"I'm all for it, though there is a time and a place. Don't be annoying with it. Was really into bubblegum when I was eleven. Now I may chew some on occasion."
Amber looks briefly at her phone when a text buzzed it. She then looked back up. "Let's see what the 'question-police' think of this one...
What is your opinion on walking in the rain?"
Amber looks briefly at her phone when a text buzzed it. She then looked back up. "Let's see what the 'question-police' think of this one...
What is your opinion on walking in the rain?"
"Fun! I like stepping in the puddles with my froggy boots!" Finny happily replied. "Rain is good for the animals, the insects, the plants..."
Finny looked up at the clouds, "I wonder when it'll rain next? I like a nice rainy day!"
He frowned, "Though.. The young master doesn't like it, he stays indoors the whole time."
"He said something about catching a cold if he stayed out there too long."
"Makes sense, but I can shake colds easy! One or maybe two days and boo! I'm done with my snotty little cold! Bye bye, Cold!" He waved at an imaginary cold...
It appears he's too busy rambling to ask a question...
(What is your opinion on insects?)
Finny looked up at the clouds, "I wonder when it'll rain next? I like a nice rainy day!"
He frowned, "Though.. The young master doesn't like it, he stays indoors the whole time."
"He said something about catching a cold if he stayed out there too long."
"Makes sense, but I can shake colds easy! One or maybe two days and boo! I'm done with my snotty little cold! Bye bye, Cold!" He waved at an imaginary cold...
It appears he's too busy rambling to ask a question...
(What is your opinion on insects?)
She ponders for a moment, fingers tracing the chains of a small necklace, running the pendant that hung on it along the chain and back again in a repetitive motion. Her bottom lip held between her teeth as he expression went pensive. "I suppose it depends on the insect, I am not scared of spiders if that's what the question is implying though I wouldn't keep one as a pet either, though I suppose if it was dangerous I would avoid it, that's the wrong kind of danger for me."
She lets the necklace drop to her chest, looking away from the conversation, eyes looking to the distance.
"What is your opinion on Crime ?"
She lets the necklace drop to her chest, looking away from the conversation, eyes looking to the distance.
"What is your opinion on Crime ?"
Behind the glasses, her dark eyes lit up with a secret laugh. "Crime, huh?" Even her voice was laced with amusement. "Well, you're asking the right person, since as the saying goes, I've been there and done that. Don't get me wrong, it's been a long time ago, and these days, I'm retired..." Thanks goodness Mixie couldn't hear her or she'd totally jump on the 'old boomer' bandwagon! But there was no arguing that in the span of only a few years, the ex-pirate turned vigilante had packed the equivalent of what a lot of people didn't get to experience in a lifetime. Small wonder it seemed, looking back, that the road winded way farther than just a handful years...
"Alright, so - crime. For first thing, it was the sense of freedom that led me to embrace that life. When you're a criminal, no rules apply escept those you establish for yourself and it's immensely liberating", especially after brushes with more oppressive forms of government. "Ethically speaking, there are many times when the so-called 'laws' and the means used to uphold them are in themselves wrong, unfair or corrupted. Crime can sometimes be a form of retaliation, a sign of independence. Of course, there's also crime and crime and not all kinds are comparable. A lot depends on who gets damaged by it... even these days, switched side and all, I would never think ill of someone committing crime just to sustain themselves or a hungry family. Nor I would feel inclined to judge harshly on crimes against _bigger criminals_., all the more if they are of the outwardly unsoiled and respectable kind, like corrupt politicians and their kin. Where law is hampered and constrained, sometimes crime can make a difference. In other words... not all crimes are hienous, just as not all criminals are monsters. My opinion is always that the specific case must be taken into account, and all sides considered."
"Lastly..." Again the playful, mischievious grin danced in her eyes. "As someone once best explained it to me long ago: crime ain't worth it if it ain't fun. And fun, at the very least, was never missing in my ol' crime days." Risks and dangers had not lacked either, but ironically enough the risk factor had only increased after retirement. But fun? Heaps of it! She didn't keep journals and photo albums chronicling those wild and reckless years for nothing, after all!
