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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Modern Day House/Neighborhood


Welcome! This is a modern-day roleplay set in the real world. Normally, Karen North is a 30-year-old school teacher from a small Texas town in 1982. However, this roleplay is set in a generic neighborhood somewhere in the US during the present.

Karen is now retired and pushing 70 years old. She's dressed as Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager. Her two-story home has colorful blinking light bulbs in the fixtures around the porch to help make it look like a spaceship. She's used metallic material to make the porch a silver color. On one side of the door, the word "Voyager" is written in the same script as it would appear on the ship. On the other side is the identification "NCC-74656". A Star Trek-themed playlist loops in the window, just loud enough for visitors to hear the music as they come up the walkway.

Karen is inside and will come to the door when someone rings the bell. Anyone is welcome to participate. Fantasy-themed or sci-fi characters will be treated as though they are wearing a costume, so if your character doesn't fit a modern-theme roleplay, you are still welcome to take part. I check RPR daily. Last year, I didn't have any problems keeping up. If I somehow miss you and you haven't received a response within 2 days, please feel free to message me and let me know I missed you or you are welcome to repost again. I don't want to leave anyone hanging!
Stephanie (played anonymously)

Stephanie had dressed up for Halloween this year as one of her favorite Star Trek characters ... Yeoman Janice Rand. She had enough hair to braid up, and she managed to get a classic red Star Trek Original series outfit from a cosplay shop.

Her plan was to have a house party at her place since her mom was going to be in Hawaii with her dad, but a last-minute change of plan had them postpone their trip by a week. So instead of her having a halloween party, it was her parents having a halloween party at their house. So Stephanie decided to go wander the neighborhood. She was a bit old to trick-or-treat, but thought she would give it a try anyway.

When she saw the house all decorated she just had to go knock on the door! She walked up slowly, looking at all thew work that had gone into the theme and smiled! Hearing the music, she saw the doorbell and she pushed the button. Star Trek Original meets Voyager! This was awesome!!!

When the door opened they would find Stephanie standing off to the side looking at the decorations...
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Karen had just poured herself a glass of wine when she heard the doorbell. "Oh, I guess we're getting started already," She said to herself. She lived alone other than her two cats. Neither was in sight at the moment. Karen sat the glass down and snatched up the candy bowl filled with mini bite-sized chocolate bars on the way to the door. When she opened it, she found a lone teen on her porch in a red dress admiring the decorations.

"Well hello," Karen said as she realized the red dress was a vintage Star Trek costume. "Oh, we have a cross-over... and a red shirt! Wait, you're Janice!" Karen was processing the girl's costume as she spoke. This was particularly impressive to her as Janice had appeared in a Voyager episode called "Flashback" along with Sulu.
Stephanie (played anonymously)

Stephanie laughed and smiled before she said, "Yes I Yeoman Janice Rand. I got all made up in a Star Trek convention costume I got a year ago." She looked at the bowl of candy and said, "I remember seeing Flashback! I mean I'm a trek-geek obviously."

She looked down and did a bit of a spin on the heels of her boots and then held up the cardboard box she had made into a tricorder. The top opened and she made like she was scanning the candy bowl as she asked, "Um, I do love the Three Musketeers... can I have one of those to ... study?"
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Stephanie laughed and smiled before she said, "Yes I Yeoman Janice Rand. I got all made up in a Star Trek convention costume I got a year ago." She looked at the bowl of candy and said, "I remember seeing Flashback! I mean I'm a trek-geek obviously."

"I've loved Star Trek since I was in my teens. I was watching it when it first came out," Karen reminisced nodding. "The original series will always be my favorite. Next Gen is a close second. Voyager is alright. I like it better than DS-9, anyway. The main reason I went with Janeway was she was the easiest character for me to pull off." The girl was showing off her costume as Karen spoke.

She looked down and did a bit of a spin on the heels of her boots and then held up the cardboard box she had made into a tricorder. The top opened and she made like she was scanning the candy bowl as she asked, "Um, I do love the Three Musketeers... can I have one of those to ... study?"

