((( OOC-So i started this on fantasy and didnt got far and I would really like to do this so here i am)))
The year 2117, the world is at war. A war almost invisible to the human eye.The evil's forces keep on their search to defeat the forces of heaven, and that way reign over the world. Between the chaos, a true love story exists. A forbidden love between an angel and a demon.
Chased by both sides their only hope was to seek refuge on earth. Even so, they were located, between a battle that includes demons, angels and humans equally, they're sacrificed, not before she gives birth to the fruit of their forbidden love ...A baby girl.
As face, the girl fall into the hands of a young woman named Gety.
Gety without knowing what to do with the, she decides to give her to her cousin Maria who was admitted to a nunnery. The nuns without knowing the origins of the baby, decided to keep her and baptize her with the name Rosa.
And so, Rosa the daughter of an angel and a demon, remains in custody of a group of nuns that over the years taught her to believe in God and love all human beings.
YEAR 2135...
Its been almost 18 years since the day Angel (How they call her in the nunnery) was born. Shes not a girl no more, her body has change, more than normal. Till this day, she has never left the nunnery, she've not explored the world and doesnt know no one besides the nuns. Shes doesnt understand why she's not allowed to go out; why she's kept a secret.
Rosa has been located by the forces of evil and the nuns have been informed of this by Gety. Rosa is essencial for the evil forces to have her on their side; beacuse Rosa ignores that her blood, being a combination of good and evil she has the power to destroy the forces of Heaven and Hell. Hells army has its best "Man" on the job looking for her.
God send a message to the nuns making sure they were prepare for anything since Rosa was located and Demons and Bounty hunters were behind her.
Rosa looks completely normal to any other girl with the small difference that if she feels threaten her big long angel wings appear making her look a bit different than the rest as much as her body covers in flames when her anger takes over her. One day in the middle of the night Rosa was awaken by her "aunt" Maria making her follow a strange hallway down to some passages under the nunnery for her to leave the place and hide leaving her to go hide on her own Maria returned to her sisters. As she hide she knew it has pass some time when she returned to the nunnery as the sun was raising over the mountains. She looked around just to find everyone killed. Alone she didnt know what else to do but to find her way to Getty her "mother" to seek refuge with her
The year 2117, the world is at war. A war almost invisible to the human eye.The evil's forces keep on their search to defeat the forces of heaven, and that way reign over the world. Between the chaos, a true love story exists. A forbidden love between an angel and a demon.
Chased by both sides their only hope was to seek refuge on earth. Even so, they were located, between a battle that includes demons, angels and humans equally, they're sacrificed, not before she gives birth to the fruit of their forbidden love ...A baby girl.
As face, the girl fall into the hands of a young woman named Gety.
Gety without knowing what to do with the, she decides to give her to her cousin Maria who was admitted to a nunnery. The nuns without knowing the origins of the baby, decided to keep her and baptize her with the name Rosa.
And so, Rosa the daughter of an angel and a demon, remains in custody of a group of nuns that over the years taught her to believe in God and love all human beings.
YEAR 2135...
Its been almost 18 years since the day Angel (How they call her in the nunnery) was born. Shes not a girl no more, her body has change, more than normal. Till this day, she has never left the nunnery, she've not explored the world and doesnt know no one besides the nuns. Shes doesnt understand why she's not allowed to go out; why she's kept a secret.
Rosa has been located by the forces of evil and the nuns have been informed of this by Gety. Rosa is essencial for the evil forces to have her on their side; beacuse Rosa ignores that her blood, being a combination of good and evil she has the power to destroy the forces of Heaven and Hell. Hells army has its best "Man" on the job looking for her.
God send a message to the nuns making sure they were prepare for anything since Rosa was located and Demons and Bounty hunters were behind her.
