((Thread open to anyone and everyone!!))
With a soft sigh, Akio fixed his gaze upon the door. The whole place was lit up and he had, unfortunately, been put in charge of giving candy to whatever little gremlins appeared. Despite his grumbling when his neighbours in the flat had decided he should have the pleasure of in the well-lit lobby with a witch’s hat on and with Hao his retriever by his side. The poor dog looked quite adorable in his pirate costume, he had to admit!
The complex itself had been decorated with many ‘spooky’ things, to draw trick or treaters in and be rewarded with candy. Akio had done his best to keep his hands out of the mighty bowl of sweet treats beside him, and was waiting for someone to knock at the door, preferably before he’d munched down all the best candy.
With a soft sigh, Akio fixed his gaze upon the door. The whole place was lit up and he had, unfortunately, been put in charge of giving candy to whatever little gremlins appeared. Despite his grumbling when his neighbours in the flat had decided he should have the pleasure of in the well-lit lobby with a witch’s hat on and with Hao his retriever by his side. The poor dog looked quite adorable in his pirate costume, he had to admit!
The complex itself had been decorated with many ‘spooky’ things, to draw trick or treaters in and be rewarded with candy. Akio had done his best to keep his hands out of the mighty bowl of sweet treats beside him, and was waiting for someone to knock at the door, preferably before he’d munched down all the best candy.

OOC: Tony is normally a gangster in his 20s in the year 1982. I am going to play him as though he were 10. Normally, that would put him in the early 1960s, but we'll keep it generic since the events of the normal game are not canon.
IC: Johnny Boy and his friends had set out to score some candy before the sun was even down. The group had decided to go as spacemen. Their costumes resembled what one might associate with a 1950s era sci-fi movie. The spacesuits were poorly made with shiny tin foil and store-bought space helmets. Johnny had opted to be a robot and made his costume from cardboard and painted it orange. A toy ray gun completed the look. Given they were only around 1o years old, they were not allowed to go far, but had been trusted to go door to door without adult supervision, provided they didn't leave the neighborhood. The boys had managed to sneak a few rolls of toilet paper and a handful of eggs if someone didn't give them candy or they didn't like the stuff they were given.
The group stopped at the first house, but there was hesitation. "Come on, fellas," Johnny Boy urged his companions. "The night is young." The others seemed a bit timid.
"What, are ya scared," Johnny taunted. "What? Too shy? Well, I'll go and I ain't sharin' nothin' with the rest of ya. You can just stay here if yer scared." With that, Jonny made his way to the door alone and rang the bell. Whoever lived here had done a real nice job decorating the place up. He stood there a bit nervously as he waited for someone to answer, but glanced back at his crew who remained on the sideway by the street.
Tony Alfonso wrote:
OOC: Tony is normally a gangster in his 20s in the year 1982. I am going to play him as though he were 10. Normally, that would put him in the early 1960s, but we'll keep it generic since the events of the normal game are not canon.
IC: Johnny Boy and his friends had set out to score some candy before the sun was even down. The group had decided to go as spacemen. Their costumes resembled what one might associate with a 1950s era sci-fi movie. The spacesuits were poorly made with shiny tin foil and store-bought space helmets. Johnny had opted to be a robot and made his costume from cardboard and painted it orange. A toy ray gun completed the look. Given they were only around 1o years old, they were not allowed to go far, but had been trusted to go door to door without adult supervision, provided they didn't leave the neighborhood. The boys had managed to sneak a few rolls of toilet paper and a handful of eggs if someone didn't give them candy or they didn't like the stuff they were given.
The group stopped at the first house, but there was hesitation. "Come on, fellas," Johnny Boy urged his companions. "The night is young." The others seemed a bit timid.
"What, are ya scared," Johnny taunted. "What? Too shy? Well, I'll go and I ain't sharin' nothin' with the rest of ya. You can just stay here if yer scared." With that, Jonny made his way to the door alone and rang the bell. Whoever lived here had done a real nice job decorating the place up. He stood there a bit nervously as he waited for someone to answer, but glanced back at his crew who remained on the sideway by the street.
As Akio heard the doorbell, he sat up to attention, momentarily confused on what on Earth he was supposed to be doing. Right. Candy. He handed the bucket to Hao, the great big dog plodded over to the door on bear-like paws, like he knew already what to do.
“Happy Halloween,” The nineteen year old said as he opened up the door. That was what he was meant to say, right? Akio straightened the witch hat and waved a hand at the dog. The kid looked a lot younger than him, about the age you’d expect trick or treaters to be. “He won’t give you any sweets until you tell him a joke.”
Johnny raised his ray gun as the door opened. He was confronted by an older teen wearing a witch hat and a large golden retriever dressed as a pirate. Johnny had planned to threaten to disintegrate whoever answered if they didn't give him candy but suddenly forgot his lines. He stared at the older teen dumbly for a moment.
“Happy Halloween,” The nineteen year old said as he opened up the door. That was what he was meant to say, right? Akio straightened the witch hat and waved a hand at the dog. The kid looked a lot younger than him, about the age you’d expect trick or treaters to be. “He won’t give you any sweets until you tell him a joke.”
Johnny stood there for a moment before he suddenly snapped out of it. "A joke," the ten-year-old repeated. The request caught him off guard. "Uh..." Johnny lowered the ray gun. "Does... not... compute... error," he said in a robotic voice while he tried to come up with something to say. He wanted to turn around to see if his friends were coming up the walkway, but he couldn't turn his head in the robot suit. He would have to literally turn his whole body 180 degrees. The costume offered poor visibility.
“Happy Halloween,” The nineteen year old said as he opened up the door. That was what he was meant to say, right? Akio straightened the witch hat and waved a hand at the dog. The kid looked a lot younger than him, about the age you’d expect trick or treaters to be. “He won’t give you any sweets until you tell him a joke.”
Johnny stood there for a moment before he suddenly snapped out of it. "A joke," the ten-year-old repeated. The request caught him off guard. "Uh..." Johnny lowered the ray gun. "Does... not... compute... error," he said in a robotic voice while he tried to come up with something to say. He wanted to turn around to see if his friends were coming up the walkway, but he couldn't turn his head in the robot suit. He would have to literally turn his whole body 180 degrees. The costume offered poor visibility.
Tony Alfonso wrote:
Johnny raised his ray gun as the door opened. He was confronted by an older teen wearing a witch hat and a large golden retriever dressed as a pirate. Johnny had planned to threaten to disintegrate whoever answered if they didn't give him candy but suddenly forgot his lines. He stared at the older teen dumbly for a moment.
“Happy Halloween,” The nineteen year old said as he opened up the door. That was what he was meant to say, right? Akio straightened the witch hat and waved a hand at the dog. The kid looked a lot younger than him, about the age you’d expect trick or treaters to be. “He won’t give you any sweets until you tell him a joke.”
Johnny stood there for a moment before he suddenly snapped out of it. "A joke," the ten-year-old repeated. The request caught him off guard. "Uh..." Johnny lowered the ray gun. "Does... not... compute... error," he said in a robotic voice while he tried to come up with something to say. He wanted to turn around to see if his friends were coming up the walkway, but he couldn't turn his head in the robot suit. He would have to literally turn his whole body 180 degrees. The costume offered poor visibility.
“Happy Halloween,” The nineteen year old said as he opened up the door. That was what he was meant to say, right? Akio straightened the witch hat and waved a hand at the dog. The kid looked a lot younger than him, about the age you’d expect trick or treaters to be. “He won’t give you any sweets until you tell him a joke.”
Johnny stood there for a moment before he suddenly snapped out of it. "A joke," the ten-year-old repeated. The request caught him off guard. "Uh..." Johnny lowered the ray gun. "Does... not... compute... error," he said in a robotic voice while he tried to come up with something to say. He wanted to turn around to see if his friends were coming up the walkway, but he couldn't turn his head in the robot suit. He would have to literally turn his whole body 180 degrees. The costume offered poor visibility.
Akio had to admit, the costume was very impressive. Better than anything he’d come up with as a kid. Well - he’d never actually celebrated Halloween, but all kids still had ideas about it.
“Don’t they teach robots jokes? Ah, that’s a shame, Hao here really loves jokes,” The young man said. He was struggling not to let his lips twitch into a grin. Halloween was more fun than he’d first thought.
"Uhhhh... I'm not programmed for jokes," Johnny said forgetting to talk like a robot and still drawing a blank. "I mean... I... am... not... programmed... for...jokes... error.... error... error... I... am... a... space... robot..." Johnny repeated himself spacing his words and speaking in a monotone voice. Clearly, the older boy was not going to give him candy without a joke. Johnny still couldn't see his friends and wondered if they were still waiting for him on the sidewalk. He wasn't sure what to do.
Suddenly, something came to him. It was dumb, but hopefully, it would satisfy the teenager's dog. "Wait! Joke...is...loading...loading...loading. Ready... for... joke... Why... did... the... robot... fly... across... space?"
Suddenly, something came to him. It was dumb, but hopefully, it would satisfy the teenager's dog. "Wait! Joke...is...loading...loading...loading. Ready... for... joke... Why... did... the... robot... fly... across... space?"
Tony Alfonso wrote:
"Uhhhh... I'm not programmed for jokes," Johnny said forgetting to talk like a robot and still drawing a blank. "I mean... I... am... not... programmed... for...jokes... error.... error... error... I... am... a... space... robot..." Johnny repeated himself spacing his words and speaking in a monotone voice. Clearly, the older boy was not going to give him candy without a joke. Johnny still couldn't see his friends and wondered if they were still waiting for him on the sidewalk. He wasn't sure what to do.
Suddenly, something came to him. It was dumb, but hopefully, it would satisfy the teenager's dog. "Wait! Joke...is...loading...loading...loading. Ready... for... joke... Why... did... the... robot... fly... across... space?"
Suddenly, something came to him. It was dumb, but hopefully, it would satisfy the teenager's dog. "Wait! Joke...is...loading...loading...loading. Ready... for... joke... Why... did... the... robot... fly... across... space?"
Akio tipped his head lightly to the side. He’d at first insisted to himself that he wasn’t just flinging candy at kids, he’d want a laugh out of it too. But, this kid’s costume was very impressive, and the robot talk wasn’t bad, so he slipped his hand to gather a handful of treats.
“I dunno, why did the robot fly across space?” He teenager inquired when the joke came out.
Akio tipped his head lightly to the side. He’d at first insisted to himself that he wasn’t just flinging candy at kids, he’d want a laugh out of it too. But, this kid’s costume was very impressive, and the robot talk wasn’t bad, so he slipped his hand to gather a handful of treats.
Johnny saw the kid put his hand in the bowl, but he hesitated. At least he was making progress toward his goal. There was still not any sign of his friends joining him on the porch. Oh well, their loss. He was not sharing his candy!
“I dunno, why did the robot fly across space?” The teenager inquired when the joke came out.
"So... that... he... could... be... programmed... with... jokes... to... tell! Ha... ha...ha," he said in his monotonous robot voice.
Johnny started to take a mechanical bow but the costume restricted him from being able to bend his waist very much. He almost lost his balance but recovered before he fell over. Johnny stood there expectantly, staring at the older boy through the mouth of the robot suit waiting for his reward.
Johnny saw the kid put his hand in the bowl, but he hesitated. At least he was making progress toward his goal. There was still not any sign of his friends joining him on the porch. Oh well, their loss. He was not sharing his candy!
“I dunno, why did the robot fly across space?” The teenager inquired when the joke came out.
"So... that... he... could... be... programmed... with... jokes... to... tell! Ha... ha...ha," he said in his monotonous robot voice.
Johnny started to take a mechanical bow but the costume restricted him from being able to bend his waist very much. He almost lost his balance but recovered before he fell over. Johnny stood there expectantly, staring at the older boy through the mouth of the robot suit waiting for his reward.
