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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: The Bumpkin's Misunderstanding

Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream)

It hasn't been long since Aloe arrived in the city and an even shorter time since she learned of Halloween. But not one to ignore customs she decided she should participate. Maybe she should have asked more questions of her landlord or rather someone more interested in the holiday who could have clarified it all. And just maybe she should have gathered more about what trick or treat really meant. Still she thought she understood the premise well enough and setnout to decorate her front yard.

She used her talent to grow the trees so that that they twisted and interlinked above the dirt pathway which was now covered with colorful fallen leaves. She littered the ground with seeds and grew pumpkins instantly all over the yard.

Aloe then grew vines into a chair and table like structure by the front door, placed a empty bowl in the middle sat in the green vine chair and rooted herself to it to look as though she were one of the decorations for the evening and waited for her visitors.

She would wait for them one by one....
Rooted to the spot unmoving and unknowingly blooming orange flowers from her hair from excitement.

Oh! just who would her first guest be?
Her first visitor would arrive in the form of a strange creature indeed. It's body appeared strangely flat and brightly colored for its surroundings, but other than that, it appeared to be a gray-squirrel about the size of a young human child. It had on a sort of old-fashioned buckaneer's garb complete with a wooden sword in his hand and a black patch over one eye.

"Well, shiver me timbers and hoist the main sail!" he spouted in an exagerated pirate's accent. He pointed his sword forward, and from it hung an empty pillow case. "This be me first place o' plunderin'! Avast, me smexy-leafy-lassy! Hand over yer booty, or ye'll be made ta walk the plank!"
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

As the squirrel spoke Aloe forgot what she was to do next and it asked something of her. The flowers on her head changed from bright orange to pale blue. Question s dancing in her head.

Confused Aloe stood from her chair. Studying the color creature. "What's booty?" She tilted her head as she seemed to be looking for something. "And where am I walking." She glanced past him to see what he was referring too.

Though she didnt notice any candy him...and if she remembered right no candy meant trick. The vines shifted and stretched out towards the creature from behind and tapped it's shoulder and quickly returned dormant.
Aloe wrote:
As the squirrel spoke Aloe forgot what she was to do next and it asked something of her. The flowers on her head changed from bright orange to pale blue. Question s dancing in her head.

Confused Aloe stood from her chair. Studying the color creature. "What's booty?" She tilted her head as she seemed to be looking for something. "And where am I walking." She glanced past him to see what he was referring too.

Though she didnt notice any candy him...and if she remembered right no candy meant trick. The vines shifted and stretched out towards the creature from behind and tapped it's shoulder and quickly returned dormant.

The squirrel suddenly dropped character and lifted his eyepatch, a smile forming on his face. "It's Halloween, silly! You know, going door to door, saying 'trick or treat' and getting candy from people!"

He felt the tap on his shoulder, but when he turned to see who it was, there was no one there.

He turned back to face the green lady before him, a looked of puzzlement on his face before his smile returned. "Wait, I forgot to say the password." He held out his bag properly. "Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Gimme something good to eat!" As an aside, he added, "And if ya got anything with nuts in it, those are my favorites. Hint-hint."
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

Toons wrote:
Aloe wrote:
As the squirrel spoke Aloe forgot what she was to do next and it asked something of her. The flowers on her head changed from bright orange to pale blue. Question s dancing in her head.

Confused Aloe stood from her chair. Studying the color creature. "What's booty?" She tilted her head as she seemed to be looking for something. "And where am I walking." She glanced past him to see what he was referring too.

Though she didnt notice any candy him...and if she remembered right no candy meant trick. The vines shifted and stretched out towards the creature from behind and tapped it's shoulder and quickly returned dormant.

The squirrel suddenly dropped character and lifted his eyepatch, a smile forming on his face. "It's Halloween, silly! You know, going door to door, saying 'trick or treat' and getting candy from people!"

He felt the tap on his shoulder, but when he turned to see who it was, there was no one there.

He turned back to face the green lady before him, a looked of puzzlement on his face before his smile returned. "Wait, I forgot to say the password." He held out his bag properly. "Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Gimme something good to eat!" As an aside, he added, "And if ya got anything with nuts in it, those are my favorites. Hint-hint."

Aloe smiled, the flowers on her head turning bright yellow. "Oh nuts...i can do that." She said as the vine yet again tapped the u suspecting squirrel on its shoulder. While above him on of the trees started to bloom out of season and dozens of walnuts dropped to the ground and around them. Aloe took her empty bowl to catch some then placed it own the table again when the tree was bare again.

