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Forums » Looking for RP » Archie Sonic Years later RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Anyone want to do a RP set in the future? kind of like the whole years later story line Archie.
set the Archie Sonic universe which can be a mix of how it normally was and how it was rebooted as I like both.

We can both be OC and canons please play more then one Character.

Or does Anyone want to do a RP set in Moebius aka anti Mobius from the Archie Sonic comics set in its own version of the years later storylines they did for the main Universe?

I have some ideas for it if anyone is interested.

Also just a heads up my replys for RPs won't be super long I know some people want 5 or so sentences replies each time so if that's what you want from a RP Partner that's not me.

Also I'm new so not sure we're we take the RP when I find someone so let me know where we go to RP here if your interested

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