So I got inspired by an image and got nothing else
. Need like all the help I can get *Thumbs up*
Looking for these things.
-White hair

Looking for these things.
-White hair
Her maker fell in love with her beauty when she was a young woman, but didn't turn her into a vampire until she after she was well into her silver/twilight years, leaving her eternally looking like she's 60+
She was born an albino, thus the white hair. Given the lack of pigmentation in her skin, she always burned VERY easily in the sun, and lived a semi-nocturnal lifestyle even before being embraced.
Hmmm a 60+ Vampire sounds awesome! Maybe shes a total unit. Like she looks old and frail and really shes strong as heck.
Maybe shes in some sort of Vampire coven and is a highly sought after bodyguard (much to the annoyance of the maker...who wants her all to themselves lol)
Maybe shes in some sort of Vampire coven and is a highly sought after bodyguard (much to the annoyance of the maker...who wants her all to themselves lol)
Maybe your modern vampire knows Claine's Modern fantasy OC in some way?
Oh! I have a resource for vampire character building that might get the creative juices flowing.
it's quite long though.
But it's more about how vampirism impacts them as a person, because if you think about it, immortality and a need for blood etc WILL impact who you are as a person.
It also talks about various vampire lore because I love vampire lore and how differently you can interpret it. Like.. you can genuinely do whatever you want and that's so much fun.
so to start i'd ask a few things:
Does she have to drink living blood or can she suffice on packaged? Does it have to be human or can she feed from animals? What does she prefer and why? How does she parse the need for blood with human morality? Does she have to kill to feed or does she possess any ability to wipe the memory of those she takes blood from? What does she do with the bodies if she DOES have to kill? How does she hunt? Does she have a particular "type" or strategy? (does she go out into the woods and bite bears like a lunatic? Does she pick off local wildlife? Does she hunt scumbags late at night or drunks outside clubs? Does she find willing donors who are happy to let her drink from them in exchange for money or protection?)
Can she go out in daylight? If not, how does she manage? Does she have a job working nights or is she conveniently independently wealthy? Where does she live?
In a modern setting it's fairly easy to be mostly nocturnal, people generally don't notice anyway right?
Does she pay rent or has she owned a property for so long now it's freehold?
Does she have a reflection? Does she show up in photographs?
When was she turned/embraced and how has she adjusted to the steady march of progress and how society and technology change over time? If she's a fairly young vampire, how has she found adjusting to life as a creature of the night?
How does she feel about pop culture vampires? (hey it's funny okay?)
What'd they get right? What'd they get wrong?
Does she sleep in a coffin or a bed or in a hole in the ground or what?
does she sleep at all?
If she can't sleep, what does she do all day? (netflix? internet browsing, gaming?)
How was she turned and why? Was it intentional? A mistake? Who was her sire and where are they now? Are they involved in her life or did they leave her to get on with it after teaching her the ropes? Did they teach her at all?
If intentional, why was she specifically chosen?
Does she have any mystical powers? A lot of myths give their vampires various powers like turning into mist, mesmers, flight and shape shifting etc. Can she do anything cool and magical? Does she have any such "gifts"?
What about weaknesses? Garlic? Holy water? Running water? Poppy Seeds? there's a whole load of wierd and wonderful apotropaics in legends.
Likewise, how do you kill them? Stake through the heart? Decapitation? Drown em in holy water? Bury them at a crossroad?
Does she have obvious fangs? Retracting ones? a "vampire face" like the ones in Buffy?
I always like the image of vampires who don't dress in black and look all super gothy but that's because I love to subvert the cliche lol. I like the idea of albino but I also poset another idea, a dark skinned woman who's hair was bleached white/silver for fashion. (Wasn't silver hair fashionable relatively recently?)
There's a part of me that loves the image of a woman wearing flowy sort of boho style clothes in like white and cream and maybe soft muted pastel tones.
it's quite long though.
But it's more about how vampirism impacts them as a person, because if you think about it, immortality and a need for blood etc WILL impact who you are as a person.
It also talks about various vampire lore because I love vampire lore and how differently you can interpret it. Like.. you can genuinely do whatever you want and that's so much fun.
so to start i'd ask a few things:
Does she have to drink living blood or can she suffice on packaged? Does it have to be human or can she feed from animals? What does she prefer and why? How does she parse the need for blood with human morality? Does she have to kill to feed or does she possess any ability to wipe the memory of those she takes blood from? What does she do with the bodies if she DOES have to kill? How does she hunt? Does she have a particular "type" or strategy? (does she go out into the woods and bite bears like a lunatic? Does she pick off local wildlife? Does she hunt scumbags late at night or drunks outside clubs? Does she find willing donors who are happy to let her drink from them in exchange for money or protection?)
