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Forums » Smalltalk » Happy birthday to our Sith Lord!

Sanne Moderator

Hurray! It's Darth_Angelus' birthday! ;)

I wish I had baking skillz to make you this cake, so a picture will have to do.

Darth_Angelus Moderator

A true dark side cake!

Thankyou, Sanne! :D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

I burn the cookies again so i'll settle on the sith code
Happy birthday Darth!! :D :D :D

Happy birthday, O' Fortuitous Darkened One! ;3 (Even if it's still technically the 4th here in my neck o' the woods)
Happy birthday!
I sort of have this scene going on in my mind's eye where Darth is enslaving all the remaining Jawas in the universe to do his bidding. Maybe he already has...

Happy Birthday, Darth. I hope your future holds the destruction (or enslavement, whichever you see fit) of all the races of the universe, and that infinite power be within your grasp :D!
Kim Site Admin

All hail our favorite sith lord! We wish you a victorious birthday, master! ;)
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Thankyou everyone, it's been a great day so far. I've been conquering London ;)
As a birthday present I've installed several safety deflector shields and blast doors into the thermal exhaust vent of your death star. This is a day of blowing out (and up) candles/planets! Not massive space stations.
Happy birthday, Darth! Make sure your apprentices don't try to take your possition! Especially not today. That would be sucky.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Rynh wrote:
Happy birthday, Darth! Make sure your apprentices don't try to take your possition! Especially not today. That would be sucky.

Are you implying I may have hidden Jar Jar Binks in the cake in a genius attempt to overthrow my master and take his empire? How dare you!
Sanne wrote:
Rynh wrote:
Happy birthday, Darth! Make sure your apprentices don't try to take your possition! Especially not today. That would be sucky.

Are you implying I may have hidden Jar Jar Binks in the cake in a genius attempt to overthrow my master and take his empire? How dare you!

You're not fooling anyone! I can smell annoying sidekicks from miles away!!
What!? It was yesterday and I missed it?! :(

HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY!! Hope it was awesome! :)

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus