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Forums » Forum Games » The Character Below is ...

Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

"Yes I am. Over twenty years now.."

The next character is divorced.
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"Divorce? I think you mean an unbinding, citizen. I am not, for I am an arm of The God-Emperor's might, and a Son of Sanguinius. May you bask eternally in the light of The Emperor"

the person below doesn'tlike seafood
Reynard (played by Chaotic)

"Have you seen the stuff they they pull out of the radioactive slag that used to be the seas? Once you've seen a beached Kraken in a death embrace with a rusted nuclear submarine, and their of roughly equal size, you realize that you're much better off away from the shore. No way I eat anything that lives in the sea. What kind of psycho would?"

The person below does like seafood.
the-queen's-spider (played anonymously)

Alois purred, "Fish and chips are my favorite food."
"Gosh, how can anyone not like seafood?!"
Alois leaned back in his chair, kicking his boots up onto the table that was somehow in the forum game.......

"The person below is a big stick in the mud, or rather, is considered one by others. They might not think it themselves." Alois smirked, hoping to cause drama it appeared.

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