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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » 'Humble' Beginnings (closed)

"Men, the orders are clear... take Glendale to Capital City, to the royal dungeons, unless a new destination is decided by the lord knight. We are at three day's journey from the next town, Auburn. There a messenger will meet us at the tavern to confirm the destination, be it the royal dungeons or elsewhere, with similar checks at every location that we reach for rest and to replenish supplies.

Once we reach Auburn, we will drive to market to load up on supplies. Earlier today... I loaded this cart with all the necesities for the journey, food, blankets, water skins, healing supplies, herbs and dried meats, laterns, as well as additional weaponry.... but... we are more mouths to feed and we are travelling with children, wounded children. This will slow us down considerably, and more days of journeying means more supplies needed along the way, we need to account for that too.

We will travelling close to wilderness, with two Onyx children among us, keep your eyes open unless you want them closed for good" explained and warned Lancelot, getting nods from other knights and guards, giving the reins to Jalsinter and picking up his trusted hand ballista, loading a bolt ready to be released at a moment's notice.
Nails (played anonymously)

Nails exhaled in relief when the wolf decided she was friendly and went to sit by the table in the offered chair. Judging from the looks of things she got to sit right next to the big boss lady. Well then!

The elf looked up at this Iskra. She certainly appeared to be in command of the situation. So much in fact that she was wholly focused on the task at hand. Nails' ears flicked as she went and slapped an apparent prisoner, clapping in delight. "Hah! Good form!" Wait, was that Pentre the Terrible?? They already had him captured!? "Oh! Me next! I wanna punch him too!" Said Nails, raising her hand as if she were a schoolgirl asking for her teacher's permission. She wasn't certain who the kid was, or what was this business about Iskra's father passing and the apparent return of Johan.

But she knew one thing. She hated Pentre's guts and would love nothing more than finally getting to slap that smug look right off his face.
Iskra Sokol (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

When Nails cut in, Alexei groaned, nearly dropping his head onto the table. Iskra, on the other hand, seemed to find that little outburst entertaining- she snorted, doing her best to contain her apparent amusement in front of Eric. Didn’t really make her look apologetic.

But Pentre kept talking, and she had half the mind to just move so Nails could get a good swing in. The tension in her body was building, fists tightly clenched until her knuckles turned white. “Theodwin is alive” she muttered, hardly above a whisper, “He and Wyvern are family...” Her voice trailed off, eyes locked on the floor. It was true they had the boy, but it was thanks to a certain harpy child’s desire for adventure that the child had been taken right from his bedroom. Iskra had grown far too attached to the young royal to return him, not to mention his attachment to the harpy he now considered an older brother, and he had simply been incorporated into the Onyx bandits as one of the children they all looked after.

But when he brought up Johann, there was a reaction from everyone, though Iskra’s wasn’t anger. She flinched, but Alexei stood suddenly, moving quickly to Pentre. It wasn’t him he was trying to stop- Dunsten had stood, knocking his chair over and nearly pushing Iskra down as he closed the gap, rage on his face.

“Johann was a rat!” He snarled, “He abused Iskra and disrespected their union with his actions, Onyx ain’t like you. The Queen deserves the same respect as the king, and he crossed lines that meant execution.” Dunsten pushed past Alexei, grabbing Pentre and hoisting him off the ground, “Watch your mouth when you talk about Iskra. You’re in the enemy den. I don’ care if we lose Lev or Glendale, if I get to crush your ugly head beneath my boo-“

“That’s enough.” Iskra snapped. The hurt on her face was poorly masked, and whatever control over her predicament Nails had seen had faded to nearly nothing, “Put him down. We’ve got bigger things to worry about.”

Dunsten didn’t listen just yet, staring at Pentre, “You got numbered days, dog.” Before dropping him harshly on the ground.

The red king of hearts. Iskra’s expression had lost the anger, instead tinged with fear. She let out a shaky sigh, shutting her eyes, “I need to take a bath. My back is killing me and if we’ve got to travel, I need to be in proper shape.”

There was silence until she retreated, her wolves following her out of the room- except the one by Eric’s side, sniffing at the card.