"Absolutely, help yourself," Karen replied. She knew the teen was speaking in character but Karen found the idea of pretending to actually be Kathryn Janeway a bit silly and awkward. "That is a very nice costume. I never went to conventions. I was far too old by the time things like that came along. Some of my students did that sort of thing. I haven't taught in years, though."
Stephanie (played anonymously)

"Thank you for the compliment!" Stephanie said as she picked out a couple of the Three Musketeers and put them in her tricorder box. She looked at the woman and listened as she spoke and smiled.

"Yes, Original series for me... obviously..." she said as she laughed slightly. "And I get what you mean about DS9, but there were some parts of that show I really loved... like the tribbles original series crossover." she added as she examined the woman's costume. "And Voyager was always a fun watch. Your Janeway is really good I think. I did ponder dressing up as Seven of Nine but I would have needed to buy some stuff and I'm a little short on money."

"So you were a teacher? My mom is a teacher at the high school. She has been doing it for over twenty years." she said in anattempt at keeping the conversation going. She should probably move along but nobody else had come up to the door yet.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Thank you for the compliment!" Stephanie said as she picked out a couple of the Three Musketeers and put them in her tricorder box. She looked at the woman and listened as she spoke and smiled.

Karen just smiled in response.

"Yes, Original series for me... obviously..." she said as she laughed slightly. "And I get what you mean about DS9, but there were some parts of that show I really loved... like the tribbles original series crossover." she added as she examined the woman's costume.

"DS9 had its moments," Karen replied. "It was different since it took place on a space station instead of on a starship. That was a refreshing change. Quark really was what made that show. I liked Odo, too. I was glad to see Worf join the cast in the later seasons."

"And Voyager was always a fun watch. Your Janeway is really good I think. I did ponder dressing up as Seven of Nine but I would have needed to buy some stuff and I'm a little short on money."

"Oh, I think your costume is fabulous! I'm so glad you stopped by. You're the first one I've had so far and even if I don't get anyone else, I got to see a fellow Star Trek fan," Karen said.

"So you were a teacher? My mom is a teacher at the high school. She has been doing it for over twenty years." she said in an attempt at keeping the conversation going. She should probably move along but nobody else had come up to the door yet.

"Yes, but I retired probably about the time your mother started," Karen explained. "I used to teach high school, too. I was the cheerleading coach for years. I eventually moved on to doing the drill team. I also taught dance, Physed, and health, too. The cheerleading and drill team was what I really enjoyed the most, however."
Stephanie (played anonymously)

"Oh wow... I tried out for cheerleading when I was a freshman, but I didn't make the cut. So I went in for drama club... oh, and chess club which was a hoot." Stephanie said.

She looked around the yard again before turning back and said, "It was great to meet a Star Trekkie! Um, I should go and check out some of the other houses. Thank you again!"

Steph started to turn to walk back to the street.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Oh wow... I tried out for cheerleading when I was a freshman, but I didn't make the cut. So I went in for drama club... oh, and chess club which was a hoot." Stephanie said.

She looked around the yard again before turning back and said, "It was great to meet a Star Trekkie! Um, I should go and check out some of the other houses. Thank you again!"

Steph started to turn to walk back to the street.

"Thanks for stopping by, dear," Karen replied. She waved as the girl turned and headed back down the sidewalk. A moment later, Karen went back inside to retrieve her glass of wine.
Grace Gibson (played by Noctae)

Maybe some would argue that Grace was way too old to go trick or treating. Her friends certainly tried to tell her that every year. Regardless of the party pooper friends, she never failed to get all dressed up for it and go ringing doorbells, inside and outside her neighbourhood.

This year Grace had been debating between whether to go as Merida from Brave or as Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo. Being a child at heart and a total ray of sunshine in personality, she loved both equally. Eventually, the wish for nostalgia won from her love for Disney and she ended up dressing up as Daphne.

This was why she was wearing an indigo dress with bands across it as well as a bright green scarf and a pair of matching, indigo colored vintage heels. She even had her hair styled the same, the front of it folded double underneath a hair band to make the illusion of bangs appear.

