This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Nestled in the countryside in the north of Wales, Manor Hafan Gwyrdd has been an emerging subject of ghost stories and urban legends. Once home to a rich family, the turn of the 20th century saw it converted into an insane asylum, where it is said that grisly experiments took place. Now, the building is abandoned; and the origin of a series of very disturbing rumours.
Your character is a blogger who debunks paranormal sightings by staying in 'haunted' locations for a few days, investigating the mundane causes for rumours and gossip; and should nothing be found, noting the absence of anything ghostly. They have travelled far and wide and seen many types of location... but none of that will prepare them for what they find in and under Manor Hafan Gwyrdd. For the hauntings here are not mere stories...
Your character is a blogger who debunks paranormal sightings by staying in 'haunted' locations for a few days, investigating the mundane causes for rumours and gossip; and should nothing be found, noting the absence of anything ghostly. They have travelled far and wide and seen many types of location... but none of that will prepare them for what they find in and under Manor Hafan Gwyrdd. For the hauntings here are not mere stories...
Players aged 16+ are required. This RP will be fairly gruesome and filled with horror. Said gruesome themes will be scaled depending which side of the 18-year mark you are on. This may also have an effect on how twisted and monstrous the spirits appear.
This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.
Players aged 16+ are required. This RP will be fairly gruesome and filled with horror. Said gruesome themes will be scaled depending which side of the 18-year mark you are on. This may also have an effect on how twisted and monstrous the spirits appear.
This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.
For this RP, I will act as game master and will play all NPCs. Some of the spirits may serve as a companion for periods of time dependent on your character's actions.
Background Information:
Two teams of paranormal investigators have been documented to have visited the manor in the past. The first was said to have never been heard from again. The second fled from the manor with no evidence of their findings, spinning tales of corrupt spirits and horrifying monsters. Police have confirmed that the first team existed as people, and had indeed gone missing on the date their investigation was said to have occured; but what truly happened to them remains a mystery.
The locale:
Manor Hafan Gwyrdd is a medium-sized manor house with multiple bedrooms and three main storeys, expanded upon by two towers with an additional two storeys each. The manor itself was at one point converted to house the medical staff for an asylum built into its basement, providing them with offices, library space and living quarters. Notoriously, the patients were kept underground for the majority of their stay, though those more capable of behaving themselves were often brought up into the manor house for recreational periods. The asylum is a large sprawling space with multiple floors and numerous rooms, many of which resemble torture chambers to the modern eye. Patients were treated more as inmates, confined to tiled cells with little more than a bed and a chamberpot for furniture. It is believed that the majority of patients here were considered criminally insane.
Manor Floor Plan
(Room purposes during the manor's time as an asylum are marked in brackets)

Documented Spirits:
Timothy 'Tym' Ryan:
Description: Tym is believed to be the ghost of one of the children of the family who lived in the manor before it became an asylum. The family were believed to have been murdered in mysterious circumstances. Tym is recognisable as a child at the onset of his teens. He has brown hair, grey-blue eyes and wears glasses. Notably, he is missing his left hand as though an apparent birth defect.Abilities: Tym has been documented to be fully lucid and capable of conversation. He is incorporeal and can pass through objects, but cannot interact with the physical world. He is capable of altering his visibility between a state of being totally invisible and being entirely opaque. He is believed to be a helpful spirit. Tym cannot exist during daytime nor in the light of lightning strikes; and he has no recollection of events that occur whilst he is away. Tym haunts the manor itself and cannot leave the main building. He is thus incapable of entering the asylum.
The masked child:
Description: The masked child is a brown-haired spirit child with no visible ears seen wearing a dirty white nightgown and a colourful carved mask decorated with multiple 'eyes' and a vertical mouth. This spirit has never been seen without its mask. Its intentions are unclear, though it has not been witnessed committing any acts of hostility. The masked child appears to be attempting to 'guide' visitors through the asylum, though it is not known to what end or whether its goals are benevolent or nefarious.Abilities: The masked child is fully corporeal and can interact with whatever objects it touches. It does not react to sound or vision, but is believed to be able to navigate via other means. It seems capable of communicating through touch. Under stress, the masked child appears to be able to teleport, though it is undetermined whether it can control its destination. The masked child has thus far been documented to only appear in the asylum; but the extent of its movement range has not been fully determined and its inability to communicate verbally has left many questions unanswered.
The Imp:
Description: The imp has only so far been seen by an investigator who had been rendered unconscious whilst in the asylum. It is unknown whether or not it actually exists. It is identifiable by its fire-like hair and eyes, dark brown and obsidian-black skin and its red wings. It appears to sport a crown of golden horns, huge triangular teeth, pointed ears and a wide flattened nose. Its hands and feet are heavily deformed and it has a pointed devil-like tail. It is undetermined where it resides, given the surviving paranormal team barely penetrated the asylum before fleeing. The witness - who had disappeared for some time before being found unconscious - describes the imp being been in an otherworldly landscape reminiscent of limbo.Abilities: The imp has been seen flying. Its other abilities are unknown.
Rumoured Spirits:
Hostile spirits have been rumoured to exist within the asylum, as well as trickster spirits who appear to have no other goals other then torment visitors. At least one poltergeist has been witnessed within the manor house; and horrific noises have been heard emitting from a locked room in one of the towers. The asylum is believed to be significantly more dangerous, with deranged and misshapen figures patrolling its corridors. The second paranormal team believes it has confirmed the lethality of these spirits, claiming to have discovered at least one mutilated corpse they believe belonged to the team who attempted to investigate before them.
***Note on combat: The 'combat' in this RP will likely mostly consist of running away or finding supernatural tools to deter spirits. There is unlikely to be much actually 'fighting', beyond the occasional test of strength/agility should a hostile spirit get close enough.***
Plausible legends of ancient magic, but current magic is not common.
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
No romance at all will be included in this plot, period.
Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.
Love the idea! May I join? I'm somewhat new to this platform, but I'm a pretty experienced roleplayer.
Sure... send me details of the character you intend on using in a PM, and we can discuss things from there.
It's a 1x1 (at least, as far as players go) scenario though, so you won't really be joining anything.
It's a 1x1 (at least, as far as players go) scenario though, so you won't really be joining anything.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Spooktober Paranormal Investigations (HO (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus