Not really sure what to write here, but looking foward to having fun roleplays with yall!
Hello and Welcome Ryotsunaka! Hoping you find RP Repository a fun place to spend your time !
I found this character creation help page invaluable in creating character pages here. Maybe it will be an assistance to you!
Have a wonderful time!
I found this character creation help page invaluable in creating character pages here. Maybe it will be an assistance to you!
Have a wonderful time!

Hey, welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lot of fun here! Be sure to check out the forums when you're ready!
hello, and may I personally welcome you to our website that thousands of people from all over the world come to when they are bored.
Hello and welcome to the site!
hello and WELCOME TO RPR!!!!

I'm new here too! But welcome!
Welcome, Ryotsunaka!
Lovely username
Hope you have a great time and plenty of fun rp's here!
Lovely username

Hello there, stranger! Welcome to RPR! I hope you'll have a lovely time here! 
There's a dropdown menu up at the top, with a lot of fun stuff in it- like Forums and Threads and Groups! Whee! There are OOC and IC forums, OOC and IC threads, and OOC and IC groups. There are some combo ones as well.
There's a lovely community made up of a lot of nice people, and there are a bunch of cool roleplays and cool characters, too! Yahooo!
You can see also that there's a Help section, which is very helpful, a Getting Started Guide, which is great for getting started, and also a Find RP area with a tool, which is great for finding RP!
I'm Shinyrainbowlithogra, and it's neat to virtually 'meet' you, heheheh!
I like animals, plants, reading books, cooking occasionally, watching anime, reading manga, and playing video games. What about yourself? Your username is pretty cool by the way.

So, maybe I'll see you around the site! Or, maybe I won't. Whatever the case, it was cool of you to introduce yourself, so thanks for that, and I'm glad to have been here to see it! Yup yup. Anyhow, you can feel free to message me at any time if you like, and I'll do my best to get back to you! We can chat, hang out, or throw questions at each other if you're confused about the site or anything like that. So!
Thanks for reading this far if you did, and don't forget to ask for a mod if you need some help with something on the site, or report a bug if you need to do that. There are report forms and Mod Request Buttons for those things, so. Use them if you need! Anyway, I hope we'll get along.
That's about all from me. Have a great time, have fun, be creative if you feel like you can, be good, and stay kind and respectful of your fellow RPRians, mods, admins, characters, etc., on the site! And stay cool. Or warm. It's chilly out some of these days, huh? Hahaha. Anyhow, maybe you can make some friends if you give it a try. Okay, byebye!


There's a dropdown menu up at the top, with a lot of fun stuff in it- like Forums and Threads and Groups! Whee! There are OOC and IC forums, OOC and IC threads, and OOC and IC groups. There are some combo ones as well.
There's a lovely community made up of a lot of nice people, and there are a bunch of cool roleplays and cool characters, too! Yahooo!

You can see also that there's a Help section, which is very helpful, a Getting Started Guide, which is great for getting started, and also a Find RP area with a tool, which is great for finding RP!
I'm Shinyrainbowlithogra, and it's neat to virtually 'meet' you, heheheh!

So, maybe I'll see you around the site! Or, maybe I won't. Whatever the case, it was cool of you to introduce yourself, so thanks for that, and I'm glad to have been here to see it! Yup yup. Anyhow, you can feel free to message me at any time if you like, and I'll do my best to get back to you! We can chat, hang out, or throw questions at each other if you're confused about the site or anything like that. So!

That's about all from me. Have a great time, have fun, be creative if you feel like you can, be good, and stay kind and respectful of your fellow RPRians, mods, admins, characters, etc., on the site! And stay cool. Or warm. It's chilly out some of these days, huh? Hahaha. Anyhow, maybe you can make some friends if you give it a try. Okay, byebye!


Welcome to RPR!!
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