Grace had been trick or treating for a few hours before she'd moved beyond her own town and ventured into another. She was getting rather tired as she made her way from door to door but the look of sheer excitement on her face covered up any sign of exhaustion. That excitement only grew when a familiar tune reached her ears and made her turn her head, which caused for her to spot the lights, the silver decorations and the word "Voyager" written next to the door.

Her eyes lit up like those of a kid on Christmas' morning and she took a sharp turn, darting up to the front door of the house with her widest smile on her face. One wouldn't be able to tell from her general looks as she seemed to be pretty enough to be very popular, but the young Grace was one of the biggest nerds in her year and even now that she was in college, Star Trek still held a part of her heart.

A manicured, gel covered fingernail reached the doorbell and gently pressed it before she waited for the door to be opened, a pumpkin bucket held behind her back in both of her hands while she practically danced due to the excited wiggle her hips made on the Star Trek themed music.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

It had been several minutes since the last trick-or-treater and Karen was just finishing her glass of wine when the doorbell rang again. "Another one," she said aloud to herself as she made her way back to the door. The soundtrack was still playing in the window as it should be. The playlist in her MP3 player had several hours of music and the evening would be over long before it ran out of songs.

Karen snatched up the candy bowl and opened the door. Once again, it was another lone older trick-or-treater, this time dressed as one of the girls from the cartoon Scooby-Doo. It was the redhead, the one that always got kidnapped in the show. Karen drew a blank for a moment on the character's name.

Looking at the girl portraying the teen detective, Karen guessed she was probably high school age at a glance. Scooby-Doo had come out in the late '60s. Karen was in her teens and didn't watch it originally, but the series had continued to be on the air in one form or another since its inception. As far as she knew, they were still making new modernized episodes. Like Bugs Bunny and Fred Flinstone, Scooby-Doo was a pop culture icon as a character.

Karen stood there trying to think of something witty to say to show that she knew the character, but the only phrase that came to mind was the one about 'meddling kids and their dog' and that just didn't seem to fit the moment. Karen decided to wait for the girl to speak first. After all, it was customary for the one knocking to say "trick-or-treat" when the door was answered.
Grace Gibson (played by Noctae)

When the door opened for her and the woman appeared in the doorway, Grace beamed in absolute delight. So much so that a squeal nearly escaped her lips when she saw the woman's costume! Oh, she could hug the friendly and older looking lady just for that amazing choice. Instead, she remained at a polite distance and the smile she'd had on her face before the door had even been opened widened now that she could see the owner of the amazingly decorated house.

"Trick or treat!" She claimed happily, her excited wiggle continuing briefly as she stood there. No, it wasn't the first time she'd been seen as a high schooler and even though she was a bit older than one, she wouldn't have taken it as an insult if someone vocalized it. It wasn't anyone else's fault that her eternal positivity seemed to be lost on a lot of adults.

Try as one might, she was unable to keep quiet about the way the woman had decorated her lovely home and an excited ramble left her lips only a few seconds later.

"Your house looks amazing. The decorations, the details, the music, your costume!" She let out a happy sigh in delight now that she was surrounded by all of it. It radiated good vibes and brought her the sweet nostalgia she'd hoped of finding when she'd dressed up as Daphne. "You've truly outdone yourself in pulling this off, your neighbours have nothing on you." She claimed, a soft chuckle following the statement. It wasn't said as a way to put the neighbours down as much as it was meant to be a genuine compliment, one that would hopefully bring the woman some rightful pride as it was clear that she'd had done a lot of effort to make things look this great.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Trick or treat!" She claimed happily, her excited wiggle continuing briefly as she stood there. No, it wasn't the first time she'd been seen as a high schooler and even though she was a bit older than one, she wouldn't have taken it as an insult if someone vocalized it. It wasn't anyone else's fault that her eternal positivity seemed to be lost on a lot of adults.