Which just gave her the perfect idea for the next question.
"Alright, so - what's your opinion on going over old photo albums? Hate 'em? Dig 'em? What most importamt moments would you preserve or if not, why?"
And now she really did sound like an old boomer.
"Alright, so - crime. For first thing, it was the sense of freedom that led me to embrace that life. When you're a criminal, no rules apply escept those you establish for yourself and it's immensely liberating", especially after brushes with more oppressive forms of government. "Ethically speaking, there are many times when the so-called 'laws' and the means used to uphold them are in themselves wrong, unfair or corrupted. Crime can sometimes be a form of retaliation, a sign of independence. Of course, there's also crime and crime and not all kinds are comparable. A lot depends on who gets damaged by it... even these days, switched side and all, I would never think ill of someone committing crime just to sustain themselves or a hungry family. Nor I would feel inclined to judge harshly on crimes against _bigger criminals_., all the more if they are of the outwardly unsoiled and respectable kind, like corrupt politicians and their kin. Where law is hampered and constrained, sometimes crime can make a difference. In other words... not all crimes are hienous, just as not all criminals are monsters. My opinion is always that the specific case must be taken into account, and all sides considered."
"Lastly..." Again the playful, mischievious grin danced in her eyes. "As someone once best explained it to me long ago: crime ain't worth it if it ain't fun. And fun, at the very least, was never missing in my ol' crime days." Risks and dangers had not lacked either, but ironically enough the risk factor had only increased after retirement. But fun? Heaps of it! She didn't keep journals and photo albums chronicling those wild and reckless years for nothing, after all!
Which just gave her the perfect idea for the next question.
"Alright, so - what's your opinion on going over old photo albums? Hate 'em? Dig 'em? What most importamt moments would you preserve or if not, why?"
And now she really did sound like an old boomer.
“Old photo albums, they’re nice especially if you want to go through memory lane”, Keiko says as she crushed a cigarette with her shoe. “Nice ones at least”, she added offhandedly. “I like looking at them. It reminds of a time when I was once hu-”, Keiko stopped herself from speaking anymore. “Anyways, isn’t fun to look at a silly picture of little you?”, she grinned ear to ear. “Bring Your Kid to Work Day was my favorite memory”, Keiko spoke with a nostalgic tone.
“Of course, I couldn’t explore much about my dad’s work”, she added with a chuckle. “Confidential stuff and all”, Keiko said dismissively.
“What is your opinion on strangers? Are they possible danger, or a connection you haven’t made yet?”
“Of course, I couldn’t explore much about my dad’s work”, she added with a chuckle. “Confidential stuff and all”, Keiko said dismissively.
“What is your opinion on strangers? Are they possible danger, or a connection you haven’t made yet?”
Ciel let a melancholy frown spread across his face, "I do not see strangers as friends I haven't made yet."
"I don't like strangers, especially those that reek of ill-intent."
He shuffled his weight from one foot to the other, "Let's just say I have to be saved by my butler a lot from 'strangers' out there."
For context, Ciel was often kidnapped for ransom or other reasons that went on and on.
"What is your opinion on sweets?" He raised his brows, shaking his head to remove the thoughts he had previously about the last subject.
"I don't like strangers, especially those that reek of ill-intent."
He shuffled his weight from one foot to the other, "Let's just say I have to be saved by my butler a lot from 'strangers' out there."
For context, Ciel was often kidnapped for ransom or other reasons that went on and on.
"What is your opinion on sweets?" He raised his brows, shaking his head to remove the thoughts he had previously about the last subject.
"I like them in moderation. If I can find fresh licorice vines, I'm in heaven! What is your opinion on Licorice?
"I mean, it looks weird" "I've tried plugging into it before and got my wire ruined" "Maybe it "tastes" good buy who am I to know, I don't have a tasting program installed"
Whats you opinion on stabbing
Whats you opinion on stabbing
"Stabbing is a simple way to get the job done," Dust said sighing, "but it requires a lot of patience and guns or poison are just much more effective"
"If you had to... remove someone, how would you do it, and why?"