“Johann is your man.” Alexei said firmly, once he was certain she was gone, “He’s charismatic and his new bandit crew is more of a cult than a clan. They obey his every whim- think he’s some kind of God.” He pressed his hands into his eyes, muttering something under his breath, while Cordel sighed.

He stepped away, settling into a chair and folding his hands, “We want Lev and Glendale released. But this is also important to us- if it’s Johann, it’s more serious than you’d think. So, we’d like to offer our services- Not as Onyx, but only Iskra, Alexei and I, as ambassadors from Tirshina. Alexei and I maintain our family ties, though he’s on thin ice... and Iskra is sought out by our homeland, but not for death. Seems they still expect her to marry someone in the royal family. She’ll accompany us as the head of the Sokol family...If push comes to shove, she’ll need to be there to talk to Johann. I’m afraid he might just kill us all if she isn’t present.”

“That’s his Queen. He even took her last name when they wed, the man was enamored with her...” Alexei didn’t have complaints about the plan, it seemed, “He’d been seeking the holy sword Excalibur when he died... if it’s really him, he may be seeking the sword again, or even have it... and he may aim to push everyone to war...” Here he was, getting ahead of himself. This had to go moment by moment, “My grandmother sews our cloaks. I can send Abram and Layne to make sure she’s okay. We’ll have to move her again.”

“This matter clearly involves our reputation, which we surprisingly hold highly.” Cordel sighed, “If you can grant us temporary immunity, your highness, we will do whatever it takes to protect you, and return your father.”


Theo nodded firmly, but did require his help to climb into the cart before settling into a corner, glancing at Glendale, “Hi again.” He gave him a small nod, before glancing at Lancelot as he brought Wyvern.

Wyvern wouldn’t protest to being carried, making sure to tuck his legs so his claws didn’t scratch Lancelot. When he was in, Theo climbed closer to him, slipping against his uninjured side to the cover of his wing. Wyvern glanced at Glendale, “So did you see Mom? They didn’t leave you, right?”

“Mom wouldn’t do that.” Theo mumbled, “Onyx is family. We don’t leave family.” He shut his eyes, leaning his head on the other boy, “Be quiet please. I’m tired.” Despite this though, he seemed to be alert, his eyes opening every few moments. There was a presence nearby, though not worth mentioning just yet, “There’s no need to go slowly.” Theo mumbled again- the boy didn’t seem fond of speaking loudly “For your safety I might urge you to move quickly...” he didn’t bother opening his eyes, curling closer to his brother. “You’re nice people.” Magic users could occasionally perceive others near them- he felt a faint presence nearby, or perhaps a strong one further away. Either way it was deeply unsettling, enough he simply wanted to sleep until it was gone.
Jalsinter Forheri (played anonymously)

Jalsinter took the reins and set the cart in motion once the other knights were prepared. Once more he pushed the visor of his helmet up, mostly to help him keep an eye on the road; he still squinted for as long as he directed the carriage, however. Once in a while, when the road seemed even, he reached to take a bite from his parcel of food. "That boy is very eloquent." He commented. "Very polite." The words themselves may seem simple, but the implications were, at least, that Jal noticed the strangeness of that. A commoner boy would not have been so forthcoming, or composed, or as well-spoken at that... apparent age. The knight quietly mused that it would be impossible for him to exactly determine each of their new charges' ages, since he wasn't familiar with non-human aging.

The last few words Theo spoke rung in his head a few times. They almost sounded like a warning; he wondered what exactly the boy could detect that the band of knights couldn't and made sure to eat just a bit faster. After all, he couldn't keep eating if some monster emerged and attacked them. Lancelot already warned the others to be wary, and he certainly had to hear Theo's advisory. So the knight with the reins kept his eyes on the road, as well as he could.
anon (played anonymously)

"Indeed your reputation is heavily compromised if Johann is misusing your name and coat of arms to commit serious crimes and terrible attrocities on your behalf, here and among other kingdoms. I would assume it is your duty to clear your name by finding the real culprits and bringing them to justice, along with the safe release of his captives. Though neither will be an easy task for a group of outlaws who already are marked for death for treading the path of darkness in their own right for too long.Your criminal reputation preceeeds you after all, as the lord knight so insistently reminds me of it, and hardly gives motives for feeling overly trusting and cooperative Sir Cordel.