"Good evening dear," the female starship captain spoke as she held out a bowl filled with "fun-sized" miniature chocolate bars. "So, did the gang split up? I thought you always stayed with the other girl and the blonde guy while Shaggy and Scooby searched the kitchen." Karen was still trying to recall the redhead's name in the show. She wanted to call her Stephanie but knew that wasn't right. Karen just didn't know cartoons the way she knew Star Trek.

Try as one might, she was unable to keep quiet about the way the woman had decorated her lovely home and an excited ramble left her lips only a few seconds later.

"Your house looks amazing. The decorations, the details, the music, your costume!" She let out a happy sigh in delight now that she was surrounded by all of it. It radiated good vibes and brought her the sweet nostalgia she'd hoped of finding when she'd dressed up as Daphne. "You've truly outdone yourself in pulling this off, your neighbours have nothing on you." She claimed, a soft chuckle following the statement. It wasn't said as a way to put the neighbours down as much as it was meant to be a genuine compliment, one that would hopefully bring the woman some rightful pride as it was clear that she'd had done a lot of effort to make things look this great.

"Oh, why thank you," Karen replied. "I thought it would be nice to decorate a bit. I'm retired now, so I have lots of free time on my hands. You are only the second one I've seen this evening. The last one was dressed as Janice from Star Trek. We had quite a conversation about the series."
Grace Gibson (played by Noctae)

"Good evening, Ma'am." Grace replied sweetly. Her gaze travelled over the woman's costume one more time before it reached the bowl and soon enough, she found herself reaching for a candy bar and gently dropping it in her pumpkin bucket. Her smile remained as she spoke up once more, the excitement in her tone still being there even though she'd seemed to have calmed down for a moment.

"Thank you, those are the best." She said about the miniature chocolate bars. As the woman asked about the rest of the gang, she sadly shook her head. "Luckily no, in the series they've always remained a team as far as I'm aware. Sadly enough, most of my friends feel too old to go trick or treating and even if they did want to go, the majority of them would dress up as angels and devils rather than getting involved in my geeky antics." She replied. She wasn't too upset about it though even as she'd felt a little bummed that none of them had decided to tag along. She understood that they had different interests and that halloween wasn't as well liked by them as it was by her. Most of the other students back in the dorms would probably decide to go to some fun halloween raver instead, which was fine too. Grace just prefered trick or treating but there was a possibility that she'd catch up with the others later.

"So yes, I guess it'll be Daphne alone tonight." She chuckled softly. She paused for a moment as she listened to the woman when she was told about how the night had gone so far and she nodded in understanding. Nobody except for her grandfather was retired in her family but she knew how much time on his hands he had to do as he pleased.

"You make a great captain though, anyone would be lucky to get to serve you." She eventually decided as she took all the woman had said into account. "I bet you're greatly missed where you're worked. The world needs more people that give off good energy the way you do."

"I also love that you picked Voyager. I always felt like there was something special about the way it portrayed the importance of building connections and exploring relationships. Out of all things Star Trek, Voyager probably was the one that made me wonder most what it would be like if I ever came across an unknown and otherworldly species." She claimed. In those last words, her gaze became a little dreamy. As a young girl with a lot of imagination, she'd tried to figure out what she would do in such situations multiple times.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Thank you, those are the best." She said about the miniature chocolate bars. As the woman asked about the rest of the gang, she sadly shook her head. "Luckily no, in the series they've always remained a team as far as I'm aware. Sadly enough, most of my friends feel too old to go trick or treating and even if they did want to go, the majority of them would dress up as angels and devils rather than getting involved in my geeky antics." She replied. She wasn't too upset about it though even as she'd felt a little bummed that none of them had decided to tag along. She understood that they had different interests and that halloween wasn't as well liked by them as it was by her. Most of the other students back in the dorms would probably decide to go to some fun halloween raver instead, which was fine too. Grace just prefered trick or treating but there was a possibility that she'd catch up with the others later.

"I can understand that," Karen replied. "A lot of the kids I taught felt they were too old for trick-or-treating. I taught high school for years. But, once you get to be my age, you kind of miss it and decide to dress up, decorate the house, and hand out candy. It's a shame that you couldn't find someone to be Scooby or the others with you, though."