Proud of her work Aloe placed her hands on her hips. "See nuts...take all you like."
Aloe wrote:
Toons wrote:
Aloe wrote:
As the squirrel spoke Aloe forgot what she was to do next and it asked something of her. The flowers on her head changed from bright orange to pale blue. Question s dancing in her head.

Confused Aloe stood from her chair. Studying the color creature. "What's booty?" She tilted her head as she seemed to be looking for something. "And where am I walking." She glanced past him to see what he was referring too.

Though she didnt notice any candy him...and if she remembered right no candy meant trick. The vines shifted and stretched out towards the creature from behind and tapped it's shoulder and quickly returned dormant.

The squirrel suddenly dropped character and lifted his eyepatch, a smile forming on his face. "It's Halloween, silly! You know, going door to door, saying 'trick or treat' and getting candy from people!"

He felt the tap on his shoulder, but when he turned to see who it was, there was no one there.

He turned back to face the green lady before him, a looked of puzzlement on his face before his smile returned. "Wait, I forgot to say the password." He held out his bag properly. "Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Gimme something good to eat!" As an aside, he added, "And if ya got anything with nuts in it, those are my favorites. Hint-hint."

Aloe smiled, the flowers on her head turning bright yellow. "Oh nuts...i can do that." She said as the vine yet again tapped the u suspecting squirrel on its shoulder. While above him on of the trees started to bloom out of season and dozens of walnuts dropped to the ground and around them. Aloe took her empty bowl to catch some then placed it own the table again when the tree was bare again.

Proud of her work Aloe placed her hands on her hips. "See nuts...take all you like."

The squirrel looked around him, but before he could react to anything, he found himself surrounded by nuts. There they were, all around him, ripe and ready for munching! His eyes swelled to wide, glistening pools, and a moment later he scurried around, filling his pillow case with every one of them that was still on the ground.

"THANK YOU!!" he shouted at the green lady.
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

Aloe grinned while watching him scurry to pick up the nuts completely forgetting that she was trying to trick him in the first place.

Proudly she puffed up. The flowers on her head blooming so brightly they seemed to be shimmering. Pulled into his excitement she shuffled from left foot to right repeatedly while clapping her hands as she watched him snatch up all of the nuts. "So fast! Go!" She cheered.

When he finished and stopped to thank her she smiled as she observed the now bare ground. Simply in awe at the speed he picked it all up. She pondered how fast he had to be moving to be done so quickly. Then her mind wandered to considering if she should make more or a different kind.

"You are welcome." She replied finally snapping back to the conversation and registering that she should respond. After a moment she paused placing one finger to her lips. "Wait..." Her brow furrowing slightly. "Was that the trick or...?" She shrugged figuring she got it right. Probably....
"This seemed like a treat to me!" said the squirrel pirate. "This Halloween is off to a really great start! Here's hoping for more nuts! Oh! Maybe some sweetened nuts! Glazed cinnamon pecans! Oh! Oh! I gotta get going!"

He dropped his eyepatch back over his eye. "Yarg! It be time to shove off fer greener pastures! Best of the evenin' to ye, sexy-green lass!" He swung his pillowcase back over his shoulder and hurried along to his next destination.
Ceshokiesh (played by JadedJester)

The next guest to arrive did so after everyone else had left by appearing out of thin air in a cloud of peach colored mist that smelled lightly of cotton candy and something else...something darker and much more magical...unfortunately he did so mid-air and fell a few feet towards the ground. His long, thin body twisted and contorted around as he reached for everything in sight to break his fall...somewhat long magenta colored hair flying about like crazy.

"Aieeeeeeee!" He yelped as he got closer to the ground but at the last second he seemed to freeze, suspended in the air with his butt mere inches off the ground and his eyes squeezed shut.

Once he realized his levitation abilities actually worked in this reality unlike the one he warped out of his eyes darted open and widened, looking around.

The Cheshire neko was full of energy and shot right up to his feet, large purple striped ears poked up from his now messy magenta hair and darted around wildly while his matching purple striped tail flicked back and forth in uncertainty and slight fear.

He had no clue where he had ended up but it was clear after looking around he was somewhere that was currently celebrating halloween. Then something else caught his attention and his head whipped around to face the pretty distraction so fast his neck popped a bit. A lovely orange flower magically sprouted from what looked like lawn decorations at first quick glance but the Neko lifted his head and sniffed at it to be sure then darted away from it having smelled magic with his sensitive nose. "MREOWW!" he cried out, looking and acting more like a feral cat than a neko as he narrowed his peachy brown colored eyes at the stranger who nearly looked like a tree herself.