When the time comes, after our prisoner exchange has concluded, a formal oath of fealty from your households will be expected, should you choose to offer sword and services to Askia in this most serious matter. In return for your promise of loyalty and obedience, I will withhold all death penalties against Onyx and allow your outlaws freedom to roam at will safely, at least for those who are not imprisoned already... Those in jail, will stay at the dungeons for surety. It ensures the safety of my kingdom and your cooperation" smiled Eric making the smart move of keeping some levarage to ensure good behaviour from Onyx.

"You will understand that I cannot spend the nights awake worrying about a dagger to my back or throat, with lengthy roads to follow ahead of us and little time to rest. You should know I receive almost daily reports of threats from this... Red King of Hearts... as well as messages from informants who detail the losses and damages Onyx is causing each week, wrecking havok in this kingdom. For now, most attacks happen by the border, poorly protected villages, modest if defenceless towns by the edges of the kingdom... but... the culprit is closing in on us. I know where Excalibur is but it is not a crown treasure I am prepared to hand over to anyone simply because they seeking it. My family has kept its location safe for centuries and will continue to do so. In the right hands it can kill even the undead, but in the wrong hands it can raise wraiths and unleash hell on earth. The risks far outweight the benefits. But these are talks for another day.

First things first... we will go to the fiefdom of Windobrig, to the fortress of Fiondum... uncle's latest land acquisition. A fortress turned dungeons which holds Lev safely behind bars. A deal is a deal... you will get Lev and Glendale in exchange for my safe release and that of my uncle, but we must go there quickly. I have little time to waste" explained Eric

"As for offering assistance on behalf of Trishina... from you, Sir Cordel and from you, Sir Alexei, I would gladly welcome it with gratitude indeed. To refuse an ally would be highly offensive and cause for grave concern. Misunderstandings at political level can easily lead to war.

Officially, the heiress of the house Sokol has much to atone for after permitting the death of the crown prince of Trishina, causing or permitting the death of her father and the kidnapping of my father king Lucas of Askia... whilst I am certain of her innocence, she officially remains guilty till she can prove otherwise by delivering the real culprit and assisting in the return of the king." explained Eric

"We ought to leave, the sooner, the better...." trailed off Eric
Sir Zerald finally arrived from Auburn, seeking Lancelot and Jalsinter.

"Well well well... aren't we all lucky to meet each other? I am heading to Fiondun fortress and bring orders for you two to follow me and to deliver all prisoners there as well. Alas I will not delay myself to travel in the company of peasants and criminals... that is your task, and your alone. I will be at Fiondun fortress ready to receive these crooks to lock them up" waved Zerald handing over the latest orders to Lancelot and spurring the horse ahead on his way to the notorious fiefdom.

"Oh... Jals... don't lose the prisoners or you will be taking their places... your brother was taken there yesterday. Perhaps it will make for a nice family reunion hmm?" teased and taunted Zerald before clicking his tongue and getting his horse on the move again, soon after vanishing from sight.
Glendale was many things but, when it came to children, he had a soft spot for the little runts. He would never tell them he had been left behind so as to not alarm or upset neither Theo nor Wyvern and lower the esteem and confidence they had in the group.

"I have seen your mum earlier at the tavern, and Alexei, Dunsten, Cordel, Abram, Layne and others were there too. But... you know I am the best at picking locks, I was born a thief as the guards often tell me. The knights have Lev in a dungeon and I am staying behind so they put us all together and I can break us all out, if Onyx don't come to get us first" smiled Glendale encouragingly, resting Wyvern and Theo against his chest or shoulder to offer them warmth, comfort and reassurance like a proper father ought to do for his children.

When Jalsinter made the remark about Theo being eloquent and polite, he cleared his throat.
"Their mother is the heir to the noble house of Sokol, she has taught them excellent manners and propriety as befits their elevated social condition" muttered Glendale wrapping an arm around each of the children for further soothing.

