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Forums » Looking for RP » Life in a City 31 Field Team: Interest c (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello humans, aliens, hybrid, and non-human earthlings!

I've had an idea in my head for a while to create a game in some way set in the post-war earth we got to experience a small part of in X-COM: Chimera Squad. Specifically, I like the idea of exploring civilian characters living in the chaos of the game's campaign, or other people who aren't the moderately heroic agents of Reclamation's fancy new co-operative team. To that end, I'd like to propose a game set where the players are members of one of Chimera Squad's Field teams! You know, the ones that get you weekly resource income, make managing unrest and anarchy remotely possible, and.... erm, fall under attack? Well, okay, your characters won't want to know that part, but we'll get there when we get there.

I'm calling this an interest check because I actually don't have a character for this yet, but will make one if it looks like other people have appropriate OCs they'd like to use or have also been itching to make one but haven't felt like it would be worth doing. If there's enough interest, I'll change this forum to be a more active advertisement.

As a note before I get into details, I just want to say that, even if you aren't interested in the game I'm planning, but still want to play in the setting, I encourage you to still reply! You might find someone else with more of the interest you have, or maybe a bunch of people! While I am looking to make a game myself, I do also want to enable everyone here who loves the setting and the franchise to get a chance to find each other and play together!

Now, here are some base rules and concepts that I'll be using in my game if it comes to pass:

Any species you see in game as enemy or ally is welcome! Human, Muton, Hybrid, Viper (I sense a lot of snake ladies. 0 v0), Sectoid, or even Andromedon, Faceless (there's a poster of one helping a kitty in a tree, iirc. you can be a blobby boi), or Archon! Probably nothing like gatekeepers or chrysalids, though. If I missed a species otherwise present in-universe, let me know and I'll check the wiki. I haven't gotten the chance to play 1 or 2 yet, but I'm happy to include critters from those games, too, within reason (Sapient, not the elders themselves, etc.). ^v^ No species not canon to the game will be permitted.

Tech and psi will be appropriate to the setting. You've probably played at least one X-COM game if you're reading this, so you know what the tech is like. Individuals who decided to join reclamation as field-team members to keep their plasma AR are fine (Let's pretend Director Kelly allows that ~v^), and people and/or sectoids with fairly complex psi are obviously allowed, but don't try and use that to sneak in your wizards. On that note...

We are not Chimera Squad itself. Think of what the more common enemies (not sorcerers, ronin, etc.) can do, and what the main agents do at their early ranks. That's the kind of power level I'm more-or-less planning for. Obviously, yes, some species have some tricks others don't, but if Blueblood can be effective with a pistol and some skill, so can you! I'll make sure everyone has a place on the team.

I'll be spending time trying to mind contr-- erm, research the stats of as many enemies as possible to help figure out some rough stat ranges. I'd like to make some simple rolls for certain things, but most things can probably be abstracted into roleplaying. If you want the whole "missed a 99% shot" experience, it's time to learn to make mods for the game ~v^ (and if you do make a "play as a field team" mod, lemme know. I'd totally wanna play that! <3)

District and field team type will be up for negotiation if enough interest comes around, though field team type will be kinda loose. We'll be doing security, tech, and finance-themed tasks in all cases to keep things exciting. If only a field team which can do everything was possible in game... We'll probably get the chance to go to other districts, too, especially during time off.

I'd love to see diverse backgrounds and specializations, especially as appropriate to our main field team type! Engineers, scientists, accountants, vertical-farm workers, ex starship workers, and other people with niche skills which may, who knows, turn out to be surprisingly helpful in unexpected situations. :3 I fully expect that most of them will have also been part of some resistance cell, the invasion force, or even X-COM itself during the war and have at least basic training and/or some combat experience. It's why you're on a field team, after all.

I will try to cameo in Chimera Squad themselves from time to time, such as when they're running a mission or handling a situation in our main district... if people want me to. I understand not wanting it, too, but let's be real: You all want a chance to hug Cherub. I wanna hug Cherub. He's a good boi.

No sexual themes in this game. If you wanna have a workplace romance, it's probably best to keep it on the DL and in the DMs.

I will request paragraph form writing, but exact lengths can be talked about once there's interest. Beyond that, I don't think I need to specify anything else for "just" an interest check. We can discuss things more once we know anyone else wants to join in. Thank you everyone who responds and shows interest! Welcome to Reclamation!

Magic in the genre info reflects psionics here, for anyone wondering.
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 60%
Near future, perhaps cloning and genetic manipulation
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance 20%
Romance isn't outright desired, but can happen if we decide the characters are perfect for each other. The romance won't be important to the overall plot.

Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played with a small group of players.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Life in a City 31 Field Team: Interest c (closed)

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