Rosa looks completely normal to any other girl with the small difference that if she feels threaten her big long angel wings appear making her look a bit different than the rest as much as her body covers in flames when her anger takes over her. One day in the middle of the night Rosa was awaken by her "aunt" Maria making her follow a strange hallway down to some passages under the nunnery for her to leave the place and hide leaving her to go hide on her own Maria returned to her sisters. As she hide she knew it has pass some time when she returned to the nunnery as the sun was raising over the mountains. She looked around just to find everyone killed. Alone she didnt know what else to do but to find her way to Getty her "mother" to seek refuge with her
He walks through the corridors of the street. Eerily Golden eyes shining through the moonlight as rain falls around him and his entourage. The cloaked men moved, street to street, building to building, searching for any signs of the designated target they had been sent to "Deal with". As the common people went about their business, the hidden group of men began to chatter softly in their native demonic tongue, "Lord Aphiel... I thought you told us we had been informed the girl was here....we should have found her by now!", his voice hushed as Aphiel raised his hand, eyes narrowing upon the nunnery in front of them. The demons moved quickly and quietly, silencing anyone they passed as they searched the grounds. Reluctantly satisfied at their search effort, Aphiel nodded, and proceeded to leave the grounds, behind him the slaughter of every nun within. As they disappeared into the night, Aphiel turned and whispered eyeing the courtyard, "I know exactly where you are going...and I will find you little one..".
Rosa looked at all the bodies laying on the floor as her heart started to pump faster than ever she felt something she never had before..hate... for the person responsible for this atrocity. Her body slowly started to cover in flames she looked around grinding her teeth taking a deep breath catching an unfamiliar scent hearing a whisper, her eyes shifted as she reach for her white gold rosary hanging from her neck the chills running down her back making her wings appear putting up the flames in her body "I need to leave" she said walking out the way her aunt show her. The path leaded her to the hill in the back of the nunnery.
Aphiel leaned back,the tavern he had taken shelter in played host to the typical Friday bar scheme. Men fought, women cheered, and the tenders chuckled softly to themselves. The demon and his entourage stayed against the back wall, hidden to the mortals eyes as a slender cloaked man walked in the bar. Aphiel's eyes locked to him immediately as he approached. The poor old man raised his head, grey-blue eyes shining up at the demon as Aphiel reached out, gripping the frail neck of the man. "Your information was invalid...the girl was not in the nunnery. Do you think playing games with the master himself will prosper for you? I can make your dreams reality...or crush hope at every seeing happiness again old man..", the man choked slightly, coughing against the pale hand of the demon prince. The old man shook his head slowly, eyes widened with shock, "I...I told you! Sh...she was in the nunnery... You..m-...must have missed h...". The man's voice faded with his life as the eyes of Aphiel glowed with a deep red rage. As he cast the body aside, the ground opened, taking the newest resident of hell openly before the band of demons exited the bar, quickly making their way back to the nunnery. Aphiel knelt, running his fingertips over the ground of fresh foot steps, his eyes narrowed on the path ahead as he nodded to himself slowly, walking down the path he believed Rosa had taken just an hour ago.
Rosa kept walking her thoughts lost in mourn walking without knowing where to go, as she put on the cloak she grabbed before leaving the nunnery. Her aunt had told her how to get to Getty, she knew the way even tho this was the first time she ever travel it. She reached the town walking the streets everyone looked at her with curiosity, she look as people run inside the tavern laughing. She walked towards it just to find a familiar kinda smell before she even reached the door, her eyes started to glow bright red as her heart started to pound against her chest again her breathing got heavier but she kept walking. She reach outside of town when night came, she look for a place to hide before trying to get some rest to keep going as soon as possible, clinging to the rosary as she close her eyes. As soon as she close her eyes she saw her aunt Maria..."Run Angel Hes after you dont stop until you find her"... she woke up almost screaming she could feel her aunts fear. "Whos after me Maria?" she whisper to herself, shaking the fear off walking again. She walk for hours before she had to stop again she was tired so tired she just sat down and fell right back to sleep.