Can she go out in daylight? If not, how does she manage? Does she have a job working nights or is she conveniently independently wealthy? Where does she live?
In a modern setting it's fairly easy to be mostly nocturnal, people generally don't notice anyway right?
Does she pay rent or has she owned a property for so long now it's freehold?
Does she have a reflection? Does she show up in photographs?
When was she turned/embraced and how has she adjusted to the steady march of progress and how society and technology change over time? If she's a fairly young vampire, how has she found adjusting to life as a creature of the night?
How does she feel about pop culture vampires? (hey it's funny okay?)
What'd they get right? What'd they get wrong?
Does she sleep in a coffin or a bed or in a hole in the ground or what?
does she sleep at all?
If she can't sleep, what does she do all day? (netflix? internet browsing, gaming?)
How was she turned and why? Was it intentional? A mistake? Who was her sire and where are they now? Are they involved in her life or did they leave her to get on with it after teaching her the ropes? Did they teach her at all?
If intentional, why was she specifically chosen?
Does she have any mystical powers? A lot of myths give their vampires various powers like turning into mist, mesmers, flight and shape shifting etc. Can she do anything cool and magical? Does she have any such "gifts"?
What about weaknesses? Garlic? Holy water? Running water? Poppy Seeds? there's a whole load of wierd and wonderful apotropaics in legends.
Likewise, how do you kill them? Stake through the heart? Decapitation? Drown em in holy water? Bury them at a crossroad?
Does she have obvious fangs? Retracting ones? a "vampire face" like the ones in Buffy?
I always like the image of vampires who don't dress in black and look all super gothy but that's because I love to subvert the cliche lol. I like the idea of albino but I also poset another idea, a dark skinned woman who's hair was bleached white/silver for fashion. (Wasn't silver hair fashionable relatively recently?)
There's a part of me that loves the image of a woman wearing flowy sort of boho style clothes in like white and cream and maybe soft muted pastel tones.
Vamps for the win.
White hair is gorgeous. It also takes colour particularly well; your character likes to dye their hair in rainbow hues to support their local pride every year and is well known for this. If she is in her older years: perhaps she's known as Pride Nana for this.
She's never drank a day in her life - but in her unlife, well, she's partial to whoever's drinking a nice Chianti. It gives her a mild, happy-go-lucky buzz and a tendency to parcel out life and love advice to the young and impressionable (also stray cats and, frankly, anyone who will listen).
White hair is gorgeous. It also takes colour particularly well; your character likes to dye their hair in rainbow hues to support their local pride every year and is well known for this. If she is in her older years: perhaps she's known as Pride Nana for this.
She's never drank a day in her life - but in her unlife, well, she's partial to whoever's drinking a nice Chianti. It gives her a mild, happy-go-lucky buzz and a tendency to parcel out life and love advice to the young and impressionable (also stray cats and, frankly, anyone who will listen).
(In case you go with her looking 60+)
She has a habit of becoming a motherly figure to the newly turned.
She keeps cats as companions and becomes extremely angry with anyone that dares to try use one to feed on. She'd kill to defend them. While she has lost a lot of them due to them aging, she never wants to stop having cats. Maybe she even looks for someone that can help make the life of the cats longer?
Even though she doesn't need one, she uses a fancy looking cane. People tend to mistake it as weakness but really, she uses it to whack younglings against the back of their heads when they act foolish or stubborn. It's the only reason she carries it with her wherever she goes.
She has a habit of becoming a motherly figure to the newly turned.
She keeps cats as companions and becomes extremely angry with anyone that dares to try use one to feed on. She'd kill to defend them. While she has lost a lot of them due to them aging, she never wants to stop having cats. Maybe she even looks for someone that can help make the life of the cats longer?
Even though she doesn't need one, she uses a fancy looking cane. People tend to mistake it as weakness but really, she uses it to whack younglings against the back of their heads when they act foolish or stubborn. It's the only reason she carries it with her wherever she goes.
Thank you so much, everyone, for all of your thoughts and ideas here is what I came up with

Kim wrote:
Maybe your modern vampire knows Claine's Modern fantasy OC in some way?
I even have a design I'm willing to donate

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