is your opinion on..." Here, she paused, for dramatic effect. Of all of the things she could have brought up, what she chose was rather mundane...
... And yet she announced it like it was a grand winner of some tournament, like the possible topics had fought a battle in her head and sour candy had slain them all and won a great and bloody victory.
Bho Namoaa (played by Samiakki)

Bho wrinkled his nose for a moment, though he largely did so to take in Mimi's scent.

"Sour candy. . . ?" He rolled his lips for a moment, as though in anticipation.

Then, he replied. . .

"I love sourrr candy! I always hope to get some during the Harrrvest Festival, especially the ones where they look like colorrrful worms." His ear flickered briefly. "You want to know a secret? I find some kits in Mhaura who don't like them to pay with sesame cookies to bring me some everrry year. I have a specific rrratio I use - one cookie to every thrrree worms. Call me a thief, but I home-bake the cookies, too. Makes them extrrra enticing, no?"

"What is your opinion on garlic? Do you like it? Do you cook with it?"
Adrian Donovan (played anonymously)

"Damn right I use garlic in my cooking. Usually add more than what recipes call for."

"What is your opinion on Cinnamon?"
Amber Díaz (played anonymously)

"I love it. Mom used to make me cinnamon toast when I was a kid. I still use Cinnamon on my toasted English muffins these days with butter and a sprinkling of brown sugar. What is your opinion on twerking?"
Eleanor stops stirring the ice in her iced coffee for a brief moment to make the most unamused face she could possibly muster.

"...Are you serious?" Eleanor begins, her face suddenly looking more bewildered than anything else. "That's your question? Look, I apologize, I just- Like, you could have asked any number of questions. There are hundreds, if not thousands of questions you could have asked. And yet, THAT was the one you chose?"

She sighs, going back to stirring her coffee absentmindedly with her straw. "Well, to answer your question... I just don't see the appeal behind it. If you like it, that's fine by me, but personally? I don't get it."

After a brief moment of silence and a glance at her own chest, she lets out an even heavier sigh. "...Elliot, it's a human dance move. A very provocative one at that. And no, I will not be going into any further detail. Shh. No, we're done talking about this!"

"Now, for my question..." Eleanor looks down at her drink. "What's your opinion on coffee? Do you like it hot or cold? Or do you maybe prefer tea?"
Ciel (played anonymously)

"I definitely prefer tea. A warm, strong cup of Tea Earl Grey is my usual go to." He said, running his finger along the imprint of his family name's emblem in his golden ring.

"What's your opinion on demons?"
Amukhat (played by Leighoflight)

"Demons?" The sphinx tilts her head and thinks for a moment "Most of them are fine, I have no issue with them." she shrugged.

"What is your opinion on cats?" she purred while comfortably loafed.
Tom (played by LeftScout)

"Cats are adorable but I cannot get close to them, unfortunately I'm allergic and I don't like the hairless ones. So I would have to choose dogs over cats," he shrugged.

Turning to the next person, "what's your opinion on chewing gum?"

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