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THE EGGMAN (played by Deltarunner)

"HA! Interested isnt even the phrase to describe my relationship with my craft! I am a robotic genius who is currently taking over the world. And people ask question like 'so your a scientist?'. I am a technological monarch, im more of a scientist than any of those white coat wearing goody goodies!"

[The person below likes nature. Unlike this evil doctor]
Nagisa (played by Reithesniper)

" Life down under the water is more than amazing, you should take a bath bald dude!" She basically whispered most of that before covering her mouth and walking off to go fix it

The person below likes seafood!
Seth McAllen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"I actually only really care for fish and stuff like seaweed that they make with sushi"

the person below me can cook
Eugene Fitzherbert (played anonymously)

"I am quite the cook, mind you!" He said proudly, "I once baked a cake for Rapunzel. It turned out great!"

The Person below me has a crush on someone.
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

Varian blushed, "Wh- What?! No I don't!" Yes he does.
Then he glared, "Hey wait a minute, you're a terrible cook. I helped you bake that cake, I know."

The person below me loves the countryside.
Seth McAllen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Once I retire from the army that's exactly where I'm going. Thanks for the idea"

the person below me is stronger than they think. You could use the encouragement
Tiso (played by Sunstruck)

Tiso scoffed at that comment, shaking his head, “Like I needed the encouragement! I know I’m great.” He lied, chuckling a tad.

The person below me has a pet.
Akio Hisakawa (played by Foxfarer)

A large, muscular yet soft looking man made his appearance. He gave a small chuckle, seeming amused before responding.

“I have a lot of pets. Well, more so fosters, but I have one happy dog and a gentle horse! I’ve taken care of any animal you probably can imagine,” he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as he spoke, “it’s a bit of work. But one that’s very rewarding.”

The person below enjoys mystery novels.
the-queen's-spider (played anonymously)

"Hm, indeed I do enjoy a few mystery novels every once in a while." The earl quipped as he looked to the blonde man.

The person below me has met an important person.
Queen (played by Deltarunner)

"why yes, i have met the most important person in the world. Me lmoa." She said as she burst out in regal laughter.

"Well, i guess my one and only peon is a close second. Shes very strong indeed, id like to rule the world with her." She said, with a biter sweet tone of voice.

[The person below has seen the weird side of the internet]
"Yep, the things ya find on Reddit and TikTok."

The person below just attended a baby shower for the first time.
"Huh? Oh, that's what it's called. It was a fun little party for Miss Kashino, although I didn't see any showers though."

The person below is dependable for their friends. :)
His appearance grew grim and he lowered his head. "I wish I was, little one. I could have saved my wife Hotaku, my brother Wolvenreign, and my sister Aleu from falling in battle. I have the strength to hold planets together with my hands, but I'm too weak to save those I love"

the person below me won't think I just became the world's biggest wet blanket kill-joy
Amber (played by Dib2435)

" Hey with all the aliens I deal with I seen some dark things that could quite a whole room. I gotten use to it. "

" the person below me has a to deal with alien species every day. "
Sapphire (played by SillySpider)

"Yep, there isn't a time I'm not dealing with other being among the stars."

The character bellow me hates water.
Cassandra (played anonymously)

Cassandra frowned, "Ah. Yeah, I hate water."
"Swimming is a big fear of mine." She muttered.

The character below me is/was/met royalty.
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

" Vampire, fairies, you name it. "

" The character below me has never seen a single episode of star trek "
Piper Taker (played by Foxfarer)

"Not one." Piper spoke out, smirking as she shrugged her shoulders. "Not a huge fan of the whole T.V. thing. Or electronics in general. They hurt my eyes."

The character below has a fear of being alone.
Toriel Dreemurr (played by Deltarunner)

"oh my, being alone is quite worrisome, witch is a bit strange comming from me considering that i live on my own in the ruins. Though in the ruins, though most monsters dont live there, it is still quite accompanied by the smaller, more calmer monsters. They dont talk much, but just some simple company is all i meed to be content, a simple old lady has no need to ask for much else."

[The person below has daddy issues]
Sunbeam (played by Sunstruck)

“Heh…Eh…” The skeleton trailed off as he scratched the back of his skull. “I don’t wanna talk about it. Reminds me ‘o too much.” He explained, an awkward laugh escaping him.

The person below me is afraid of heights.

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