"So yes, I guess it'll be Daphne alone tonight." She chuckled softly. She paused for a moment as she listened to the woman when she was told about how the night had gone so far and she nodded in understanding. Nobody except for her grandfather was retired in her family but she knew how much time on his hands he had to do as he pleased.

Daphane! That was her name! It was driving Karen nuts and she was about to ask the girl when she said it aloud. "Yes, well as I recall in the show Daphane was the one that was also captured and had to be rescued or would fall down a trap door or get lost. Maybe tonight she can be the hero and you can pretend she's the one out to save the others," Karen suggested. It sounded a little silly, but Karen was trying to think of a way to make the poor girl feel a bit better. She did admire the fact that despite having no one to go with that she didn't let it spoil her fun.

"You make a great captain though, anyone would be lucky to get to serve you." She eventually decided as she took all the woman had said into account. "I bet you're greatly missed where you're worked. The world needs more people that give off good energy the way you do."

"Why thank you dear," Karen replied. "I do miss the kids, particularly the cheerleaders. I coached cheer and drill team for many years. I always had a special relationship with those students, particularly the officers. The one that got to be the captain was always special to me."

"I also love that you picked Voyager. I always felt like there was something special about the way it portrayed the importance of building connections and exploring relationships. Out of all things Star Trek, Voyager probably was the one that made me wonder most what it would be like if I ever came across an unknown and otherworldly species." She claimed. In those last words, her gaze became a little dreamy. As a young girl with a lot of imagination, she'd tried to figure out what she would do in such situations multiple times.

"I like Voyager," Karen replied. She was impressed that these kids knew so much about the series. "The truth be told, I grew up with the original and watched it back when I was a child. It will always be my favorite. The Next Generation is a close second. I like them all really although Voyager is probably in the middle somewhere. I mostly went with it because Janeway was the easiest character for me to do."
Grace Gibson (played by Noctae)

"I'm glad you decided to dress up and decorate your house," Grace answered. She truly was and the fact that the woman was so nice made it even better. Of course, most of the people that decided to hand out candy for Halloween were generally friendly but this lady seemed to like the short conversations she had with the trick or treaters as well, at least that was the vibe that Grace got from her. "No matter how many houses I see after yours, I'm sure yours will be the one that made my evening." She added and she smiled once more.

"It's cool that you used to be a teacher. I wish all of our teachers were as cool as you." She claimed, the idea of the woman being a teacher making a lot of sense to her. Overall, teachers were people she liked having around. They were good at conversations about almost anything and there was always so much she could learn from them, even outside the actual lessons.

She realized that the woman was trying to make her feel better and she beamed a little at what Karen said. It genuinely did make her feel better to know that she wasn't pathetic for going out on her own. Maybe instead of saving her friends later, she could at least go bring them some candy bars as well.

When she spoke about the cheerleaders, Grace nodded too. Cheerleaders were nice and the redhead girl got along well with all the students on the cheer team. She'd been accepted by them ever since she was a freshmen and was even asked if she wanted to join the cheer squad. It was something she had politely declined as while she really loved dancing, she didn't have enough balance to be a cheerleader at all.

"Ah, that's one of the reasons why I chose to go as Daphne this year too. I doubted between Daphne and Merida, but for Daphne I didn't have to use the curling iron for 3 hours straight." She chuckled after Karen had explained the reason behind her custom choice.

It wasn't that she ran out of things to talk about and she would've kept the conversation going if she wasn't convinced that they could probably talk for hours more. Instead, she looked around for a moment before speaking up for the last time.

"I should get going. It was really nice to meet you, though. There is more houses to see and more trick or treaters that will likely come to see your amazing set-up. Besides, I need to make sure I save my friends in time too." She said, the last part of it coming out jokingly as she referenced how Karen had attempted to make her feel better. The redhead looked genuinely happy about the conversation the two of them had had and about the chocolate she'd gotten.

After waiting until they'd said goodbye, she'd turn on her heel and leave the woman's property in a near skip manner before turning to the right and making her way further down the street.

