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Forums » Introductions » Heyo, LovelyBookworm Here, I'm New!


I'm LovelyBookworm, but you all can call me L if you'd like. Or Bookworm, idc. I like reading, writing, acting, the color pink, and chocolate. I don't like people who hate reading, the Percy Jackson movies, mornings, or schoolwork. My social security number is- just kidding, that's none of your business.

Alright, now that I've semi-introduced myself (I'm open to questions) I'll get right to it.

I have a specific roleplay in mind, it's called The Distants, it's about my characters Phoenix Willow and Lilah Poole and their quest to find their family. I am open to other roleplays, as well, but The Distants is my focus for right now. I'm swamped with schoolwork currently and I need a break. Consider this an SOS, I'm in desperate need of fun before I forget the meaning of the word

And on that lovely note I've gotta run to make sure I don't fail my Pre-AP English.

Oh, another thing, I'm not really a romance kinda girl and prefer my roleplays to be PG, I might join a PG-13 one, but only if it just slightly dips into the 'mature' level, like if there's just a really gruesome battle or something. Okay, I'm going, for real this time.

Welcome Bookworm!
Pink is a pretty color, you have good taste! I love looking at pink, personally. To the point that in high school I had an almost entirely hot pink wardobe...Dark history, much? Yeah.

Anyway, welcome to RPR! I hope you find people to chat with and write with!!! +^+b~~
Welcome to RPR!
LovelyBookworm Topic Starter

Xynnic wrote:
Pink is a pretty color, you have good taste! I love looking at pink, personally. To the point that in high school I had an almost entirely hot pink wardobe...Dark history, much? Yeah.

Anyway, welcome to RPR! I hope you find people to chat with and write with!!! +^+b~~

Thanks! And I hope so, too.
LovelyBookworm Topic Starter

Kruhee wrote:
Welcome to RPR!

Thank you!

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