Clyde was always a nut for October 31st. He loved seeing the cool, elaborate costumes people come up with, and just watching the Halloween spirit be passed around. Clyde made sure his house was expertly decorated, spending all month to shape his house into a graveyard and assemble zombie animatronics that would do simple things, like turn left and right while making groaning sounds, or the few which came up from the ground, where Clyde expertly placed them near tombstones to give the illusion of zombies climbing out of their graves to munch on the living. Clyde wore the ABU he had when he was in the Air Force, complete with the medals and ribbons Clyde earned. He would stand near the front door of his house, passing candy out to adorable children and annoying teenagers alike. People who had a costume that piqued his interest would receive a King Size candy bar. His house would be pretty scary to children without a caretaker to go in with them, but impressive to anyone who doesn't scare easily. He just loved this time of year and loved talking to the people who came by to get candy. Most people knew that Clyde was a friendly man, with parents and their kids coming to his house to see Clyde's friendly face.
Stephanie had just been wandering around the neighborhood streets, visiting random houses when she saw a place all decorated. When she saw the graveyard and zombie look, of one house she just had to go knock on the door! She walked up slowly, looking at all the work that had gone into the theme and drew her phaser when a creepy guy rose up from a grave. After managing to be a surviving redshirt and reaching the door, she knocked loudly, keeping a look out for more zombies.
When the door opened they would find Stephanie standing off to the side holding her plastic Star Trek phaser toy as if on guard for any zombies that followed her....
When the door opened they would find Stephanie standing off to the side holding her plastic Star Trek phaser toy as if on guard for any zombies that followed her....

Clyde wasn't at the front door, rather on a table next to it. "Candy is right here," he said, pointing at the bowl of candy next to him. A military ribbon on his chest seemed to shine some light off of it, Clyde standing at a perfect "Parade Rest" with a friendly smile on his face
Steph jumped at the soldier that seemed to come out of nowhere to speak. She giggled and smiled. "Gee, I sure missed you there! I must have been really creeped out by all your zombies!"
Having a look at the selection of candy, Steph picked out a few that seemed interesting. She opened the top of her 'tricorder' box and dropped them in. It was then she saw a cohcolate tootsie-roll pop in the bowl. "Um... can I have one more?" she asked coyly.
Having a look at the selection of candy, Steph picked out a few that seemed interesting. She opened the top of her 'tricorder' box and dropped them in. It was then she saw a cohcolate tootsie-roll pop in the bowl. "Um... can I have one more?" she asked coyly.
He laughed softly, his voice young and crisp. "Sure, help yourself. I got a lot to go around, anyway" he said, as he turned his head to see one of the animatronics was stuttering a little, before functioning properly once more. Continous use was bound to wear mechanical pieces. He looked at her costume, looking at her body to notice she was resembling a Star Trek character, with his limited knowledge on Star Trek. He was more of a Star Wars guy, though he hasn't watched a Star Wars movie in ages. "Hey, your costume looks nice," he said, before opening an ammo box under the table with a couple of king-sized candy bars. "Have your pick"
"Aw thanks! " Steph said as she did a twirl in her spiked bootheels. "I'm such a Trekkie geek..." Seeing the big candy bars and the cute guy's offer, Stephanie smiled.
"and thank you again! I love Three Muskketeers!" she said as she reached in and took one out. She jumped when her phone went off. "Ah, damn communicator..." she said with a slight blush.
She ignored it and said, "So that is a sharp military uniform you have there..." She took it upon herself to reach up and brush off what looked like some web from his shoulder. Satisfied, she looked back up at his face and asked, "Is there some contest on the best house decorations? I saw the Modern Family Halloween specials and I was curious.
"and thank you again! I love Three Muskketeers!" she said as she reached in and took one out. She jumped when her phone went off. "Ah, damn communicator..." she said with a slight blush.
She ignored it and said, "So that is a sharp military uniform you have there..." She took it upon herself to reach up and brush off what looked like some web from his shoulder. Satisfied, she looked back up at his face and asked, "Is there some contest on the best house decorations? I saw the Modern Family Halloween specials and I was curious.
He watched her brush the web off of his shoulder, not minding much. "Yeah. I was in the Air Force for a couple of years. I spent most of my time in Japan and Germany while I was deployed" he said, pointing at one of the two shiny medals on the collar of his uniform. "I was a First Lieutenant, and I had a pretty good attitude, according to the higher-ups," he said. "She looks a little too old to be trick or treating, but hell, you can never outgrow trick or treating" he thought, before remembering that she asked about a contest. "Nope, no contest. I just love Halloween. One of the best days of the year where I get to decorate my house all scary and give candy out to the young ones, and the ladies, of course" he said with a small chuckle, turning to face the street, and watching the trick-or-treaters pass. "Any plans for this special night, or are you just gonna hunt down candy?" he would ask Stephanie, turning so he could see her in his peripherals.
Steph acted like she was standing at attention when he mentioned he was a lieutenant. "Thank you for your service. My dad served in the Army." she said before relaxing. She didn't think there was a contest, but there sure were some wonderful house decorations.
Stephie giggled in the sort of way young teens do when he talked about loving Halloween. She was ninteen but she still seemed to lapse especially when out having fun, and she always gave an attempt at trick or treating every year.
"Oh, no plans really." she said before leaning closer and saying "I was going to have a Halloween party at the house but mom thwarted my plans by not going out of town like she planned. She put it off by a week..." Her voice was hushed as if she was afraid her mom would hear her all the way down the block.
"So... I just got dressed up and am wandering the neighborhood admiring all the cool decorations and seeing how many candy bars I can snag." she said in a coy voice like she was getting away with something.
Stephie giggled in the sort of way young teens do when he talked about loving Halloween. She was ninteen but she still seemed to lapse especially when out having fun, and she always gave an attempt at trick or treating every year.
"Oh, no plans really." she said before leaning closer and saying "I was going to have a Halloween party at the house but mom thwarted my plans by not going out of town like she planned. She put it off by a week..." Her voice was hushed as if she was afraid her mom would hear her all the way down the block.
"So... I just got dressed up and am wandering the neighborhood admiring all the cool decorations and seeing how many candy bars I can snag." she said in a coy voice like she was getting away with something.
He nodded. "Ah. Do what the teenagers do best, hmm? Drink and party while your parents aren't home? I did that once as a child, I got caught but my dad let the party go on only if everyone promised to clean up and not break anything, which we happily obeyed too" he said, as he noticed some small kids slowly making their way through his front yard. He prepared his bowl of candy, dusting off his uniform. "Well, I wish you the best on your candy hunt. If you need some more later on throughout the night but everyone packed up, you can always visit me again. I stay out here until about 4 in the morning, and I always have tons of leftover candy, as I tend to go overboard" he said with a kind smiled, holding out his hand to shake. "Oh, and I'm Clyde if you wanted to know"
"It was good to meeet you Clyde! And thanks, I will!" Stephanie said with a smile. She turned and walked back down the pathway to the road, putting a little extra in her step. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile and a small wave with her fingers before looking up the street to the next house...
Stephanie wrote:
"It was good to meeet you Clyde! And thanks, I will!" Stephanie said with a smile. She turned and walked back down the pathway to the road, putting a little extra in her step. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile and a small wave with her fingers before looking up the street to the next house...
He waved back as she waved at him, before passing candy to the children who came by his house
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