Tony Alfonso wrote:
Akio tipped his head lightly to the side. He’d at first insisted to himself that he wasn’t just flinging candy at kids, he’d want a laugh out of it too. But, this kid’s costume was very impressive, and the robot talk wasn’t bad, so he slipped his hand to gather a handful of treats.
Johnny saw the kid put his hand in the bowl, but he hesitated. At least he was making progress toward his goal. There was still not any sign of his friends joining him on the porch. Oh well, their loss. He was not sharing his candy!
“I dunno, why did the robot fly across space?” The teenager inquired when the joke came out.
"So... that... he... could... be... programmed... with... jokes... to... tell! Ha... ha...ha," he said in his monotonous robot voice.
Johnny started to take a mechanical bow but the costume restricted him from being able to bend his waist very much. He almost lost his balance but recovered before he fell over. Johnny stood there expectantly, staring at the older boy through the mouth of the robot suit waiting for his reward.
Johnny saw the kid put his hand in the bowl, but he hesitated. At least he was making progress toward his goal. There was still not any sign of his friends joining him on the porch. Oh well, their loss. He was not sharing his candy!
“I dunno, why did the robot fly across space?” The teenager inquired when the joke came out.
"So... that... he... could... be... programmed... with... jokes... to... tell! Ha... ha...ha," he said in his monotonous robot voice.
Johnny started to take a mechanical bow but the costume restricted him from being able to bend his waist very much. He almost lost his balance but recovered before he fell over. Johnny stood there expectantly, staring at the older boy through the mouth of the robot suit waiting for his reward.
Akio listened patiently to the joke as he was delivered it, a soft smile twitching onto his lips and a small chuckle leaving him. “That was good, it seems robots are great at telling jokes.”
With that, the teenager pulled the handful out of the bucket, and held it out to the robot-dressed boy. “Here, a reward for the joke telling robot. Happy Halloween, kiddo,” Akio said, as Hao the retriever decided to put the basket down to sniff momentarily at the robot costume, before the dog flopped down comfortably on the doorstep. “And you managed to please the wild beast with the joke! He’ll let you leave with as much candy as you want, now.”
Akio listened patiently to the joke as he was delivered it, a soft smile twitching onto his lips and a small chuckle leaving him. “That was good, it seems robots are great at telling jokes.”
"Thank... you... human...," Johnny replied in his robot voice again.
With that, the teenager pulled the handful out of the bucket, and held it out to the robot-dressed boy. “Here, a reward for the joke telling robot. Happy Halloween, kiddo,” Akio said, as Hao the retriever decided to put the basket down to sniff momentarily at the robot costume, before the dog flopped down comfortably on the doorstep. “And you managed to please the wild beast with the joke! He’ll let you leave with as much candy as you want, now.”
"Thank... you... furry... Earth...creature," Johnny responded and took a handful of candy. He would pet the dog, but he couldn't bend over far enough or see it very well. The costume offered limited visibility.
"Robot 5353970599-B... must...return... to... ship... for... recharge... have... a... happy...Halloween...." With that, Johnny turned and walked stiffly back down the sidewalk. Part of this was in character, but it was also hard to move in the cardboard suit without risking tearing it. Johnny's friends were still standing there where they'd been the whole time.
"Whaddya get," one of the kids in a store-bought space helmet asked. Aside from the helmet and a toy gun, he was wearing normal clothes.
"If you wanna know, you go to the door and find out," Johnny replied, no longer speaking as the robot. "But I'll warn ya, he makes you tell his dog a joke or ya don't get nuttin'."
"A joke," one of the other kids repeated. His spacesuit was made out of cardboard and tinfoil but he didn't have a helmet. "Golly, I don't know any jokes."
"Then I guess you're outta luck. I'm heading on to the next house. You guys comin'?" Johnny asked. Not waiting for an answer, Johnny continued on down the street to the next house...
"Thank... you... human...," Johnny replied in his robot voice again.
With that, the teenager pulled the handful out of the bucket, and held it out to the robot-dressed boy. “Here, a reward for the joke telling robot. Happy Halloween, kiddo,” Akio said, as Hao the retriever decided to put the basket down to sniff momentarily at the robot costume, before the dog flopped down comfortably on the doorstep. “And you managed to please the wild beast with the joke! He’ll let you leave with as much candy as you want, now.”