He froze for a second as a confused look crossed his face then left. "U-uh, sorry? Um...hi? Er...I mean...trick or treat?????" He was still frazzled and frightened from what happened in the reality he had just warped away from and was hoping he didn't get tricked, a treat would soothe his panic that was for sure. The being looked like a forest/tree nymph which he knew could be rather tricky and overly playful. He stood in awkward silence, his eyes going wide as dinner plates every time a new flower bloomed.
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

Ceshokiesh wrote:
The next guest to arrive did so after everyone else had left by appearing out of thin air in a cloud of peach colored mist that smelled lightly of cotton candy and something else...something darker and much more magical...unfortunately he did so mid-air and fell a few feet towards the ground. His long, thin body twisted and contorted around as he reached for everything in sight to break his fall...somewhat long magenta colored hair flying about like crazy.

"Aieeeeeeee!" He yelped as he got closer to the ground but at the last second he seemed to freeze, suspended in the air with his butt mere inches off the ground and his eyes squeezed shut.

Once he realized his levitation abilities actually worked in this reality unlike the one he warped out of his eyes darted open and widened, looking around.

The Cheshire neko was full of energy and shot right up to his feet, large purple striped ears poked up from his now messy magenta hair and darted around wildly while his matching purple striped tail flicked back and forth in uncertainty and slight fear.

He had no clue where he had ended up but it was clear after looking around he was somewhere that was currently celebrating halloween. Then something else caught his attention and his head whipped around to face the pretty distraction so fast his neck popped a bit. A lovely orange flower magically sprouted from what looked like lawn decorations at first quick glance but the Neko lifted his head and sniffed at it to be sure then darted away from it having smelled magic with his sensitive nose. "MREOWW!" he cried out, looking and acting more like a feral cat than a neko as he narrowed his peachy brown colored eyes at the stranger who nearly looked like a tree herself.

He froze for a second as a confused look crossed his face then left. "U-uh, sorry? Um...hi? Er...I mean...trick or treat?????" He was still frazzled and frightened from what happened in the reality he had just warped away from and was hoping he didn't get tricked, a treat would soothe his panic that was for sure. The being looked like a forest/tree nymph which he knew could be rather tricky and overly playful. He stood in awkward silence, his eyes going wide as dinner plates every time a new flower bloomed.

Aloe watched with out moving as her second visitor seemed to scurry about before her. She barely registered what she was seeing. But then it focused on her but as soon as it got close it yelped and startled her.

Her bright orange flowers changed to a dark blue as she studied him quizzically completely baffled by the randomness of his actions.

Was that how tricks were suppose to work? He took all her fun by scaring himself. Or had She? This was strange. She moved towards him. "You scared you self so I guess there is no need for me to trick you...but...did you at least bring candy?"
Ceshokiesh (played by JadedJester)

Chessie's eyes looked like they might pop out of his head when the flowers changed colors. "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh..." he mutters, completely bemused.

Until she spoke...

Hearing the voice he stiffened a bit before blinking in confusion. "What say huh?!" He said, confused before realizing he didn't really know why he was confused.

"Y-you didn't scare me, and I most certainly didn't scare myself...I think...!" He pouted before adding "and aren't YOU supposed to give ME candy?" He asked, looking genuinely bummed out for all of a full 12 seconds before his curiosity took over. "Who are you anyways? I'm Ceshokiesh but you can call me Chessie~" he practically sings, seeming in a better mood already.

"I love your flowers, they're pretty, they smell nice, and they change colors!" He blurts, obviously unable to stay quiet, trailed by a splurt of rather crazed giggles. He was extraordinarily excitable!
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

"I'm Aloe!" She answered plainly. "I"m glad you like my flowers." In response to her change in mood again the flowers turned bright pink. She still watched the creature curiously and for a split second she reached out as if she were going to touch him and them stopped. She had learned that city folk werent as hands on as the people back home. Then she remembered what she had been told by her landlord and their awkward first meeting. You can just run up and hug strangers...,.

Aloe fidgeted in frustration the color of her flowers fluctuating in color. He looked so interesting and she was just so curious and he was saying he wasn't scared so....

