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Forums » Introductions » Hello There! New Here, RPed Before... Many Ideas

MythyDragonwolf Topic Starter

MordosKull wrote:
Ain't nothing wrong with that, m8. That's why I also have a generic greeting meself, so I don't have to get unnecessarily creative all the time. Gotta save them creative juices for RP, they're a limited resource nowadays. :P

Eh, that's fair xD

What kinds of RP do you enjoy? I got out some ideas yesterday (late) and I'm curious if any interest you
(Sorry If I'm not allowed to post the link here - I looked and didn't see anything about it though)

I was just reading through all that actually. Of all the ideas you proposed I personally like Mocon the best as I play Dwarves almost exclusively. Not sure if I'd be able to jump in on the RP since I've been very busy as of late but if it gets some traction and you're still looking for players I'd be happy to take a look at it. As for what kind of RPs I enjoy; give me lots of action and combat and I'll be a happy camper.
MythyDragonwolf Topic Starter

MordosKull wrote:
I was just reading through all that actually. Of all the ideas you proposed I personally like Mocon the best as I play Dwarves almost exclusively. Not sure if I'd be able to jump in on the RP since I've been very busy as of late but if it gets some traction and you're still looking for players I'd be happy to take a look at it. As for what kind of RPs I enjoy; give me lots of action and combat and I'll be a happy camper.

Interestingly enough, I feel like Mocon is the least explicitly combat-focused of them all. Not that the others don't have not-combat and Mocon wouldn't have combat, just the planned plots are a bit less about combat for Mocon xD

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.
MythyDragonwolf wrote:
Hello! Call me Mythy :D

I've been RPing on and off for years now, all kinds - I usually GM groups, though, as I have way too many ideas that I'd like to explore with others than on my own. I'm not entirely sure how to get started here, though. Where should I post a thread to share my ideas, see what would interest people?

I hope to make new friends here and I really hope I don't mess up ><

Hello Mythy,


I'm sure you will be able to make new friends here for RP. I'm a recent addition here and everyone I have come into contact with has been friendly and helpful.
Heya, welcome to RPR. You'll find lots of awesome people, places, things, verbs, adjectives, nouns.... you name it! Here are a few things that may help you to get started. :D

Find RP: is a great way to look for ads other players have put up looking for other players to join in and collab in a game that already has some seed of a plot.

LFRP: Is much the same as Find RP, but you can put up your own ad that can be seen by anyone in the applicable filters.

In both cases you can use filters to find exactly what you are looking for for your optimal RP experience. Also, don't forget about GROUPS, where you can find whole worlds to RP in with other people.

Happy gaming!! See ya around! <3
Hello there! Welcome to RPR! I hope you'll have a good time here. :D

^_^ It seems you'll probably have found the dropdown menu, but there may still be other cool things to discover! :D Groups are delightful and fantastic, the site's Shop is very neat, and there are lots of cool forums and forum permissions, and threads... Hehehe. Whee! Like this! See?
I'm Shinyrainbowlithogra, by the way. You can call me by Shiny or Rainbow or Lithogra or whatever. :P I like plants and books and animals, and anime and food and cool RP stuff. Exploring and magic and adventure are my jam, kind of? Haha. And I like to borrow other universes for RP, like Pokemon or Fairy Tale or Legend of Zelda games. That sort of thing. I like classic literature and sci-fi adventure and fantasy, and historical stories, and also I read fanfiction. Woo! :P
I'm a Zelda, Pokemon, and Skyrim fan, but I also like things like Star Trek and Star Wars and stuff, bwahahahaha. :D
What about you? ^_^
Oh, and feel free to message me if you need something or just feel like hangin'. Out. Hangin' out. Ya know. :P

I suppose I'll be seeing you around, or maybe not! Anyway, have a good time, be nice, stay cool (or warm?), be respectful of your fellow players, and ask a mod for help if there's a fight or something of the like! Stay safe, be comfortable I hope, and maybe you'll make some friends! :) Bye bye! :D :) :) :) :P :D :3 :) :D ;) :D ;D ^_^ :P :D :3 :P ^_^ :D :) :P ^_^ :D :P :) ^_^ :) ^_^ :D :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)
Hey there, welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!!

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