Then Zerald came with what appeared to be a snideful remark about Fiondun and the fiefdom of Windobrig catching Glendale's interest. Once the spiteful knight was gone, he turned to the children, in a gentle voice, remaining compliant to the two knights for the sake of the children.

"Rest, sleep whilst you can... if we are going to Windobrig, it is quite a long enough journey, it will allow you to rest and recover along the way" whispered Glendale
Iskra Sokol (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

((Thank you- most of the damage is fixed now except a leak in the roof and the hallway, but we’re getting those patched those up hopefully this week? If all goes well anyways.))

Alexei sighed, “Stop calling Iskra heiress- you’re going to make things harder for yourself in the long run. She’s a bandit king, not a noble woman, and she hasn’t been one since she was young.” He stood, stretching out, “Why don’t you take care of Pentre’s...injuries. I’ll go handle Iskra, she’s in a mood thanks to your dear Uncle and his way with words.” He stood, following after into the room Iskra had retreated through- there was yelling from both of them before the door shut.

“Layne, you and Abram need to go to check on Madam Petrov, please. Make it quick and then follow after us, we’ll be heading out soon.” Cordel stood, smoothing out his shirt before glancing at Dunsten and Nails. He squinted... did he really have to take them with? “Dunsten...take your friend and go prepare the horses. And take Kto out with you, I believe Iskra would like he accompany her.”

He watched the other men retreat, before smiling at Eric. This was getting entertaining, even for him- Johann was back in play already, and they’d be making a b-line for Tirshina once the storm had settled. Not to mention the old hound was moving, “You get Pentre ready to move. Like you said, we’ve got no time to spare.”


Theo didn’t seem to mind the care- the two boys had been raised by the bandits, so it felt like having a lot of parents. Not at all like the servants from the Dales... he shut his eyes again, lips pulled into a tight frown for a moment, “...someone is out there.” He muttered to Glendale, trying to keep his voice low. The last thing anyone needed was a group this large in a panic. Theo adjusted his scarf higher over his nose, “I don’t like it.”

“You and me both.” Wyvern grumbled- he wasn’t so quick to lean towards Glendale, keeping himself wrapped in his good wing while the feathers of his neck fluffed. If Iskra had taken any care to teach either of them how to behave (a slim chance given the fact she was currently learning how to read), Wyvern certainly hadn’t taken up the same lesson. But if that could get them away from any assumptions about the elven child, he supposed it’d work for now, “Smells like wet dog.”

He frowned when the other man chimed in, grumbling something rather harsh under his breathe in the northern tongue. New locations? What did that matter, either way the boys had a plan, that much hadn’t changed. Glendale was another hand in it, and he’d much rather they get out with Lev before their mother had a chance to grab them by the ears and make them regret it.
anon (played anonymously)

Eric nodded at the given instructions, not one to shun work, duties or commands. He put the pot of water to boil, throwing in the herbs and watching it bubble for a while. Then he took the pot off the hot coals, leaving it to simmer for a bit, and cool down a little, before bringing it to Pentre.

He left the lord knight bound as he was, not one to release prisoners and get in trouble for it, focusing on cleaning the wounds with torn pieces of fresh linen and the herbal remedy that would deal with any infections, washing it all thoroughly a few times before patting it dry, stitching the gash and bandaging it all well. He was not an accomplished healer but his time as an apothecary's apprentice clearly was paying off already.

Once he was satisfied that all was well, he poured the remainder of the unused mixture into an empty water skin, ready for the journey, well aware that he wouldn't have ingredients nor time throughout the entire journey. He came to stand by Pentre and looked towards Alexei "We are ready to travel... sir" informed Eric
"Worry not, we will not stop to sleep, eat nor rest until we have reached the city of Fiondun. As soon as we cross city's gates, our friend, sir Jals, shall point us to a cosy tavern where we shall wash, eat and rest before you are delivered at the fortress of Fiondun... to the lord of the city's presence and likely its dungeons afterwards. If we keep a good pace we will be there soon enough" urged Lancelot planning the journey to be as quick and short as possible, his eyes lingering towards Jals at the mention of taking him back to his former home and lands

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