Aphiel smiled into the night, inhaling the air every few miles as the scent of the girl grew stronger and stronger. He stopped, turning to one of the elite demons accompanying him, whispering quietly with a grin, "Take to the skies Pen...find the girl who's path is fire but shines as the sun..", the demon nodded, running forward and jumping into the air, his arms outstretched as he shifted to a crow, soaring high above the party of demons as they continued down the forest filled path. As the crow circled the sky, he peered to the girl curled up off the road and against a tree, sleeping peacefully and soundly from exhaustion of her travels, the crow made tight circles in the sky, indicating he found her, Aphiel looked over his shoulder and whispered, "Stay here...she is mine...", The demon turned, walking slowly from the road into the thickest of trees, kneeling beside the sleeping half angel as he stroked her hair back slowly, smiling almost innocently on the peaceful rest.
She slept, dreaming like nothing has change, at the moment she felt his touch she heard a scream "wake up angel" making her wings spread wide throwing him aside as she jump to her feet opening her eyes, eyes glowing red looking at him. Her anger taking over her as she recognize his scent from the nunnery and tavern, her wings and body glowing red as they start to slowly cover in flames.."Who are you? and what do you want with me?" she asked the stranger... "Why did you kill them?"
He chuckles softly, gracefully sliding back and standing, mock bowing as he raises the golden eyes to meet her fiery fury. "I killed them because they would not tell me where you were...it was as simple as that..", he takes a step forward, raising a hand and clenching a fist, robes glowing slightly as the fire flicks at licks at the fabric, not burning a single inch. "Fires of a half demon... very powerful...very piercing.. but ineffective to me oh child.", his eyes glare into yours with a distinct coldness, "I am Aphiel, Prince of demons and commander of their armies, and you.. are my current task."
She looked at him with hate at his answer, her eyes changing from red to her natural hazel eyes with a smirk on her face "Your right my fire may not hurt you but Im not only a demon...unlike you wandering in the shadows I can do so in the light" She chuckled as he raised her hand grabbing his arm, her touch unlike her flames hurting him pushing him back with a smile on her face. Rosa let a low growl out as she felt the presence of others around them both, as she looked around she saw a familiar face Getty her "mother".
Getty and the White Fangs are a group of well trained demon hunters that live for the sole purpose of defending Rosa from the moment she was born they been training to keep her safe, theres only five of them besides Getty who is the leader. They found everyone in the nunnery dead and went looking for Rosa, easy for them since her rosary its their way to find her.
Getty yelled at her "Rosa..Angel are you okay?" Rosa nodded as she ran towards her.
Getty and the White Fangs are a group of well trained demon hunters that live for the sole purpose of defending Rosa from the moment she was born they been training to keep her safe, theres only five of them besides Getty who is the leader. They found everyone in the nunnery dead and went looking for Rosa, easy for them since her rosary its their way to find her.
Getty yelled at her "Rosa..Angel are you okay?" Rosa nodded as she ran towards her.
The demons flocked to their master, Aphiel himself studying the situation calmly and collectively. As the men locked eyes with the opposing hunters, Aphiel let out a soft chuckle, stepping towards the protected Rosa, "My my...It wasn't mentioned you were part angel now... This makes things exceptionally fun...", the Demon turned, peering towards the crow messenger, "Fetch the Marquess...he may be needed..", Aphiel turned and looked to Gety, "Leave this girl..I do not want to wipe your futile order out as well.."
"You wont I wont let you not this time...I'm not your ordinary mission" Rosa said as the smirk appeared in her face again, her eyes locked on his as her left one turned red again lifting her hand at him "I hate violence... but with you I can make an exception" what it appeared like a ray of sun appeared on her hand showing a curved dagger with a silver handle "trust me Aphiel...you wont get close to them"
Aphiel chuckled softly, shaking his head slowly as he slid back his robe's sleeve. Along the pale arm was a crossed marking of a sun, helical spiral surrounding it with a snake's head over the top. His eyes narrowed to her as he spoke slowly, the other demons chuckling under their breath, snarling at the hunters as each picked one to fight. "My dear...I am blessed with Mantle. There is a reason no demon killed me when they found my infant self on the battlefield. They simply couldn't touch me. Satan himself augmented this blessing, creating a duality known as Mantle: Protection from all types of physical threats, holy or otherwise." He stepped forward, the questioning gaze in Gety's eye catching his attention as she realized he spoke the truth. "I am the prince of demons for a reason, I will not be so easily killed as you suspect.. for we are one of the same Rosa, Demi-angels.."