"May we meet again some day!" She said as final words before she disappeared around the corner.
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Ah, that's one of the reasons why I chose to go as Daphne this year too. I doubted between Daphne and Merida, but for Daphne I didn't have to use the curling iron for 3 hours straight." She chuckled after Karen had explained the reason behind her custom choice.

"It was a good choice," Karen affirmed. She had no idea who Merida was since she had no children of her own or grand children and was not up on modern Disney movies.

It wasn't that she ran out of things to talk about and she would've kept the conversation going if she wasn't convinced that they could probably talk for hours more. Instead, she looked around for a moment before speaking up for the last time.

"I should get going. It was really nice to meet you, though. There is more houses to see and more trick or treaters that will likely come to see your amazing set-up. Besides, I need to make sure I save my friends in time too." She said, the last part of it coming out jokingly as she referenced how Karen had attempted to make her feel better. The redhead looked genuinely happy about the conversation the two of them had had and about the chocolate she'd gotten.

"Thank you for stopping by, dear," Karen said. "Have fun and be safe!"

After waiting until they'd said goodbye, she'd turn on her heel and leave the woman's property in a near skip manner before turning to the right and making her way further down the street.

"May we meet again someday!" She said as final words before she disappeared around the corner.

Karen waved at the girl as she headed down the sidewalk and went back inside until the next round of trick-or-treaters showed up at her door.
The Founder (played by Kim)

An extremely normal looking woman comes down the walk. Her hair is blonde - possibly blonde that comes from a bottle - and pulled into a pony tail at the nape of her neck. She wears a t-shirt that says "They whine, I wine" above a silver-foil silhoutte of a wine glass. For warmth, a burgundy cardigan has been casually thrown over top. She wears sneakers with no apparent logo. She has one of those faces that make you feel like you've met her before, a combination of features that just seem... familiar.

Her one nod to a costume is a headband with bobbly pipe cleaner antennae on it, as if she were a low budget space alien.

"Hello there, neighbor!" she calls out, giving Karen a bright grin and a friendly wave. "I'm new to the area and I just had to come and say how much I love your decorations."
Galek Dor (played by Darth_Angelus)

Spotting the Voyager themed house, Galak pulls out his phone and checks his prosthetics. He wants to make sure his full Cardassian costume and makeup looks right before he approaches another Star Trek fan's house. Satisfied, he puts the phone away and steps on up.

"Hello" he says as he spots familiar looking woman who has already beaten him to the front door. "And Captain Janeway, I do like what you've done to your house."

"I'm Galak Door," he introduces himself, then the Cardassian charm breaks down as he gets excited about meeting another Star Trek fan. "Okay, not really, I'm just cosplaying my Star Trek Online character. But this is great! Happy Halloween!"
Karen North (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The Founder wrote:
An extremely normal looking woman comes down the walk. Her hair is blonde - possibly blonde that comes from a bottle - and pulled into a pony tail at the nape of her neck. She wears a t-shirt that says "They whine, I wine" above a silver-foil silhoutte of a wine glass. For warmth, a burgundy cardigan has been casually thrown over top. She wears sneakers with no apparent logo. She has one of those faces that make you feel like you've met her before, a combination of features that just seem... familiar.

Her one nod to a costume is a headband with bobbly pipe cleaner antennae on it, as if she were a low budget space alien.

"Hello there, neighbor!" she calls out, giving Karen a bright grin and a friendly wave. "I'm new to the area and I just had to come and say how much I love your decorations."

Karen had moved onto the porch for a few minutes to get some fresh air after the last batch of trick-or-treaters. The candy bowl was sitting on an empty chair. She was off in her own little world when she noticed someone else coming up the sidewalk toward the porch. There was a fresh glass of white wine in her hand.

"Oh hello there," Karen said with a polite wave as the woman came up the sidewalk. "Why thank you. Uh, welcome to the neighborhood. I've only been here a few years myself. I haven't taken the time to get to know a lot of people. "

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Modern Day House/Neighborhood

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus