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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Spookyland (CLOSED)


This post is now closed, Thanks for taking part this year, Come back next Halloween and check in to Pumpkin Man's Candy Studio, Chapter 2 comes out also by the way

Rules for this:
You must wear a costume
Don't eat too much candy
All characters must watch out of the residents that scare them
IC trick or treaters, please, Thank you!

One night, Pumpkin Man is in his house watching television, He's bored and he has nothing to do, He's been spending too much TV time all day, Suddenly, he hears someone knocking on his door,

''Who could that be?'' He says, He opens the door to reveal Wolfie the werewolf

Wolfie lends out a loud howl and begins to speak:

''Hello Pumpkin Man, I need your help, We opened up a new town this Halloween, It's Spookyland, Would you like to visit this spooky city?''

''Of course, I do!"' He screams and shouts happily, So Wolfie sends Pumpkin Man to a portal, It closes and Pumpkin Man found himself in Spookyland, He opens up a trick-or-treating place called Howl-O-Ween Candy Studio

''Step right up in the Howl-O-Ween Candy Studio'' He shouts as his candy studio is open, It was a hit, Many guests came in their costumes
Ayoka (played anonymously)

The dog-girl was charmed, overwhelmed, and just so excited about this strange new festival going on all around her! Her tail was wagging wildly behind her as she bounded over to the man who was shouting. "Oh wow! This is amazing! Can I join? What are we doing?"
The Pumpkin Man (played by BigMuffin) Topic Starter

''Sure, anyone can join!"'
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

Kitsunebi wandered along, looking at birds and clouds and bugs and things, listening to all the sounds, watching the leaves fall. Water burbled nearby, and children ran around with masks on, candy in hand, apples and pumpkins galore all over. Kitsunebi smiled, hummed a little, and went up to the Candy Studio.
"Excuse me," she said to the pumpkin man, "it says 'Studio' on the front, so I was wondering if we're designing our own candy...? Or is it, maybe, a gourmet thing?"
She smiled, as leaves fell all around and the smell of sugar filled the air.
The Pumpkin Man (played by BigMuffin) Topic Starter

''Well, it is a haunted studio with many tricks and treats, But you can go there!''
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka's tail wagged even harder at the mention of designing one's own gourmet candies. "Oh WOW!" she enthuses to Kitsunebi. "Do you think so? Let's go see!"

Gleeful, she bounds inside.
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

"Amazing!" Kitsunebi chirped happily. "Thank you, and we'll go take a look!"
Running alongside the other girl, the woman dashed happily in her sparkly witch costume. "What do you want to do? I painted marshmallows once, but for the most part, I've never been in a real candy laboratory. I'll probably design some suckers, or lollipops, or make a giant candy dinosaur!" She rambled on, cheerfully talking about gummies and marshmallows and chocolate.
The Pumpkin Man (played by BigMuffin) Topic Starter

''You can make anything that's sweet!''
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka's tail wagged faster and faster as Kitsunebi described her ideas for making sweets, and by the time she got to describing the dinosaur, her mouth fell open into an astonished O. "OOOOOOOoooo! Yes! Let's do that one! Let's do that one! It can be a green dinosaur and taste like apple, and we can give it teeth made of white chocolate!"
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

Kitsunebi smiled and laughed a lot with the dog-girl, stacking green gummies on top of each other and pressing them into shape. The other was melting candies and preparing decorations before they switched places, until finally their gummi dinosaur was nearly complete.
"Should we... Should we put glitter on it?" Kitsunebi panted. She was a little tired from all the pressing and stirring and melting....
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka claps her hands gleefully, bouncing around Kitsubeni. "Edible glitter?! Of course! We must!"
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

Dusting the whole thing liberally with edible glitter, Kitsunebi laughed with a wild light in her eyes. After she put the finishing touch on, she smiled and said.... "Now let's eat!"
The Pumpkin Man (played by BigMuffin) Topic Starter

''Wow, that creation looks very sweet to eat, I want a taste!''
Ayoka (played anonymously)

Delighted with their creation, Ayoka spontaneously hugs Kitsubeni, planting a series of joyous little kisses on her cheek. Her tail wags with wild joy.

"This is the best Halloween ever!!"

And with that, she turns and pounces on the dino, sinking her fangs into its gummy neck.
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

"Ahahaha!" Kitsunebi laughed as she was tickled with faintly sharp little kisses. "I'm so glad!" she said, patting the puppy. She squawked with more laughter as the dino was attacked, and helped herself to a piece.
When Ayoka was ready, she would leave with her, parting ways at a crossroads, perhaps...?

Ayoka (played anonymously)

Ayoka parts ways from Kitsunebi with a big hug, and another hug of thanks to their host.

"Good night to you both! This has been sooooooo great!"

And off she skips :)
Kitsunebi (played anonymously)

Kitsunebi waved to her new friend, waved to their host, called "Thank you! Goodbye!" and "Happy All-Hallow's-Eve! Goodnight!" And scratching her head, adjusting her costume, and yawning, she prepared herself.
Taking a leftover lump of candy with her, and a photo and a great many memories, Kitsunebi left the place and headed away.
The Pumpkin Man (played by BigMuffin) Topic Starter

Pumpkin Man began to smile happily as he continues to run the candy studio, Things may seem where they left off......

To be continued.......... (Chapter 2 comes out October 2021)

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