Rosa looked at him the back at Gety as he approached them pushing Gety back slowly " Mom get out of here get everyone out now". Gety looked at her then back at Aphiel with anger but she know she was right everyone would be killed before them both get even tired, Rosa looked back at him taking a deep breath her wings disappearing and flames going off "I told you I'm not like the rest...if I was why would you be here Aphiel?" She pulled the whistle Gety had hanging from her neck and blow it indicating everyone to get back "Mom you can find me again ...and dont worry he cant and hes not supposed to kill me its not his mission ...ain't that right Aphiel?..."
Aphiel stood back, grunting and groaning before lunging forward, raising his arm as a sword that was black as night formed between his fingers. One of the demons, suddenly started glowing, a tall slender and robed man stepped forth as he grabbed Aphiel's arm, stopping him from striking a member of the Order with Gety. The Marquess had arrived from their calling. He peered around the scene, than to Rosa as his low voice sounded quietly, "You....you are what is causing him so much trouble? You are just a girl..."
Rosa got a tight grip on her dagger looking as Aphiel launched against one of the members taking a stand to run towards them when she saw the new stranger appeared. She looked at his face not knowing what to think looking back at Gety as they started to leave the place leaving her behind, she nodded as they looked back at her before disappearing turning back to the new stranger "Who are you?"
The pale man took an unusually bright smile, flicking his wrist as Aphiel stepped back and groaned, eyeing the Marquess carefully. Laus moved forward and offered out his hand, head cocked to the side slightly, "I am the Marquess of Laus, our rash friend Aphiel here is one of my closer partners, and when he desires my assistance I am just compelled to help.. though normally when he needs me the problems are a tad.. do not take it personally, but more intimidating than a mere girl...", Aphiel nudged the Marquess, "She isn't a girl...she is a demi-angel like me..". The Marquess cocked an eyebrow and looked back to Rosa, "That makes more sense... Well Rosa... if this man is after you, surely you know you can not escape the Devil's eyes?"
Rosa laughed putting one of her arms around her waist while resting the other one in it to rest her chin in it still holding the dagger "Two things... first as you said i didnt know such a .. what you called it girl.. could be so important to the Devil never wonder why guys?... and second... who told you i was escaping? "
He raises his brow, mimicing the arm across his waist and stroking his chin as he turns and glances back at Aphiel, "So you summoned me, Knowing I have been working extensively on becoming a dark druid, to help you. Help you deal with a demi-angel young girl, one that is standing her ground to the oh "Prince of Demons.", and you can't handle her?". The Marquess shakes his head slowly as he turns to Rosa. "Why don't you just come back with us. It will be much easier...do not make me call upon my gift to turn it against you, You see...I fight emotionally, I wont touch you...But I will rip your heart to shreds with your own love."
She chuckled at him "you would have that backfire at you..of course assuming it will work on me Lausey" She turn then to look at Aphiel smiling mockingly at him "see told you.. he even knows.. you cant kill me.. and dont worry Im coming willingly, lets find out what HE want with me shall we?"
He smiles, turning to Aphiel and whispering softly in Latin to Aphiel as the Prince smiled, waving his hand to dismiss the demon escort that had followed him. The Marquess knelt to the ground, his black plated robes splaying on the ground around his as his fingers planted into the dirt. He looked up into Rosa's eyes, his red and silver eyes almost peering through her as his hands slowly rose. The ground shook slightly, dirt splitting as plates of the ground raised up. Slender figures in nun robes slowly rose in a circle around Rosa. Aside from being extremely pale, and their eyes turning gold like Aphiel's, they looked perfectly normal. "I will have the nuns that protected and provided for you escort you to hell with us... look in their eyes...see all those familiar faces you grew up with.."
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