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Forums » Forum Games » The Character Below is ...

The Hitchhiker (played anonymously)

"Yes, they are good for hydration and are easy to eat while walking."

The character below drinks beer.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"I do drink beer, normally with my Dwarven buddies, its always a fun meet up" he'd smile

The person below has sooooo many weapons
Irene (played by Drake_Lie)

"D*** right I do, I take weapons from my enemies once they are defeated"

The person below me loves cuddles, if they could, they would love to be cuddled all day every day with no breaks
"Yup! Piano would cuddle with us too!"

The person below dislikes seafood
Dusha Mächtige (played anonymously)

"Not really a fan of it." Dusha said flatly.

The person below has a pet
Medea summons a bunch of skeletons, everything from horses, to wyverns... they were all baby sized however "I like to collect; they're cute" She'd smile
Without a new ‘the character below is’-perimeter to let the game continue, there sprung a rift into existence right in the middle of the metaverse, which summoned no one less than Nice Man Blake’s younger self. A mere boy, no older than sixteen, clad in dusty salt miner clothes with what appeared to be a mix between a pug, frog and a fat mutated monkey huffing and puffing at his ankles. Blake’s smile grew wide, and in a zip, he lifted the creature into the air.

”Hey, got a pet right here! His name’s Danny, an’ he’s a.. a, uhh..” He flipped Danny around, watching his bare pot belly sink to his knees. His extended his tongue lick his eyeball, making a bubbling sound. ”I think he’s a two-tailed krathound, but he doesn’t really act like one all the time. Y’know, they’re ambush hunters and all that, but Danny just doesn’t dig mud holes and stuff, like, not at all.” Danny bark-burped, and began to wiggle. Clearly, holding-like-a-lion-prince time was running out. ”Prolly for the better, though. Dad would have me on latrine duty for a month if Danny dug out our floors again. Hey, wouldn’t he, boy?” Before Danny could answer, Blake drew his little buddy in close and squeezed him tight, sighing with relief. ”Man, you’re such a good boy. He’s the best! Danny here’s gonna have a front row seat if I ever get outta this town and see the wildlands again, y’know!” He put his two-tailed krathound down, wiping some of Danny’s snot off his shoulder. ”Or, scratch that, it’s not an ‘if’, it’s a ‘when’! A soon, even!”

Gleaming with pride and excitement, Blake then began to think of a new question. He squatted down by Danny’s side, absent-mindedly scratching through the animal’s scruffy, chestnut-brown fur. ”So, uhh.. yeah. All that, and stuff. So! The person below me has had their biggest dream come true! What was that like? Was it anything like you’d expected? I really wanna know! Not sure if I can hear the answer if the reality rift closes up, though..” Curious all the same.
Joot (played by Jooters)

"I went on an adventure!" Joot exclaims. "All my life I dreamed about going on an adventure... I read so many books about it, I heard of all the ones my dad went on as a knight, and all those things! And then I went on one! It was a little scary though and I got really really hurt all of the time..."

The person below won't admit their favorite color is pink
Kupid (played anonymously)

"I swear that it's just my Cupid's Uniform. The whole.. pink color scheme thing. I don't like pink!"
(He does like pink, a lot-)

The person below has an unusual job.
Ms. Charlie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...Damn, Guess I shoulda saw that coming..."

The person below mains Pyro from TF2
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

"Hmm mmm hmmf." ["Got me there"]

*extended mumbling which translates to: "The person below me sees the world differently, but only they know it."*
Nova (played by DisneyLover93764)

Pyro wrote:
"Hmm mmm hmmf." ["Got me there"]

*extended mumbling which translates to: "The person below me sees the world differently, but only they know it."*

*sighs* I do, and it's fun when your me.

Anyways, the character below has faced death every day and survived.
"I mean, I've kiiinda been in a warzone, and stuff!" Zero chirped, leaning his elbow onto his knee as he pondered this fact. "They didn't make me like, a soldier or something, but I did hang out with the soldiers and stuff. Sprite was one!" And to him, it went without saying that him and his best friend were a two-in-one package. So many times had he backseated her missions and expeditions, no matter how hard the Skylax'd tried to keep him at HQ. "And out in Konis, there were a lot of weirdos that wanted to hurt me. Like, bandit clans, Coalition generals, big scary animals and stuff. All that. They never got me though! Spritz helped me a couple of times, but I also know how to kick butt myself. And I got my magick tricks!" His eyes lit up and he drew his lips apart in a wide grin, lifting his hands into the air. Sparks of icy blue arcane plasma crackles around his fingertips; those with the aptitude to sense it, could feel the magickal aura in the room shifting and growing denser. "That's also kinda why I even ended up in da' Danger Zone to begin with, I guess."

Though his spirited sparkle remained, most of Zero's enthusiasm evaporated as heavier thoughts overtook him. "I mean, like, if I was born normal, I probably would've just lived a regular life with my dad, without all of that.. yeah, stuff happening." He flapped a hand about.

"But, umm.. anyways- next person!" He was better off burying that mental puzzle for a while. Zero's face brightened again and he turned to the next character awaiting their turn in the shadows of cyberspace. "So, umm, the character below me is a reeeaaaaally sound sleeper! Like, banging a pot above their head doesn't wake them up kind of sound." That had to be one of his favorite ways to pester Randle.
Zero Cameron wrote:
Zero's face brightened again and he turned to the next character awaiting their turn in the shadows of cyberspace.
"So, umm, the character below me is a reeeaaaaally sound sleeper! Like, banging a pot above their head doesn't wake them up kind of sound." That had to be one of his favorite ways to pester Randle.

Gillian absolutely sleeps like the dead. Bare as the day she was born, illuminated by beams of morning sun, the shadows of flapping wings dance over her face.
An outside commotion continues long enough to inspire her to stirring. The sounds of cooing doves gathering for breakfast comes in from beyond a slightly ajar sliding glass door.
The silhouette of a large wolfish figure moves onto the balcony, a long arm reaches toward a dish of mixed nuts and seeds surrounded by a group of chubby doves.

Our little, shaggy haired, sleeping beauty mumbles, "The character below makes really quality bacon pancakes..."
Tiffany Kraft (played anonymously)

“I do actually. My son loves them, and really loves it when I use the waffle iron and make bacon waffles!”

The character below likes taking walks in the rain.
"I used to before I joined the Marines.....does that count?"

The person below is a good cook
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"I'm good at making a lots of food except for desserts."

The person below is a huge fan of radios.
Peter Aichen (played anonymously)

Claude Cá Rô wrote:
The person below is a huge fan of radios.

”Indeed I am. From the highest tech to vintage finds at estate sales. Just restored this 1940 Philco and gave it to Ms Jezabel Logan as a furniture piece in her cafe.”
(Since no question was asked, I'll make up the question: the person below owns alot of tools)

"Aye. Not onleh are we Wreckers readeh ta fight at aneh time, we're also all inventors. We designed mosta' the best weapons the Autobots use"

the person below is a near-expert gardener
Galiena Reyns (played by Juls)

"Oh, I love gardening! There were beautiful gardens at the order where we grew vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Tending them was certainly my favorite chore. There's something about having your hands in the soil that brings peace to a troubled soul."

The character below is married.

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