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Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She sighted as the woman hug her looking at the Marquess"Lausey boy?" Rosa chuckled looking at the woman "what you try to do its impossible for I have only hate in my heart blocking any other emotion mentally or physically speaking"
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

The woman smirked, nodding as she slid over the Marquess, rubbing herself against his back as he put her hands on his shoulder, she watched Rosa as she licked his ear teasingly, "All emotion dead...huh.."
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She clicked her tongue nodding looking away from them "yes as dead as his heart ...and would you mind we kinda in a hurry" she looked at the marquess raising an eyebrow at him "arent we Lausey boy?"
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

The Marquess closed his eyes in pleasure before studdering, "I..uh..y..yea!", the whore chuckled, stepping aside as he took a deep breath and walked forward, trying to keep his calm
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

Rosa walked towards him pushing him for him to start walking shaking her head "walk..." she looked at the woman again smiling "pleasure" as they kept walking rosa wrapped her arms around him kissing his neck whispering in his ear "so the Marquess has a soft spot after all?"
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

his voice rumbled softly, almost irritably as he kept walking, leting her hug his neck as the hallway began to warm up, "He is dead inside..that is final.."
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She let go of him put pulled him back looking at him as she put her hand on the wall feeling the heat "you know...I dont think youre as dead as you want to make yourself belive and I told you I'll keep every soul I can from rotting so here keep it safe for me will you?" Rosa took her rosary off putting it around the Marquess neck.
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

He growled softly as the rosary went around his neck, eyes flared in anger as he pressed her against the wall, "You fool... You need these! I am aren't... I gave it all up for the power and ownership of Laus...I am lost to him..he hasn't touched you yet.."
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She looked at him her eyes hazel even tho her body was cover in flames pulling him closer kissing him closing her eyes " my father was here workin for him you learned from him ... you think my father woukd have fall in oove with an angel if he was so in control over him .. let me save you"
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

Marquess closed his eyes, tears dripping from his cheeks as he hugs you tightly, kissing slowly and resting his forehead on yours, one of his hands cupping your cheek, "Your father was...such an impressive man..He was my am strong enough?
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She smiled at him nodding putting her hand on his chest over the rosary pushing him away slowly" I know you are Marquess... Do you rearly want it... that's different... But...we should get going"
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

He nods slowly, walking forth as the hallway opened into a fairly small room, a hooded man sitting in a throne, his face hidden by the battered and torn brown robe. "Sir...she is here...", the hooded man turned his head, seemingly looking towards the two as he pointed to Rosa, a large claw coming from the sleeve of his robe as he motioned for her to come closer
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She took a step fowards stopping for a second when she heard Ambriel's voice in her head "go on child we'll always protect you" she took a deep breath walking towards the hooded man again feeling her heart pound against her chest as she got closer.
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

Marquess walked behind her slowly, the man smiled under his hood, walking to meet her as his claw opens for a handshake, Aphiel's voice in her ear, "If you wish to end this cycle and berid him...shake his hand..if you wish to submit and allow his full control over earth and heaven..just nod to him."
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She cover her ears when she heard Aphiels voice then looked at Marquess the fear clear in her eyes as she slowly reached for his hand taking a deep breath as she shook it.
Marquess Laus (played by Shadows)

The moment her palm came into contact the man screamed, darting back quickly as his hand smoked, the bloody red eyes peering through his hood right to her as he screamed, "Stulte!" Marquess quickly moved in front of Rosa, a deafening roar coming from the doors behind them as the large wolf from the forest leaped over Rosa and Marquess's head, growling deeply and watching the hooded man, a woman dressed in black spiked armor riding on his back as she slid a sword from a sheath on her belt.
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

Rosa put her hand in the Marquess back as she looked around "where are you Aphiel?" was all going thru her head as she appeared her dagger again eyes glowing red and hazel as a mocking smile appeared on her face as the fire around her became hurtful for the Marquess to be close to.
Lobo (played by Shadows)

The Marquess felt the heat, his body vanishing to dust in the breeze of the room suddenly as a defense. 10 large demons appeared in front of the hooded man and groaned at the wolf and girl. 3 Flying demons darted towards Rosa as the massive wolf howled, lunging forward with the girl on his back swaying her sword, the two together mauled and slashed easily through the demons as the wolf peered back at Rosa, the deep voice in her ear, "The time is now...Strike the demons and attack the devil.
Rosa (played by Vixen) Topic Starter

She nodded at him then shook her head as she launching towards the demons,their throats slashed in a second their blood on her hands and face as she tackled the devil against a wall laughing looking at him in the eyes "Over..this..its all over...finally" her dagger pressed against his chest to enter his heart.
Aphiel (played by Shadows)

The hooded man chuckled, his eyes raising to meet your own. As his hood fell back Rosa's eyes widened immensely. Aphiel appeared behind her, looking over her shoulder in disbelief at the man that stood there." father...", Aphiel tilted his head, the man only smiled in return with a soft nod

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