"Thank... you... furry... Earth...creature," Johnny responded and took a handful of candy. He would pet the dog, but he couldn't bend over far enough or see it very well. The costume offered limited visibility.
"Robot 5353970599-B... must...return... to... ship... for... recharge... have... a... happy...Halloween...." With that, Johnny turned and walked stiffly back down the sidewalk. Part of this was in character, but it was also hard to move in the cardboard suit without risking tearing it. Johnny's friends were still standing there where they'd been the whole time.
"Whaddya get," one of the kids in a store-bought space helmet asked. Aside from the helmet and a toy gun, he was wearing normal clothes.
"If you wanna know, you go to the door and find out," Johnny replied, no longer speaking as the robot. "But I'll warn ya, he makes you tell his dog a joke or ya don't get nuttin'."
"A joke," one of the other kids repeated. His spacesuit was made out of cardboard and tinfoil but he didn't have a helmet. "Golly, I don't know any jokes."
"Then I guess you're outta luck. I'm heading on to the next house. You guys comin'?" Johnny asked. Not waiting for an answer, Johnny continued on down the street to the next house...
He was walking down the corridor, walking and walking. Oh, what a ways to walk. He hummed to himself on his way, oh bring to me a fine golden goblet and bring to me a......
He saw light, up ahead, and he heard the distinctive sound of a breathing animal. A human, too, it sounded like. Hmm. Strange. They sounded happy enough. He wondered if they were celebrating something...?
He walked towards the house and its door. He would observe, he would interact if he must. He would see what was going to happen, here, in this place, with this animal, and this human.......... The sound of children's laughter echoed and chimed from down another hall, another path, another street. He smiled, faintly. He stepped forward.
The door was closing, and closed.
He stood a moment, cloaked in his hood. He stared at the door. After an indeterminable amount of time, he went to the door, and knocked. His staff made a gentle tapping noise on the door, and he wondered faintly, for a moment, if it would be loud enough.
He saw light, up ahead, and he heard the distinctive sound of a breathing animal. A human, too, it sounded like. Hmm. Strange. They sounded happy enough. He wondered if they were celebrating something...?
He walked towards the house and its door. He would observe, he would interact if he must. He would see what was going to happen, here, in this place, with this animal, and this human.......... The sound of children's laughter echoed and chimed from down another hall, another path, another street. He smiled, faintly. He stepped forward.
The door was closing, and closed.
He stood a moment, cloaked in his hood. He stared at the door. After an indeterminable amount of time, he went to the door, and knocked. His staff made a gentle tapping noise on the door, and he wondered faintly, for a moment, if it would be loud enough.
T'an'sdarkhld' wrote:
He was walking down the corridor, walking and walking. Oh, what a ways to walk. He hummed to himself on his way, oh bring to me a fine golden goblet and bring to me a......
He saw light, up ahead, and he heard the distinctive sound of a breathing animal. A human, too, it sounded like. Hmm. Strange. They sounded happy enough. He wondered if they were celebrating something...?
He walked towards the house and its door. He would observe, he would interact if he must. He would see what was going to happen, here, in this place, with this animal, and this human.......... The sound of children's laughter echoed and chimed from down another hall, another path, another street. He smiled, faintly. He stepped forward.
The door was closing, and closed.
He stood a moment, cloaked in his hood. He stared at the door. After an indeterminable amount of time, he went to the door, and knocked. His staff made a gentle tapping noise on the door, and he wondered faintly, for a moment, if it would be loud enough.
He saw light, up ahead, and he heard the distinctive sound of a breathing animal. A human, too, it sounded like. Hmm. Strange. They sounded happy enough. He wondered if they were celebrating something...?
He walked towards the house and its door. He would observe, he would interact if he must. He would see what was going to happen, here, in this place, with this animal, and this human.......... The sound of children's laughter echoed and chimed from down another hall, another path, another street. He smiled, faintly. He stepped forward.
The door was closing, and closed.
