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Forums » Forum Games » (IC) What is your character's opinion on ..?

"Actual philosophy? It also depends on what we're getting at. You humans had this guy named Nietzche which I found to be droll and melodramatic, but you also had humans like Lao Tsu and Socrates. It's really a mixed bag with humans and likely all sentient species, and even though some of your philosophers are merely pretending, you can learn new insight from almost anyone."

what is your opinion on gardening?
Velvet Reverie (played by CGHJUP2)

Velvet was thinking while sitting against the tree " Hmmmm. I think Gardening is wonderful! Get to take in the beautiful smells and sights of flowers youae planting! Great that you get to put life back into the world! " She smiles

What is your opinion on P-Pop music(Filipino Music)?
Sophia (played anonymously)

"I like a lot of it! NINI isn't too bad though some of their songs, like me, can be annoying. XD. I do like the band Siakol too!"

What is your opinion on Pagan Folk Metal music?
Red Hood (played anonymously)

"Like Tyr, Eluviete and stuff? Yeah, it's pretty good..."

what is your opinion on quantum mechanics?

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