Aloe moved as close to him as possible and studied him. "You were definitely scared, so no need for tricks....but as far as treats....I have nuts? Well now I I suppose to have candy?" She tilted her head from side to side. "Am I doing this wrong?" She started to pace back and forth. The flowers on her head changed back to blue, drooped and seemed to wilt slightly. "I have no candy....I thought visitors brought it...." She folded her arms. "hhmmmm....what to do."
Ceshokiesh (played by JadedJester)

"PINK!!" Chessie squealed at seeing the flowers change to his favorite color, he started to bounce on his toes was taking extremely amounts of effort to keep himself from moving to touch and smell the flowers. It was driving him positively mad!

Her flowers interested him more than anything...until she raised her hand which made him think maybe she wanted to pet him, which he loved. Then she put her hand down which confused him for a few seconds...until her flowers started changing colors again and distracted him again.

"U-uuhm, yeah..." The neko started to speak and let the lady know SHE was supposed to have candy to give out but once he saw her flowers wilt he felt much to bad to tell her such a thing. Instead he darted over to her side, bumped her lightly with his shoulder until her folded arms fell loose at her sides, got on his hand and knees and placed her hand on his head then began purring like a cat begging to be petted...maybe this would cheer her up? He moved so quickly he hoped he hadn't frightened her.......he had decided he very much liked her!
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

Aloe let out an audible gaspe at the gesture and looked down at him excitedly. "I can?" She was happily jumping from from one foot to the other before she reached with both hands to pet his head. "Ooo." Her eyes shimmering brightly as she took in the bright color.

"Wow!" Aloe exclaimed as she started to pet him. The flowers on her head blooming again and changing to a light pink.

It was so fun and felt nice. She was feeling much better. Better about what? Did she forget something? She shrugged. Oh well.

"Chessie, you're interesting." She said plainly as her fingers ran through his magenta mane. "Such pretty colors..." More flowers bloomed in her hair as she began to hum a happy tune to herself while bobbing her head side to side, tapping one foot on the ground while still continuing to pet his head.

After a while she finally stopped. "Thank you!"

"You can visit when ever you want Chessie." She offered with a smile. Oh the candy! She suddenly remembered. Oh what could she give. Ah! She had the perfect idea. She then plucked a bright pink flower from her head and handed to him. "It isn't candy but I hope you like it."
Ceshokiesh (played by JadedJester)

Chessie practically went limp when she started to pet him, his eyes slowly closed as his purring got even louder...the Cheshire grin on his face now some might find quite eerie but kitty boy was happy. He LOVED being petted. The rest of the world seemed to melt away around him, he barely even heard Aloe speaking...until she stopped petting him and thanked him and said he could visit whenever.

Still in a daze he tries to get up but gets his tail tangled around his long legs and nearly falls but catches himself at the last second before standing and stretching out his full 6' 2" body with a yawn, the eerie cheshire grin fading to a regular human looking grin.

Then she plucked a flower from her head and gave it to him causing him to stop yawning mid-yawn and earning her an adorable feline chirp that one might normally only hear from kittens as he accepted the gift. His eyes lit up a bright glowing pastel pink out of pure excitement. "IT'SSOPRETTYI'MGONNAMELT!!!" he blurted on a high pitch tone, his words all garbled together from his excitement.

He wandered off seeming aimless, trailed by the same strange peachy pink colored mist that surrounded him when he arrived. The flower held carefully in the palms of his hands which were raised right in front of his face as he oogled the prize he had gotten with an intensity like none other. It was obvious by now that there was something strangely not quite right about the neko but one might never put their finger on exactly why...
Eloise (played by Sparkcloud)

Ellie walked up to the house in her princess costume feeling nervous. She looked around at the decorations with awe as she approached Aloe. "Trick or treat!" she says excitedly.
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

Aloe turned to greet her new vistor. "Well I don't have any treats but....I can definitely show you a trick!" She exclaimed. She held up her arms and let her vines lift her new visitor off of the ground.
Eloise (played by Sparkcloud)

She looked down her eyes wide with surprise"Wow!" she gasped looking down at Aloe, "How did you do that?"
Aloe (played by Eternal_Dream) Topic Starter

"it's in my nature." Aloe teased as she beamed at her new visitor. The flowers on her head blooming in multiple colors at her excitement of the trick being liked. Aloe tilted her head and the vine rocked the vistor from side to side before lauching her in the air and catching before bringing her back down to rest gently on the ground.
Eloise (played by Sparkcloud)

Eloise let out a small yelp of surprise as she was tossed up into the air and sighed in relief as she was set back down. "Your decorations are very beautiful!" she says looking at a pumpkin curiously.

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