He stood a moment, cloaked in his hood. He stared at the door. After an indeterminable amount of time, he went to the door, and knocked. His staff made a gentle tapping noise on the door, and he wondered faintly, for a moment, if it would be loud enough.
Akio has just come inside from the past couple of kids seeking candy. He’d been making all of them tell him jokes so far, otherwise the ‘scary guard dog’ who was carrying the basket of treats would not be amused.
It had to be about five minutes later, just as he’d sat down on the wooden stool again, that a distant knock on the door came. He swiftly recognised it as the door he was supposed to be answering. “Hao!” He called, whistling lightly to the dog that accompanied him to the door.
“Happy Halloween. How can I help you tonight? I’d give you some candy, but this ferocious animal won’t hand it over until he hears laughter.”
He tilted his head as the door was opened, and the man stood there with his animal. Dog, that was the word that came to his mind when he saw it. As the man spoke, He listened calmly, feeling complacent as the words washed over him.
.... "Laughter?" Hah. "My own, or that of someone else?" he asked, with a mirthful smile. A smirk, really. How! Laughter. This was no beast. There was a heart of ferociousness there, for sure, but it was a good, loyal animal, and gentle, too. It panted softly with its weapon and dressing.
"Is it... Humor... You want?" He asked curiously.
.... "Laughter?" Hah. "My own, or that of someone else?" he asked, with a mirthful smile. A smirk, really. How! Laughter. This was no beast. There was a heart of ferociousness there, for sure, but it was a good, loyal animal, and gentle, too. It panted softly with its weapon and dressing.
"Is it... Humor... You want?" He asked curiously.
Akio looked at the stranger quite curiously. Eventually, the young man chuckled and inclined his head into a light nod. “You could say that. Hao here needs a joke before he can give you any candy,” He replied. Usually he only did the joke thing with really little kids, but this guy didn’t seem to mind at all. Halloween was for everyone after all. And after being forced into candy duty by the rest of the building, Akio decided he should get a laugh out of it.
“So then, are you up to it?” The dog in no way looked scary with it’s slobbery jaws and well cared for shiny fur, but Akio wouldn’t budge on the idea that this was some kind of terrifying beastie he had guarding the candy.
“So then, are you up to it?” The dog in no way looked scary with it’s slobbery jaws and well cared for shiny fur, but Akio wouldn’t budge on the idea that this was some kind of terrifying beastie he had guarding the candy.
Two twins wear watching there crotch gobblins giving there partners a day off. Hey They deserve it two/four-year-olds are hard. There was a female twin named Baily. Her son darwin was dressed as an adorable little bat. The brother named Star was taking his daughter dawn dressed as a magical girl.
THey watched as there kids eagerly went to the door Dawn taking the lead sence "Shes the older cooler cosin" Then SHe knocked on the door.
THey watched as there kids eagerly went to the door Dawn taking the lead sence "Shes the older cooler cosin" Then SHe knocked on the door.
He pondered to himself, for who-knew-how-long, and then hummed a slow, gravelly hum.
"Why... Does the group of frogs... Not like to end its discussions early?" He asked, a small smile playing across his face. Oh yes. A good one. This was a good one. A good one for sure! Oh, ho ho ho. He was pretty proud of this joke. He couldn't see why anyone would not laugh at it. At least, the dog would. If the so-called 'beast' actually had a great sense of humor, anyway, he was sure it would appreciate it. And perhaps he would get candy into the bargain. Sweet comfits, sweetmeats, little drops of candied goodness.......
He smiled underneath his cloak, and waited for the man's answer.
"Why... Does the group of frogs... Not like to end its discussions early?" He asked, a small smile playing across his face. Oh yes. A good one. This was a good one. A good one for sure! Oh, ho ho ho. He was pretty proud of this joke. He couldn't see why anyone would not laugh at it. At least, the dog would. If the so-called 'beast' actually had a great sense of humor, anyway, he was sure it would appreciate it. And perhaps he would get candy into the bargain. Sweet comfits, sweetmeats, little drops of candied goodness.......
He smiled underneath his cloak, and waited for the man's answer.
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