"If you had to... remove someone, how would you do it, and why?"
"I oftentimes have to... remove someone for any given reason, really," Jim gave an acerbic pause more to imitate Dust's apprehension rather than vaunt his usual dramatics.
"Of course, I personally don't do any of the, ah, dirty work or the heavy lifting per se."
A smile crept onto his pale features and in a saccharine voice, Moriarty inquired, "Speaking of the help, how do you feel about someone getting their hands dirty for l'il ol' you?"
"Of course, I personally don't do any of the, ah, dirty work or the heavy lifting per se."
A smile crept onto his pale features and in a saccharine voice, Moriarty inquired, "Speaking of the help, how do you feel about someone getting their hands dirty for l'il ol' you?"
"I don't mind." Ciel said shortly at first. "My butler gets his hands dirty for me all the time, helping me with things."
"Take that as whatever you'd like." He added, a smirk spreading across his face.
...What did he mean by that?
Surely he meant the butler did chores and stuff around the house and nothing...violent and gory..right?
"What's your opinion on arranged marriages?" He asked.
"I have a fiancee myself. Her name is Elizabeth."
"Take that as whatever you'd like." He added, a smirk spreading across his face.
...What did he mean by that?
Surely he meant the butler did chores and stuff around the house and nothing...violent and gory..right?
"What's your opinion on arranged marriages?" He asked.
"I have a fiancee myself. Her name is Elizabeth."
Her face hardens, those two words clearly struck a chord, sperate or together it wasn't easy for anyone to tell not from the sudden cold expression on her face at least. The look in her pale blue eyes was one of loathing, loathing and resentment at the idea of something unspoken, her words came out clipped, voice sounding taught as though her vocal chords were strained to speak.
"I despise it, I will never allow myself to be married off for someone else's benefit, I am not property to be owned."
Looking down at her nails she calms, the tension leaving her body even if only a little of it, clearly still upset by the idea of arranged marriage. "Perhaps it works for some people with no spirit or soul to find someone themselves, a convenience, but I pity anyone who needs to marry for convenience."
She turned to look at the person behind her, secrets swirling behind sapphire eyes, "What is your opinion on the soul ?"
"I despise it, I will never allow myself to be married off for someone else's benefit, I am not property to be owned."
Looking down at her nails she calms, the tension leaving her body even if only a little of it, clearly still upset by the idea of arranged marriage. "Perhaps it works for some people with no spirit or soul to find someone themselves, a convenience, but I pity anyone who needs to marry for convenience."
She turned to look at the person behind her, secrets swirling behind sapphire eyes, "What is your opinion on the soul ?"
"Hm, happen to think about that quite a bit," Randle mused, slumping back against an imaginary barrier that manifested itself behind his ol' shoulders. "Can sure raise a lotta folks' hackles when ya bring that up in a 'where does said soul go after the body expires' sorta context, but I think it doesn't have to be that deterministic. Ya ask me, the soul's about as tangible as it's not." Pretty vague, but what else was new with a cynical private eye from a diesel paradise's seedy underbelly? "It's not so much a ghost ya keep locked in your tomb of flesh, it's more so.. an impression that ya leave behind, even long after you've passed. A soul is made up of what ya used to stand for, and what folks will remember ya for once you've left their lives, or the living universe, for that matter." He took a deep breath, his stitched-up chest swelling beneath his crumbled dress shirt. There was an itch to keep his hands and mouth occupied with a freshly rolled cigarillo, but Randle managed to resist the urge. Talk like this should be able to come straight from his mouth- no escapin' into comforting habits now. Not like he could actually feel the nicotine in there, anyway. "There's a reason why old folk other urge their family to 'remember them', right before they pass. The soul lives through memories, when it no longer has a physical shape that's able to leave traces of itself. Heh, and when ya look at it that way, I suppose you could say that.. well.." Then, there was an audible shift in the detective's voice. He fell silent, and even though his intimidating, mechnical eyes never ceased the glow, they seemed to grow dark nonetheless. "..my friends'd be immortal too, then, in a way." Promises were a dangerous thing, but when Randle said that he was going to carry the memories of Sprite, Artie, Zero and others dear to him, he meant it.
"Heh, anyway, that's enough chit-chat from an ol' grump like me, eh? How about we keep this going.." With the assertive swish of his tail, Randle turned to the next contestant, offering them a gentle smile as he thought of a new question. "So, whaddaya say your opinion on powers and responsibility are, hm? Ya think anyone with above-average abilities should be mindful of the rest of society and only use it for good, or are these folks just as entitled to making their own choices as everyone else?" Randle sure as hell knew his answer to this, but he wanted to toss the ball around, see what these mysterious strangers had to say.
"Heh, anyway, that's enough chit-chat from an ol' grump like me, eh? How about we keep this going.." With the assertive swish of his tail, Randle turned to the next contestant, offering them a gentle smile as he thought of a new question. "So, whaddaya say your opinion on powers and responsibility are, hm? Ya think anyone with above-average abilities should be mindful of the rest of society and only use it for good, or are these folks just as entitled to making their own choices as everyone else?" Randle sure as hell knew his answer to this, but he wanted to toss the ball around, see what these mysterious strangers had to say.
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings... that said with that freedom comes responsibilities inherent to everyone's lives. No matter how mundane or eventful one's life is, there powers we have and responsibilities that we must fulfill using them. Freedom is already a power, therefore there is innate responsibility tied to it... but even in less metaphorical examples, the manager of a small restaurant has power over his employees. That manager has the responsibility of providing for them, of giving them tasks... It's not anything like being a soldier or having some sort of supernatural ability, but if it applies to people who are lower on the..." Arcee scratches her chin for a moment. "Chain of command? I think that's the best turn of phrase! If it applies to them, then it surely applies to those with a level of 'real' power."
She cocks a hip to the side, a blaster in her hand. "Take me, for example. I have abilities beyond that of a human, and I use it to protect people who are more vulnerable than myself. That's my responsibility, but I don't always fulfill it because of some sort of need- It's also because I care for others. It's my responsibility, but I also love helping people. Really, I think even 'everyone else' has something they need to do as well, and they need to make good use of what little power they have. So of course that would extend to people with more power."
"What do you think about... hm. How about your thoughts on extraterrestrial life? Aliens, and whatnot. I guess I am one, so I might end up judging you a bit..."
She cocks a hip to the side, a blaster in her hand. "Take me, for example. I have abilities beyond that of a human, and I use it to protect people who are more vulnerable than myself. That's my responsibility, but I don't always fulfill it because of some sort of need- It's also because I care for others. It's my responsibility, but I also love helping people. Really, I think even 'everyone else' has something they need to do as well, and they need to make good use of what little power they have. So of course that would extend to people with more power."
"What do you think about... hm. How about your thoughts on extraterrestrial life? Aliens, and whatnot. I guess I am one, so I might end up judging you a bit..."
automobile gangsta. wrote:
"What do you think about... hm. How about your thoughts on extraterrestrial life? Aliens, and whatnot. I guess I am one, so I might end up judging you a bit..."
"Yeah I look at the stars and wonder if life is out there. If I've smoked some really good weed I ponder what that life may be like. I can't say I have an opinion on it though since I haven't ever met a spaceman."
What is your opinion on Beer?
The wolverine's ears immediately perked at Nina's question, and his beady eyes took a dreamy expression. It didn't help in the slightest that he had just finished wolfing down a bottle of the aforementioned beer and was in the process of uncorking another!
"What I think 'bout beer, huh?" Burt grinned cheekily and winked at her. "If ya don't drink a barrel of it, it ain't enough beer! All the more if directly from the barrel, it tastes so much better for some reason? But barkeeps always say Ive gotta put a mug under there and cannot just take the barrel home!" He scowled, his upper lip curling slightly over his prominent fangs. "That aint fair I WAS GONNA PAY THOSE THIRTEEN BARRELS IT WASNT AS IF I WANTED 'EM FOR FREE--" Whoops, he was on a tangent again.
"Yeah well right what I was sayin'?" Burt scratched his head in confusion. "Ah yeah, homemade beer's amazing too, there's a guy I knowwho stole a gal I was after who makes his own beer at home, how cool is that?If I had beer at home any moment at my whim I'd be in heaven!" Then remembering one very intelligent thing he had thought about the next time he would be in company of a lady, he rolled up his sleeves struck a pose with his arms behind his back, a pose that was surely going to make him look handsome and oh so very sexy. "Oh right, also beer is like 'em gals, doesnt matter if dark red or blonde there aint any I dont like!" Hah! Pure poetry, he couldn't wait to share his genius pick-up line with his pal Sprite. It didn't take anythin' to sound real smart! "But, uh-" He raised the bottle of beer he had just gulped down to show the label, which read Wily Wolverine. "This one's the absolute best! I got it from that guy who makes his own beer at home!"
(Which given his earlier analogy would make women even more likely to think he was playing for the other team, as if all his (endless rants about kicking other guys butt - particularly poor Kiran's - hadn't made enough people question his heterosexuality...)
Seeing that his words weren't having the effect he had hoped, he bristled up his fur and tried to conceal his disappointment. "Ah well, my turn next righto? So what d'ya think about bikes? Y'like bikes? 'Cause I got a really cool bike-"
Couldn't blame a wolverine with half a working braincell for trying, right? He did his best!
"What I think 'bout beer, huh?" Burt grinned cheekily and winked at her. "If ya don't drink a barrel of it, it ain't enough beer! All the more if directly from the barrel, it tastes so much better for some reason? But barkeeps always say Ive gotta put a mug under there and cannot just take the barrel home!" He scowled, his upper lip curling slightly over his prominent fangs. "That aint fair I WAS GONNA PAY THOSE THIRTEEN BARRELS IT WASNT AS IF I WANTED 'EM FOR FREE--" Whoops, he was on a tangent again.
"Yeah well right what I was sayin'?" Burt scratched his head in confusion. "Ah yeah, homemade beer's amazing too, there's a guy I know
Seeing that his words weren't having the effect he had hoped, he bristled up his fur and tried to conceal his disappointment. "Ah well, my turn next righto? So what d'ya think about bikes? Y'like bikes? 'Cause I got a really cool bike-"
Couldn't blame a wolverine with half a working braincell for trying, right? He did his best!
Burt the wolverine wrote:
"Ah well, my turn next righto? So what d'ya think about bikes? Y'like bikes? 'Cause I got a really cool bike-"
Jinxx thought about this for a moment.
"Bikes, huh? Well, if we're talkin' about motorcycles like I assume we are, I think they're pretty cool. Could never ride one myself though.." She laughed awkwardly. "I'd be flyin' off that thing right after getting on!"
They cleared their throat, regaining their composure. "Anyways... Whoever's going next, what're you're thoughts on... Um..." He snapped his fingers a few times trying to finish his question. "Ooh! How about raves? Or just concerts in general?"
"I love concerts and raves. I was a bit of a metalhead in my teens, and I've been to a few raves where things have gotten pretty steamy."
"What's your opinion on love?"
"What's your opinion on love?"
"Depends on what kind of love, and most are at least semi-necessary in life. My love for my son, for example. I work as hard as I do because I love my little bear, and it's imperative for a child to grow up with at least one loving parent. Being a single parent is difficult"
what is your character's opinion on classical music?
what is your character's opinion on classical music?
Riddle warmly smiled, "Oh I quite enjoy it. It's good to study to and calm down with."
"I do like other songs that aren't classical music too. Like for instance, some of my favorites is the songs they play to the Futterwacken dance." He laughed softly.
There was a pause of silence.
"...What do you mean you don't know what the Futterwacken is?"
What is your opinion on rules? Do you choose to follow them, break them, create them?
"I do like other songs that aren't classical music too. Like for instance, some of my favorites is the songs they play to the Futterwacken dance." He laughed softly.
There was a pause of silence.
"...What do you mean you don't know what the Futterwacken is?"
What is your opinion on rules? Do you choose to follow them, break them, create them?
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